Looking for good mmorpg

I want to get into a good f2p mmorpg(Non P2W!!)
List of mmorpgs i tried:
Wildstar,Wow,Blade and soul, gw2 , Neverwinter,Archeage :/, Dc Universe online, Age of Wushu,Tera,

>f2p mmorpg(Non P2W!!)


Tell me if you find such a thing OP

What are you 10? Ask your parents for some chores to pay for a real game.

Op here is aion any good now days i played it like in 2010.

Club Penguin

Damn senpai I admire you for still hoping you'll ever find a "good" mmo after playing what are considered the better ones of the past decade.
Or maybe you're just retarded.

Age of Conan might keep you occupied for a while, it's got good lore and exploration, good customization but other than that it's kind of boring

>good f2p mmorpg(Non P2W!!)
Literally doesn't exist. Get a job.

Project 1999
Nasomi FFXI

you can try nostalrius

may as well try eve

TES Online.
No, really, it's actually really good. It had a rough launch but they fixed it up quite nice.



Alright faggot let me break down why you and nobody else should buy the game.
>Buy to play
>Pay to play with an-game subscription that is required to be competitive
>Cash shop items that provide boosts you cannot get in-game and are required to stay competitive
>RNG cash items that provide stats that are required to stay competitive, get ready to spend upwards of $400 to get the stats you want
>Pay to Win you can buy and then sell your cash items to gain silver which then can be used to buy better gear
>The game is based around gear, you will never "outskill" anybody. ever.
>Everything in the game is RNG based, enchanting, drops, cash items, horse breeding, money you get from trade runs, fishing, gathering, if it's in the game it's RNG.
>Class balance is fucked, hard. Ranged classes typically dominated in the early part of the game and now they have Awakenings.
>Awakenings are huge boosts to classes that make them super insanely powerful, not all classes have them right now
>Awakenings were supposed to all come out at the same time but the devs lied and eventually decided for a staggered release, stretch that content a little further
>More dev lies. They said cash items would never provide boosts, that you could never sell cash items, that our version would be different than korea's, that our game wouldn't be as braindead as korean, and of course the PvP bounty system
>Speaking of PvP 1v1 doesn't exist so get prepare to get zerged by entire guilds all the time
>Also open world PvP doesn't exist they removed all penalty for dying and only the attacker loses anything, so nobody does it
>Sieges, the things guilds can do to take cities, dominated by zerg guilds either join one of them or miss out entirely

If you need info about anything else ask up, I'll let you know how shit anything about this game is just so one more person doesn't waste their time

You can get a base FFXIV key with 30days gametime for 10€

But he has already played WoW

what's the game btw?

I never really played a MMORPG but I guess that F2P MMOs aren't good and F2P without P2W seems really unlikely

I've just been thinking about getting FFXIV.

It's literally WoW but less non grindy stuff to do and horrible aesthetics, everything looks like plastic

Just pay the ten bucks for ESO and play that. Very little p2w, its quite active, and the purchase fee keeps out most of the BRs. Its changed a lot since launch having dropped the sub fees and opened up the whole game to all levels and factions.

Well, I think that WoW looks like shit while FFXIV is beautiful.

well then you are wrong and should just stop playing games.


There are no good MMOs at this moment and probably never will be so don't try

Runescape is still the best MMORPG.

Maybe you should shut up and kiss me already