This is Nep-Nep. Talk about her games here.
This is Nep-Nep. Talk about her games here
Other urls found in this thread:
So I don't have to say anything nice about her?
Just making sure.
It's better to not say anything at all if you don't want to say anything nice
delete this
it can't be helped
dat armpit pussy hnng
You faggots are the reason I have anger issues.
Fuck you.
What pictures is she talking about?
do you need to play rebirth 2-3 to understand the ps4 game?
Nep a day keeps the anger away
How about Noire's?
Which console is Noire meant to be?
I posted nep on my normiebook and my wife divorced me because she thought I was a pedophile.
Can I sue anyone over this?
How many neps could a nep nep nep if a nep nep could nep neps?
Okay, they're shit. You're welcome.
But I love you.
Just downloaded it and ready to play
which nep wud u tak a shit wit?
get the fuck out of here
...That's fucking stupid. Why would the most popular console ever be lonely? The lonely console should be Saturn or something.
You will be alone until the day you die. It's easy to laugh it off now but somewhere in your mid-30's you'll suddenly think of this post, realize I was right, and attempt suicide.
Fuck, these threads are insanely depressing. Bunch of fat virgins in their 20's playing incredibly bad JRPGs and masturbating to little girls.
Would you nep a nep's nepper?
Also, why is yellow heart the best girl?
who hurt you, user?
If Nep lore was meant to represent real life then Vert should be a loud dumb stoner and not a polite mature lady. Don't think too hard about it.
So it's generally agreed that the people that play these games are the more extreme outcasts right?
I enjoy playing this game and not even once have I had a lewd thought about the girls.
We all know life is ultimately meaningless unless there's a sekrit klub afterlife, but we might as well spend what time we have doing what we'd like to do.
>general on Sup Forums
>general on /vg/
>multiple generals on Sup Forums
>all of them probably with the exact same group of autists posting in them
What is the purpose? Do you really need 20 different threads to discuss "i wonder what does the nep ass smell like haha"
But user, my girlfriend also likes nep-nep
Didn't know there were people who still believed Neptunia is a serious attempt at real world parody.
yes. do you need 20 different e-celeb/overwatch waifu threads? fuck off nerd
Who let all the neogaf cross-posters into this thread?
>>general on Sup Forums
Oh yeah man, totally, especialy now that mods went full retard and are purging anything resembling a general
>>general on /vg/
And like with most threads there no one is retarded enough to go there
>>multiple generals on Sup Forums
Just like FFXV? Like Souls? Like Overwatch? Like Jojo?
What's the purpose of your bitching? Do you really need to repeat this almost every thread? Do you get off to it?
Literally worse than bronies.
>this pony is cute! CUTE!
>who is best pony?
>I'm gonna marry Fluttershy!
>look at this NepNep! LOOK!
>who is top Nep?
>I'm gonna marry Compa!
Blame Sup Forums. Their memes caused an influx of shitton of people.
t. brony
This is some kind of next level projection isn't it?
U mad lol.
Because she was made during the beginning of the PS3 era when it was the best console by far in Japan but nobody wanted to buy it because it cost something like a thousand dollars, and everyone stuck with their gamecubes and PS2s while waiting for huge price drops.
i wonder what does the nep ass smell like haha
You blame Sup Forums for EVERYTHING.
It's sort of sad.
>i bet Sup Forums did this
Where have I heard this before?
Digested pudding and dried dogoo cum
>Sup Forums tries to alienate newfags by being caustic and extremist as fuck
>you force jannies to ban Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums and allow newfags a safe haven to discuss internet celebrities without being yelled at as degenerates and sheep
>now you complain that Sup Forums brought you the newfags somehow
Is anyone crazy enough to buy enough of these to decorate a tree?
I blame /jp/ for everything
this is literally 2hu threads, just with neps
Can I play with Nep on RB2? I'm on Chapter 3, right after Ram and Rom joined the party and Uni has gone missing. I like some of the changes, like "side" characters being more active in conversations, but I miss my Nep and Noire.
and Sup Forums blames jews for everything, therefore the jews are to blame
they'll join later