Is it worth it on sale? Please respond.
Is it worth it on sale? Please respond
>please respond
Fuck up cunt
If you treat it like a single player game its pretty ok. But if you are expecting a good mmo then no no it is not worth it.
For ten bucks it's a steal. The dlc mini expansions are pretty good too if you want to drop the 15 for a month of plus and play through them.
Scaling is pretty fucked since there feels like no genuine power increase since everything is scaled around you.
I enjoy my time with it.
Would you say it's better or worse than skyrim
Thanks for responding
You can't really compare it, depth wise, to Skyrim. I think it's pretty impressive what they got to work in an MMO engine.
If I had to say, it's like a streamlined Skyrim.
It has a surprising amount of content. I'd argue it is worth a try for most people, if you don't mind playing MMOs.
I remember dropping it during beta because it was so awful.
It has improved quite a bit.
So will i still get that sense of adventure and exploration, but it all across temriel?
>But if you are expecting a good mmo
Who, in this post WoW age, expects a good MMO anymore?
As just another fantasy game its pretty good. As an MMO its just like all the others.
Yes. I like it better than Skyrim, but I played it without mods.
Definitely. It doesn't have all of tamriel but it does have a massive amount. The zones it does have are wonderfully crafted and pretty large. It even encourages going out and around with the plane meld events and sky shards
It's average. Not shit but great. How sick of themepark mmos are you is the real question. If you haven't played the standard template to death it's not a bad game. Personally the world setting bores the fuck out of me so I can't get very far in it.
Solid mmo that doesn't screw you over, lots of decent quests, better than average combat system.
morrowind > ESO (with latest update) > Skyrim > Oblivion > ESO (before update)
patrician order
Forgot to mention, you won't be visiting like, vvardenfell or a good chunk of the Skyrim province. But places like hews bane for the thieves guild dlc are pretty beautiful, like impressively so for the type of game
The PvP is also pretty fun imo
The world design is pretty good. The areas feel like they have a greater purpose than just being monster pens (my main problem with FF14) and I actually feel encouraged to go off path (something that was missing from Neverwinter).
Patrician Order (revised)
Oblivion > Morrowind > ESO > Skyrim > Daggerfall > Arena
Shivering Isles, maybe. But base oblivion was pretty shit, I remember being hyped as fuck for radiant ai but when I was still naive about marketing.
Oblivion is borderline unplayable. You're a stupid millenial who grew up with it. I bet you like the prequels too.
Shit UI, shit AI, shit movement (like walking on butter), shit models, shit textures, unmoddable due to shit engine. "Muh quests!" - they were too basic. Morrowind and even fucking Skyrim are better.
Base Oblivion has the best quests and best factions, that's like 80% of the game. The only thing Morrowind has over it is a more interesting world.
What use are good factions/quests if the game is unplayable?
Slo-mo spell casting, walking but never touching the floor, weird ass zoom to talk, terrible voice acting.
The only people who like Oblivion are people who got into TES via that on their shitty xbox.
I hope you are at least 35 years old, otherwise you should know that you too are a millennial. Also that's an extremely retarded insult.
Now to address the rest of your post.
>Oblivion is borderline unplayable
Then what is Morrowind with its dice rolls, which are much worse than Oblivion combat system.
>Shit AI
Better than Morrowind's you goof
>Shit models, shit texture
I'm gonna stop you right there, in the year it came out Oblivion was one of the best looking games. It still holds up pretty good to this day, and the only bad models are those of NPCs which are easily fixable with mods.
>Shit movement
Only an issue in third person, I hope you seriously don't play in first person.
>Unmoddable due to shit engine
I didn't suspect this post was bait until I read this, now it all makes sense.
You seriously don't play in third person*
nice bait
i immediately lose respect for people when i see them play bethsoft games in third person
I feel like a new distinction needs to be made for those that were born after ~1992 and were too young to remember a time before the internet. Thats the group i think of when I use the word "millennials" (even though I know I am an actual millennial).
How else will i see my lizards tail?
>check out my lizard tail!
>presses POV key
>presses it again
>cool huh
Being playing Beth games since Morrowind back in 2004, always in third person beside archery and magic, even play Fallout in 3rd person when im not aiming, how an I supposed to immerse myself in the game if I cant even see my character, thats not role playing at all, big fan of the lore as well and never use fast travel.