What game is the Sam Hyde of RPGs?
What game is the Sam Hyde of RPGs?
Metal Gear Solid
What compels a person to post the same thread every day
unfunny overrated hack of a game? A steaming pile of shit. Quite literally a steaming pile of shit. I'm feeling quite generous today, for had it been any other day, he would probably equate a frozen dung.
Watch Dogs 2 youtube.com
Dont post this man. or his company.
So Undertale? XDD
>or his company
but Nick is best girl
is it ok if I don't understand a fucking thing this man says? I'm not a native english speaker
hitman absolution youtube.com
he said build wall
if I have to defend my rights
lmao libcucks rip
How has nobody posted this yet?
> (OP)
unfunny and spouting memes? borderlands, probably
Viewtful Joe
name 10 sam hyde memes