Why aren't you in the bag, you little shit?
Back into Bill's PC, slave.
Are we gonna have this thread every day now?
Get in the bag Nigga!
Get in the bag Nebby!
Get in the bag Nebby!
Back in the back, you little shit
Get in the bag Nebby!
Get in the bag Nebby!
Die you degenerate barneyfag!
>bronies, this is your mindset.jpg
ancap memes are the best
Get in the bag Nebby!
Get out of my sight uggo thief traitor bitch!
Get in my bag bitch!
Is the plot of the main game just one big reference to Kill la Kill?
I want Guzma's battle squat for my trainer.
ho ho ho
No game specifically made for children should be this good holy fuck
what now?
how about i pew you, you little shit get the fuck inside me
Get in the bag Nebby!
What the fuck did you just fucking pew about me, you little fart? I’ll have you know I ran away from the Aether Foundation, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret experiments on Aether Paradise, and I have over 300 confirmed bags. I am trained in bagging and I’m the top bagger in the entire Alola region. You are nothing to me but just another fart. I will snatch you the fuck up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this PokeEarth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that pew to me over there? Think again, anal emission. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spineless protagonists and your farts are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Nebby. The storm that bags up the pathetic little flatulence you call your life. You’re fucking bagged, shitsmell. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can bag you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in snatch n' grab, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Louis Vuitton and I will use it to its full extent to catch your miserable puff into the confines of my handbag, you little sphincter squeak. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” pew was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking gases. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn rectal rip. I will bag fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking bagged, Nebby.
Get in the bag Nebby!
Another missed opportunity brought to you by GameFreak
where can i buy a bag like that
Taking your wife and cosmic adopted space child to church to be a good loving christian family!
what if the anime is before the games and it ends with Lillie rescuing Nebby from Aether
they wouldn't do something that awesome
they already botched her personality
>Accidentally on other pause menu, touch Poke Pelago
>Have to sit through that scene again
Why could they have not made all the extra menus on the touch screen again?
Why is Super Training gone?
Why can't you grind EXP anywhere post game?
Why is Rotom Pokedex even there?
>Super Secret Bases were only present in ORAS
>Can't go to fan-created Blissey bases for super easy leveling in Sun and Moon
What is it with Game Freak and stripping convenient features just to add different convenient features? Why can't everything just be retained and carried forward? The dev team needs to be shot and replaced with people that have common sense.
>now you can see yourself and your opponent on the field in addition to your Pokemon
>it tanks the framerate in doubles
What asshole thought this was a good idea?
>it rains
What happened?
How bad is Anime version?
I'm starting to think the Pokemon games wouldn't have these problems or have to "push" the 3DS so far if the series stayed with 2D sprites. I feel like having everything in 3D really doesn't add anything and just pointlessly wastes power.
But then we wouldn't have 3D models. And we need those 3D models for SFMs
Hey brahs what's going on in this thread
game lillie is a timid child who hates seeing pokemon battle because she hates seeing pokemon get hurt, and has picked up on some pokemon knowledge because she's living in the lab
anime lillie is a huge nerd who spends all her free time studying pokemon and can't help but to blab her knowledge, and is scared shitless of pokemon and hates touching them
why did they have to make the flying animation so long? it takes forever compared to the two seconds it took in gens 1-5
reminds me of
The models are all apparently really high poly, SM is basically going to be the last 3DS entry as these models and systems were almost definitely designed for a stronger system, such as the upcoming Switch.
Is Ash gonna cuck us again and fuck her too?
pls go
No, she's gonna get Nebbed
You're acting like Gamefreak has ever made good ideas. Literally every game is helded together by tape, and dozens of new half-assed forgotten gimmicks stack on top of each other.
first real foray into 3D so the cracks are much more noticeable than normal. They're still as incompetent as ever.
Surely this isn't real. What episode?
Episode 03 of Sun & Moon Anime.
You have no idea how hard the framerate can really drop.
>Double battle
>it rains, thinking that it couldn't get any worse
>The opposing Pokemon used Sandstorm!
There's no way they wouldn't know, just look at Glaceon's hair design
SM Ep 3
>Meowth doesn't even share an egg group with Gardevoir
Confirmed for sexual deviant.
Will the Pokemon Sun and Moon anime spoil the game for me?
It is and don't call me Shirley
It amazes me that Z-Moves have perfect fps.
>entry-level pleb-tier waifumons
Meowth confirmed to have shit taste.
they knew about glaceon back when they learned fucking fishdog was causing boners. they just said fuck it make the ice one sailor venus.
I sorta kinda get what they see in the other ones, but a fucking quadruped?
I shudder to imagine how far Gen 8 is going to take the waifufaggotry. Mallow's "trial" alone makes me think we're going go full softcore soon enough
No, the main cast is way too different from their game versions and the main plot of the game won't be touched for years or in a movie.
Unlike the previous series, Sun Moon is completely different.
>What is raichu's Z-move
Not for about a year, at least. It's only just started, and there's no guarantee it will even closely cover the game's plot.
Unless you consider regular new Pokemon spoilers.
not to mention Olivia who cannot stop announcing she's a single slut looking for love and showing off her strong long legs and round ass
Do you think trials will happen at some point?
I think its better for them to have cretive freedom, it was what made gen 1 anime good.
Ash already said he's going to do them, but I imagine he'll start in about ten episodes or so.
Have you been to her room? There's plush toys everywhere and your MC says "they are popular among single ladies"
Had a good laugh there.
Where my Lana bros at?
Female Popplio get
Time to get to the nursery and whore this slut out
during the battle royale tutorial I felt like I was watching a slideshow on my 3ds
tempted to upgrade now...
Just wait for Stars.
Soon friend, you'll have your episode.
yeah it gets a bit weirder in the Shady House when there are TS chick rooms with dirty laundry everywhere and you can smell the beds
Why the fuck can't you change your pokemon's pokeball? My starter deserves a luxury ball not a damn normie pokeball
Easier to spot hackers.
>tfw rans out of ultra balls and somehow caught a Beldum with a heal ball/spoiler]
The music for the regular grunts is great. Too bad they're kinda useless the entire game.
>getting anywhere in life whatsoever
Highest of all laughs.
He got kissed by the last interest and then immediately chucked after and STILL hasn't won a single league.
join the balltism club
That's bullshit nowadays.