>casual who only plays games on normal difficulty
>never played a Souls game in my life
Will I make it?
Casual who only plays games on normal difficulty
Souls games are only hard because marketing says so.
the first area will fuck your life, I died like 6 hours to the first 15 enemies.
But after you got the controls and realized that have to DASH IN every single time the game gets really good. It's an experience I will never forget
Yes, because the game is literally designed around the concept of dying and learning.
The reason why you're still a casual is because you're never forced out of your comfort zone. Souls is hardly fucking impossible, it just punishes you for not paying attention. Learn enemy patterns and how the mechanics work and you'll be fine.
It´s not that hard
the souls games are easy if you watch a lets play or use a guide.
>I died like 6 hours to the first 15 enemies
How? You suffer from some serious brain damage?
gascoigne will rape your boipussy.
You will end up spending quite a few hours in the first area, and the first few bosses will be incredibly stressful. But if you can push through, and git gud you will be in for a fun time
The games aren't "hard" per say (except a few difficulty spikes). They're just punishing and demanding.
The second you understand that this isn't DMC and you can't just mash attack, that any base enemy can kill you if you don't dodge, and that upgrading your weapon buffs your damage, you're good to go.
Most of the time when you die it's because you went full retard and rolled of a cliff or got stuck against a wall with 4 enemies hitting you.
Oprhan and Ludwig are true bullshit tho.