Modern vidya shit

>autosave and respawn
>stupid items / costumes DLC
>sandbox survival

>social media integration

>every romanceable character is bi

>hard difficulty is not available until you complete a normal difficulty first run

that's not modern at all

just watched this episode earlier today... weird.

Autosave is one of the few perks of modern gaming that I do enjoy.
Nothing more frustrating to lose an hour of gameplay because you were so caught into the game that you forget to save your shit.

Yeah but how about wanting to revisit a level, and not being able because no chapter select and autosave always overwrite

>Life regen
>Obvious clues for puzzle sections
>easier everything
>DLCs instead of xpacks
>DLCs everywhere in every shape and form, DLCs on day one
>preorder bonii
>unfinished products
>Unneeded open world that cripples the narration.
>political agendas (not really new but still an issue)
>f2p features in p2p games


>Shit I want to visit chapter 1 so badly rn
>I'm glad I haven't saved since then so I'll just ditch this fucking chapter 5 and go back to 1 and play through the game again

>He thinks expansions aren't DLC

They packed more content and were 2/3 max per game.

>Normal difficulty always too easy
>jump to Hard is always too big
>Easy difficulty is "literally how retarded do you have to be at this game to need this" tier

This. I remember when buying an expansion pack meant something for the game you were playing.

That doesn't take their DLC status away. DLC can be either expansions or small shite.

They should make a distinction between customization/item/cosmetic DLC, and a game episode /expansion

>Companion app

>sandbox game

95% of the time this means the game is shit

Why? DLC literally just means downloadable content.

Why not? They are pretty different

>No singleplayer content at all
>Only online multiplayer

I'm pretty sure some old games let you use/unlock hard difficulty at the beginning.

That's what I call a no-game

It's all DLC, again, downloadable content and you can see what said downloadable content includes.

>Unnecessary RPG/leveling elements in non-RPG games


>twitch integration