Half Life 2 sucks

>For years, constantly hear how pic related is the best game ever made.
>Finally get it on sale, and play through it in about 6 hours.
>One of the most boring things I have ever played in my entire life.
I seriously do not understand why people say this fucking game is incredible. This is one of the most boring, most blandest fucking games I've ever experienced. And not only that, but it also makes literally no fucking sense.

>The Combine are extremely powerful
>For some reason, they decide to kill of a shit ton of humanity, and then capture the last of the remaining humans and put them in big cities(?)and then torture and fuck with them.
>Never explained why they do the things they do, but gamers say that this is somehow an incredible storytelling narrative, because it "leaves things open to interpretation" and for discovery.
>There is literally nothing to discover in the game at all. It's just a tech demo.
>The AI is braindead as fuck youtube.com/watch?v=e0WqAmuSXEQ

I almost fucking quit the game during that god damn boat sequence. Holy shit, could they have dragged that fucking shit out any longer? There was nothing fun about driving in a waterboat for fucking hours being chased by a helicopter. Ravenholm was SOMEWHAT interesting, but after that it all went downhill.

Never before have I experienced such a lack luster, boring, uninspired game in all my life.

Half life 2 fucking sucks.

Other urls found in this thread:


>waaaaah why doesn't it play like doom, I wanna be a god again

Me and my sister were blown away when we saw that if you knocked a bottle over and it fell a few feet then it shattered.

>guuuuuys help i don't know how to turn on cheats this game sucks

Excellent campaign, fun story with memorable characters, plays with physics in ways a lot of games don't and in ways games didn't back then.

You don't need to like everything.

Real gamers only got it for counter strike source and modding, none of us gave a shit about it.

Meanwhile all "journalists" called it greatest game ever but they didn't even know how to turn on a computer, HL2 is bullshit that was only ever enjoyed by fags.

Speak for yourself.

>Real gamers
What a fag

He's right though

>SammyClassicSonicFan reviews HALF LIFE 2

He isn't if I disagree with him though.

>There is literally nothing to discover in the game at all. It's just a tech demo.
I'll give you that.

>case in point

The Halo of PC FPS, aka babby's first

dissenting opinions?

>people still bitching about the boat sequence after all these years when it was clearly meant to show off the Source engine's capabilities (which was pretty great when it came out and even for years afterwards)
Shit I didn't play it until I got the Orange Box on my fucking 360 and I was still impressed, it's actually sad seeing so many new releases today not have as many cool TECHNOLOGY moments as Half Life 2 from 12 years ago.

>Real gamers
fuck off, CS was just the Call of Duty of its time

That's because you're under 20 years of age and never experienced FPS in its prime without a million cutscenes and with ACTUAL GAMEPLAY

I think the game is great, overrated as fuck though the vehicle sections suck ass

Also why do people say hl2 has a good story? Have they never played another game that has a story?

Hey, I saw this post before.

You're a fucking retard.
Half-Life 2 makes you feel like more of a special snowflake than Doom ever did.
>Somehow manage to survive hundreds of Combine soldiers.
>Yeah, the Combine - an extra dimensional alien force that single handedly destroyed all of Earth's militaries in 7 hours, can't take down a fucking single dude wearing an orange hazmat suit.
Oh yeah, but you're not a god. Not at all.

I feel sorry for you, honestly.

You just ahd to be there in order to understand the huge impact the game made on the gaming community.

Here, have a review made back in the day, maybe it will help you.


I'm in the same boat. Played it years later and just couldn't finish it, thought it was boring as all hell. I've restarted it multiple times and never finished it. I'm fine with narrative-focused games, but Half Life 2 does absolutely nothing for me. The shooting is bland, the physics, while I'm sure were impressive at the time, don't really save it.
If a game can't hold the test of time, it's not a great game in my opinion. There are still a multitude of games I can go back to playing and still have genuine fun, but not this.
Not like my post matters, people will just say I'm trolling because they can't get Gabe's dick out of their mouths.

If ya gotta tell yourself that.

Among game stories I would say that it reaches so short of what it COULD that it is a better story for it's restraint. The world and the characters could be cracked open wide with ridiculous logs and cutscenes and codec messages but it's just a science experiment and then a resistance and escape. I think it is very good.

I agree. Everyone is going to call you a troll though because "muh masterpiece"

the thing is that it's a technology MOMENT
not a technology fucking takes hours

Can we just start posting FakeFactory screenies

I personally preferred the Episodes to the main game. Much better imo, especially Episode 2.

boat sequence shouldn't take you HOURS to be fair.

Nigger, listen to me.

The game itself is shit. It's fucking horrible. It's not fun.

The technology behind that does not change this fact. The technology behind that, as revolutionary as it may be, can not make up for it's horrible fucking story or presentation.

>taking hours on the boat sequence
Christ dude I'm awful at vidya and even I got through it in under an hour

>If ya gotta tell yourself that.
It's sound reasoning though. Do you really think the unskippable cutscenes and awful weapons IMPROVED the game?

They knew it was terrible and that's why they leaned on the gravity gun. Pic related, the worst feeling weapon in video game history

Never understood the luster of HL, lots of better games out there, and while it was 'good' for its time. It is an old relic that has aged poorly

Oh boy, I sure do love standing around doing nothing for a couple of minutes while people talk to me.

>can't take down a fucking single dude wearing an orange hazmat suit.
>12 years later I still don't understand that Gordon is constantly being watched over by a demi-god alien

but it IS fun, it ISN'T shit or horrible. You just didn't enjoy it. Stop calling things shit that clearly aren't.

I don't agree with you.

>play 12 years old game that influenced fps genre so much that every fps since then is a carbon copy of half-life 2
>omg bros it's shit!!!
you are a legit autist, son. it's like driving a 60s porsche and saying your nissan is way better than this shit.

It's both a good game and a good tech-demo. Or rather was, don't forget that you're talking about a 12 year old game.

It's obvious the gameplay wouldn't have been hailed the way it was, if it weren't for the impressive tech demo side of it. But honestly - why do you give a shit? You played the game 12 years after it's release, the game itself and your opinion on it is irrelevant.

Please enlighten us on what your most fun games are instead of just being Sup Forums incarnate

Reading comprehension is an important skill. Try it some time.

It's still infinitely better than a real cutscene.

I love a lot of the weapons in HL2. The Pulse Rifle sounds and feels great, the shotgun is satisfying while not being a brick-wall blaster and guns like the rivet gun and the RPG round it out as a plethora of good weapons that aren't literal aliens.

>This is one of the most boring, most blandest fucking games I've ever experienced
You can't have fun with grenade launchers, an anti-gravity gun, and a gun that shoots a ball of energy that vaporizes anything on contact?

great tech demo back in the day, shit game.

the only reason why half life 2 is considered such a masterpiece is because muh physics engine

half life 1 is the superior game by far

No, it's not. You can skip a cut scene. You can't skip the parts of Half-Life 2 where you're just waiting for Alyx to stop talking.

Half-Life 2 is a cool game that is still fun to play. Dunno what's OP's talking about, he's really spoiled if this is "one of the most boring, most blandest." Or maybe he only like 3-4 FPSes in all of vidya history and thinks the rest all suck.

Who knows, not worth arguing with someone like that.

I too love Saints Row 4.


It's like Crysis. No one remembers the fucking game, just that it looked/handled good.

That's always so satisfying.

>You can skip a cut scene
Tell that to Max Payne 3

>influenced fps genre
Lol fucking kids

Half Life 1 revolutionized fps genre half life 1 was a technical masterpiece

Half life 2 was an uninspired piece of shit sequel made to sell CS:source through DRM to make valve rich on their Steam platform.

Again, no gamer gave a shit about HF2 except for CS source at the time, only the media did and cucked fags like you who later wanna rewrite history. Half life 1 and CS 1.6 were bigger successes and greater games than their shitty sequels.

Literally proves my point even more that Gordon is a special fucking snowflake.

Did you buy it during this Steam sale?

Your expectations couldn't have been that high if you waited until the game finally hit $1.99 before buying it.

except Crysis actually feels worse to play today than Half-Life 2 due to the god awful weapons, enemy physics, etc

I think most of us can agree Episode 2 is still great.

Just take a breather for a second, or like get a drink and stand up if you don't want to watch the cutscenes of a game with lots of characterization. Like, why are you playing this kind of game if you're literally so ADHD raddled.

How can you say this when I played Crysis and hated it on release but loved it years after the fact? Your thesis is wrong.

>Half life 2 was an uninspired piece of shit sequel
oh boy here we go. half-life 2 is half-life 1: outside edition. stop deluding yourself into made up bullshit.

The force that rekt the military left earth some time ago before hl2. The ones you see are just a security force keeping humanity on a leash, except advisors who could kill you in a split second but we never "fight" them. The portal they were trying to open in episode 2 was meant as a means of transporting their main boys again to fuck shit up for the second time this time for good

>muh special snowflake
fuck off, the protagonist in every game is a special snowflake. Even the other characters in the game acknowledge that Gordon is remarkable.

>But HL set the tone for all shooters!
Except for HALO, CoD, Bioshock
Don't make me kek so hard Sup Forums

You can say graphics.

Bioshock is hella HL2 like.

It's a impressively well crafted generic fps.
It may not be the most revolutionary fps ever made, but few games in it's genere has the level of polish that HL2 has.

>CoD, Bioshock
Call of Duty 1 and 2 are okay but no one remembers them, Bioshock came out in 2007 and didn't do anything special.


The car sequence is top tier.

And HL2-style cutscenes are clearly made with ADHD players in mind. You can screw around with physics objects the whole time.

I still had fun with Crysis, though.

>plsy game
>remember THAT part
Literally every level of this game. Not just yhe boat, but every fucking levels drags on too long. I was about to say "especially the level whet're you..." but then remember its literally every level.

Pc turds are so far up their own ass they literally are blind to criticism of shit like wolfenstein, quake, witcher, half life, ut, system shock, deus ex, stalker and mount and blade. Thry actually think these are perfect flawless games

They deflect criticism by sucking the "oh but it did x first or was revolutionary in y wat" dick.

You know, like nes/snes nostalgia babbies who hate literally anything that isnt a wd metroid or zelda on those systems.

Those.people who swear unintellgible pixel shit is 'art' and hate 3D.

Tldr idiots who dont actually debate

If you can't enjoy something because of a preconceived notion that everything with element X in it, is automatically bad - you're a genuine retard.

What a fucking moron we have here. Who the fuck turned the computer on for you today and let you on the internet you little retard?

>Showing off the only enjoyable level in the entire game
>Immediately coincides with the moment AFTER you get the gravity gun

Ravenholm was a diamond in the rough. From that point on in the game you go through slog sequences involving the buggy, an annoying crane event, jumping on objects in sand to avoid ant lions (actually it's very easy to just outrun the ant lions), a ridiculous ant lion army snoozefest in Nova Prospekt, an hour of playing with easy hold the line moments with turrets while waiting for Alyx to unlock doors. Then a very long and tedious march into the center of the city where basically nothing happens except fighting a few striders. Next is a gigantic cutscene ride up the tower where you can do nothing but sit and stare until your gravity gun gets overcharged and the game just becomes absurd as you toss Combines around like toys. Finally you endure another long cutscene in Breen's office and chuck more combines around, break a few spinning plates with the gravity gun and the game ends.

It has a solid atmopshere and setting but upon replaying it at any point you have to sit there twiddling your thumbs until the game says it's time for you to have fun again. Except the level design in the whole second half basically says no fun allowed.

Alright there then, off the top of my head.
>half life 1
Half Life 1 is literally a million times better than half life 2 ever was. Half Life 1 had exploration and storytelling in the most smallest places. Everything in Half Life 1 had a reason for being there. The AI is extremely advanced and realistic there too. Shit, even the fucking roaches have complex AI.

>System Shock 1 & 2
System Shock 1 and 2 are fantastic. I can replay both any time of the year, any time of the day, and not be bored. First time I beat the second game I played through it about 6 more times consecutively.

>Deus Ex 1
Need I say more?

>Jedi Outcast
Best Star Wars game. Great light saber combat. Can take years to become good at dueling.

These are all fun games with great story telling and world building(with the exception of Jedi Outcast). Far better examples of storytelling than Half Life 2 could ever hope to have.

If a cutscene that holds you in place was meant to somehow cater to people who can't, then yeah I guess you're right.

>no one remembers cod 2
LOL well you don't obviously as you were probably not even a seamen in your dads balls yet.

>Like, why are you playing this kind of game if you're literally so ADHD raddled

Because HL1 wasn't like that at all you underage. It's almost like the people who praise HL2 never played HL1 or grew up in the in the 2000's when first person shooters turned into slow story games I swear.

HL totally was. There are definitely more cutscenes, and they are longer, but HL definitely made you wait.

>>you are a legit autist, son. it's like driving a 60s porsche and saying your nissan is way better than this shit.


we are just arguing with a children that cant understand things outside of his historic context. He probably also thinks the godfather movies are overrated and that the Beatles are crap.

half-life introduced railroad levels and story. it is first game that takes itself seriously and split into shoot-watch sequences. yes, it literally set tone for all shooters. cod is half-life without puzzles and more cutscenes, bioshock is so half-life it's not even funny. bioshock infinite is literal copy of half-life 2 and episodes to the point elizabeth makes same moves and gestures as alyx.

Dumbasses, the fucking thing I was trying to say was that Gordon IS still a special snowflake and God. The user I was responding to was try to say otherwise.eThanks for proving my point though idiots.

Seinfeld effect.
When you revolutionise a genre/medium you will inevitably be aped by your contemporaries. What was original becomes standard, and the expectations of consumers are raised.

Saying "Seinfeld isn't funny" or "Halflife isn't revolutionary" is the same as saying "I am a newfag".

Crysis still has good graphics as it did in 2007 when it released but it's not fun to play. Chinks take 20 rounds from the SCAR to kill, once they're dead you can't move their body, when sprinting at an enemy with speed mode they stop you as if you've run into a wall, and honestly you feel really slow and clunky when you aren't using speed, which burns through your energy in less than 2 seconds.

>Again, no gamer gave a shit about HF2 except for CS source at the time

Haha dude absolutely not, you must have been underage or had no clue back then because that's exact opposite of the general mood in 2003-4

Whenever I think of HL2 I keep thinking back to that scene after the lighthouse where a NPC is talking about his journey with his dead comrade, having no idea who you are.

Made the world feel a little more alive.

>G4 and every other gaming news outlet paid to shill it out the ass
>Friend who was a fan of the original HL got bored and had me beat half of it for him in his absence
>Occasionally we played DM with shotguns only, because that was the only way to make it interesting
>Everyone else I knew just played Halo

I was in college at the time, maybe you had to have been 12 to get the impact

I'm 27, I got CoD 2 for free with an nvidia video card and thought it was just another boring WW2 shooter.

hl2 came out 2004, kid. a year were you pleb just began to form coherent sentences.
we were all hyped. hl 1 was six years ago. my best friend's father bought them a new pc just to play it on max.
those graphics and especially physics were top notch.
it is not the great masterpiece people sometimes tell. but it was a goddamn great shooter.
>pinning combine with the resistance crossbow against the wall
>grabbing a grenade mid air with the gravity gun then throwing it back
>tearing zombies apart with a buzz saw in raven fucking holm while listening to father gregori's righteous mad preachings
>leading the resistance in a guerilla warfare

go play cod, hide behind a corner and wait for your health to regenerate, kid.
you are not worthy to be a goatee wearing free man.

CoD2 looked good, but CoD was always really fucking boring and pointless feeling.

Only what... twice in the intro?

>>The Combine are extremely powerful
>>For some reason, they decide to kill of a shit ton of humanity, and then capture the last of the remaining humans and put them in big cities(?)and then torture and fuck with them.
>>Never explained why they do the things they do, but gamers say that this is somehow an incredible storytelling narrative, because it "leaves things open to interpretation" and for discovery.

The Combine is like the Galactic Empire from Star Wars except a million times worse. Imagine if the Imperials could just materialize their whole fleet in the sky of a planet instantly. That's the Combine. Their portal technology allows them to instantaneously deploy as many ships as their portals allow; which is a lot. Also the Empire doesn't use people who stand against them for scientific experiments. That's why the gunships look like whales and their vehicles have a almost-biological feel to them; the used to be creatures that were assimilated into machines. You also probably didn't get to the part where they show the Stalkers and the implications of them. Also I remember the Empire occupying their conquered cities and states like the Nazis, not like Big Brother from 1984 which is what the Combine more than accomplishes with their technology as well as the "Suppression Fields" that prohibit humans to procreate.

I remember the part where I got to the beach, tried to go into the water and promptly began to be eaten alive by the lamprey-things from the first game. This is interactive response instead of just having invisible walls but it also serves the world and the story. It implies that the oceans, and sea-life have been exterminated and or replaced by the Combine. That's just my take on it, they never say anything about it.

This is all shown as implications or lines of dialogue the story in half-life can either be neglectable or deeply engrossing.

>All the strides in physics simulation HL2 made are meh and not worth mentioning
>ROACH AI on the other hand

Your taste is impeccable user, I like you.

>hl2 came out 2004, kid. a year were you pleb just began to form coherent sentences.
>a year were you pleb just began to form coherent sentences.

I still don't agree with you.

Better in every way besides graphics. Don't know why Sup Forums give it no attention

>Seinfeld effect
No, more like Seinfeld was great and revolutionary and awesome like Half Life 1 then later some retarded gen Z cucks watched the bee movie and thought that is what was the greatest thing ever and where jerry Seinfeld revolutionized tv comedy like half life 2 while we older and real fans or gamers knowing the truth has to listen to you dumb fucks repeat bullshit.

But WHY are they fucking doing it? WHY keep all those humans alive just so they can rebel? Why not just turn them into overwatch soldiers, and then harvest the fucking resources of the planet? That's the fucking point I'm trying to make.

That was my feeling, I didn't understand the hype it got from 360 players. Maybe it was because it was a 360 launch title and they needed something to justify their new console.

>everyone always splits in half the same way no matter where the saw connects