Confess your vidya sins
I'm over 6 hours into FF13 and I'm enjoying the linear ride.
Every time someone says gg in overwatch I report them for abusive chat even if they're on my team
Confess your vidya sins
I'm over 6 hours into FF13 and I'm enjoying the linear ride.
Every time someone says gg in overwatch I report them for abusive chat even if they're on my team
I bought a xbox one
I actually like ff13
And why report for gg? Is it because of the gg ez ban?
I fapped to this 10 years ago
And again a few months ago
Sometimes I have fun when I play video games
i have masterbated to zoe quinn more then once...
I spent 220 hours on Fate Extra
Nobody cares about you Zoe, go away.
Posting original before someone tries to bait with the pasta.
I savescum a lot. Also if I'm really desperate I might use a walk through.
I thoroughly enjoy Metroidvanias and have played a large amount of them I never played Super Metroid though
>reporting for gg
I never completed San Andreas, just 3, Vice City, IV and V
Wrong fucking board shitstain
I'm a Blizzard babby
A stomp isn't a good game. A close game is a good game. I've had a guy say gg to me after I stomped him so hard in 1v1 I almost felt bad for him. Huge mismatch in skill levels. I know some type it to be good sports like that guy but I've had many type it to be cocksuckers after stomping the enemy team.
>Neglecting your siblings like this
He didn't even say she blamed him. What is wrong with these people?
Dark Souls and FROMsoft are actually really garbage, but I still supported them one time when I was shitposting. I feel bad about it now.
i stopped playing dark souls at the iron golem because due to the bad camera and target system i missed like 2/3 of my attacks
I've never owned a PlayStation or Xbox. Only Nintendo systems, PC, and Sega back when they were relevant.
I still pretend I know things about them.
im not sure how long youve been into online gaming but it's etiquette to write gg since the fucking 90s, no matter how good or shit the game was. people just do it automatically out of habit, not to spite you.
but maybe this has changed over the last few years, i stoppled playing multiplayer fps when fast fps died.
ew you make me sick, you got really bad taste in fap material
what kind of a fucking antisocial turboqueer retard do you have to be to report someone for typing gg
My personal top 10 includes Pokemon Ruby and
I play as a grill evem though I am not one irl
You know gg means 'good game' right?
And I'm STILL angry at that shitbag!
I truly consider Kirby's Adventure the worst of the Kirby platformers.
I still regularly play retail World of Warcraft, and enjoy it on the whole. Less than I once did, of course, and I have little doubt that a sense of nostalgia is what keeps me going today, but here we are.
As I grow older and busier, I find myself spending what little video game time I have playing MOBAs and MMOs rather than games I might otherwise like to play.
>You know gg means 'good game' right?
I think that's the joke.
People took it to consistently mean git gud after the gg ez meme.
Now reporting people for saying gg is a running gag.
Online gamers have rather lousy humour.
I unironically enjoy Dark Souls II
I cheat in single player.
No biggie. I may or may not have fapped to this. Not recently tho.
>cant handle online banter
maybe you should go back to â„¢reddit, you thin skinned faggot.
>ice cold rain
fucking canadians
I stopped playing Dark Souls after Seath to play Dark Souls 3.
I still haven't returned and probably never will.
W-Which side user
My nigga on that second one.
I frequently give up on beating the final boss if the the difficulty spike is huge.
I feel I've played the whole game anyway.
You're missing out
It's also poor manners for the winning team to call gg before the losing team, and when that happens I can only assume malicious intent and therefore abusive chat.
I had to follow a walkthrough while playing through Valkyria Chronicles
I have no idea why, but I was so bad at the game.
I stopped playing Final Fantasy VIII because I got a complete GAME OVER from running out of time on Squall's exam in the beginning.
Couldn't be assed to start the game over if that kind of thing was to be expected.
Got hyped from xv
Relatable stance, but it's not automatically abusive chat either.
> it's etiquette to write gg since the fucking 90s
No, it became a meme in the 90s to do so, and to sperg out over people who are "rude" by not doing it.
It has nothing to do with actual netiquette, and the people who vociferously demand it are the very first ones to let their inner asshole off the leash.
The right :(
It was on xbox mods. AND WE WERE THANKFUL, back then.
I finished Zone of the Enders 1 with a walkthrough because i was too stupid to figure out where to go.
I got stuck at a scene not even halfway through ZoE2 and i haven't touched it since then.
I have never raised the difficulty in a videogame.
Over fucking Halo. If there's an even shittier franchise with undue credit I do not know of it.
Holy shit what s piece of crap.
>Losing team has to call gg first or its BM
Wow, what a delicate little flower you are
I come here just to argue with people.
I've played every single generation of Pokemon, but I am not going to play Sun Moon
I sincerely hope that cunt removed himself from the genepool.
Me too actually and I don't even really know why.
Maybe I'm just burned out on Pokemon.
Fuck this guy.
I finished Deus Ex Mankind Divided in Give me Deus Ex difficulty in 22 hours and i loved it.
DX > HR > MD > IW > The Fall
Go fuck yourself. If you're going to defend "gg! :)" because it's just sportsmanship then actually adopt everything else that entails. That includes being a gracious winner.
I bought both battleborn and NMS at full price.
Feels less like a sin and more like two, big fucking mistakes in a row.
I have over 120 games on steam and I've only beaten like 6
And how do you show youre a gracious winner? By a friendly statement of good game. Did you ever play sports in grade or high school? No matter if its a blow out or not, you go over as a sign of respect, give a handshake/five and a "good game." Dont be such an aspie, shut in.
Reading about FF15 makes me like FF13 more now. Planning to get the trilogy in a steam sale.
I enjoy playing MMOs alone because it's comfy and convenient being able to do what you want when you want. Deep down inside, I want friends but am reluctant to make any because every single one has quit the game before me.
I like collecting hardcover strategy guides to games I don't even own if they look good. It also makes for fun bedtime reading.
I think modern AAA games are shit but I would still like to be 'in the know' about them so I watch a complete non-commentary walkthrough of the entire game on youtube.
I like playing multiplayer games with bots instead of real people (Unreal tournament, Quake, Call of Duty, Counter Strike)
Started FF with 13, liked it, tried 7, dropped it a little bit after escaping the first city.
And , they ruined shiny hunting by increasing the odds, and introducing methods to get easy shinies so fucking normies can find these. Shiny hunting before was fucking tedious and that's what I liked
If the winner ggs first they deserve to be banned
I miss the shitstorm that barneyfag caused and the mystery that surrounded him now that he was doxxed
I feel like a ton of people do this though...I've got about 150 (give or take a few because of demos/betas) and I've finished maaaybe a dozen of them.
Rain doesn't make you sick though.
Allow me to up the ante. I've fapped to pic related multiple times.
Yeah no, youre just a salty cunt
I bought TESO and am looking forward to playing it despite not being a big TES fan.
I pre-ordered a game
I know the feel. Over the last 3 months, I've bought 7 games. Haven't even installed any of them yet.
No you fucking didn't, shut the fuck up.
Nigger I was captain of my football team in high school, I'm familiar with the procedure. But as it does now, nothing infuriated me more then than seeing someone (on my team or otherwise) rubbing it in with a shit-eating grin or a disingenuous remark. You waited until after the coach lectured you to celebrate, it was just common courtesy.
Never played FF7 or any Zelda.
Unironically enjoyed Dark Souls II.
Spent over $1000 on a Japanese mobile waifushit game.
Over 3000 hours in dota2.
>Spent over $1000 on a Japanese mobile waifushit game.
I'm not gonna judge you.
But I do want to know what game, and what waifu you had from it.
>Confessing your sins to the Pope
That could go horribly wrong
Cold doesn't make people sick either but extremes in temperature can do one thing -- they can stress a person's body and make it harder to fight off a virus or bacteria.
I did. Strongest after fap revulsion I've felt yet.
I really like open-world RPGs and specifically seek them out
>unironically enjoyed Dark Souls 2
>enjoying a good game is a sin
But you should be ashamed of that mobile waifushit and Dota 2 garbage. That's just terrible.
I bought someone games just so they'd erp with me.
I think Ocarina of Time is a piece of shit and is completely undeserving of the title masterpiece.
hello dobson, have you learned to be funny yet?
The only game that ive completed without getting frustrated and angry was Phalanx.
Point is, youre reading a WHOOOOOOOOOLE lot from 2 letters. "They can only say gg if the losers do first, the score is close, the planets are in alignment, and blah blah blah." Get real.
If they are saying it in the middle of a game, sure. Before the game is a foregone conclusion, sure, report. But when its over? Fuck you. There is also such a thing as being a gracious loser, as in not thinking what may be an honest display of sportsmanship as disingenuous just because YOU lost and are "infuriated."
what is there not to fap to? mission is amazing.
But why, user?
damn this is a good one
I've played metroid fusion (GBA) and loved it, but haven't played Super Metroid either kek
Have a thing for fantasizing about myself being forced to be attracted to usually ugly chicks
>getting mad over what a stranger says to you over a video game for children
I say "bg too ez" after any game of everything, regardless of whether I won or lost.
I like FPS on consoles because I'm terrible at them and they are overall slower and easier to aim with a controller.
I don't know if this is necessarily a bad thing, but PC people get #triggered hard if you suggest this is a good thing.
user, you're a weird ass nigga.
I actually liked hitman absolution. its not even close to be as good as the new one but still liked it
I actually enjoy angry joe reviews
That will get you a lot of pussy in life. Good job?
I got 100% on Skyrim including all DLC on PS3
I spent 130 hours today playing Wrath of the Gladiator on the 3DS.
Later I'm going to play European conqueror 3D AND pwn as some shit country like the netherlands LOL
I've spent more time on these games than the last two shit tier monster Hunter games
Post Waifu.
I won't judge your spending decisions but I will judge your taste in 2d.
I let my girlfriend spend thousands of dollars on LoL.
I've never played a Metal Gear game, and until Konami gets its shit together I refuse to.