Black Friday weekend

>Black Friday weekend
>Work for Target
>Electronics area
>Fat white autistic manchild comes up to me and asks for a white ps4 controller
>Scan the shelf label
>Out of stock
>"Can you please go check in the back?"
>Tell him we have nothing located in the back, everything's out
>"Ok but can you just double check in the back?"
>Show him my scanner, says out of stock
>"Okay can you please go check?"
>Tell him again in a louder voice we are out of fucking stock
>"Dont lie to me mann can you please check, I wanna speak to your manager"

>2 hours later he returns
>Rings up a PS4
>Asks why he isn't getting a gift card
>Tell him there is only a gift card deal for Xbox
>Tells me to look at the sign
>Walk over to Ps4 display
>Gift card sign there most likely placed by someone else mistakenly
>"I want my gift card, I wanna speak to your manager"
>Manager comes over, told him he can't get a gift card because it's only for the Xbox
>"Then you shouldn't have put the sign there, I want you to give me the gift card deal the Xbox got"
>AP manager finally comes over, tells him no and to stop harassing our staff and fuck off or get kicked out
>Kid waddles his fat ass out the store and never returned

I swear it was one of you, he was incredibly autistic

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>work at GameStop for black Friday
>some fat dude comes in for the PS4 Uncharted plus another game deal
>he wants ratchet and clank but we're out of it
>tell him he can get last of us for free instead
>after a conversation on both games he decides to pick it up for free, I promise him to hold a copy of R&C for him and give him a discount
>he leaves

>working retail

It was probably him that put the sign up there and wanted you to honor it by being a faggot.

Not all retail is bad, really depends where and what you do

If you're a cashier tho, I pity you.

>go to Walmart because it's 11 and everything else is closed
>go to pick up pokemon sun because the website says it's in Stock
>Can't find game
>ask dude to look and see if it's in Stock
>"if you didn't see it back there it's we don't have it"
>ask him to check the stock
>these computers can't check stock
>call him out in bullshit
>customer rep comes up and asks what's going on
>tell him the dude is lying about not being able to check
>customer rep looks up stock
>"sorry user it's out of stock the website hasn't updated"
>walk away as employee gets yelled at about lying to customers about not being able to check stock

Some situations its legitable. If its clearly out of place then yah I don't blame the store. I was at home depot buying a light fixture and they had zipped tied a $50 off sign on a $200 fixture and we grabbed the last one. Got up front and said it wasn't $50 off. So we went back and showed them and the bar code didn't add up to what the sign said. But clearly the sign was zipped tied on the fixture. Even if it was an employee mistake, they had to honor it because it wasn't something that someone else had just put there on their own.

This is why I buy from and have it to pick up from store so when i get there they cant bullshit me. Did this with BF1 over black friday. Walmart literally had none left when i got there except the one they were holding for me in the back. felt good.


Even then it depends on what the store wants to do, they legally DON'Thave to honor the price, but depending on how large the company is and how valuable the product in question is they may or may not honor it, or instead offer a discount.