This fucker's weapon is awesome.
This fucker's weapon is awesome
Dark souls 2 had it's good moments. Man I just want to experience the first one first time again.
Whenever I make a new character I always go Greathammer so I can go 1-on-1 with him fighting the same way he fights.
haven't play any of these games yet
Sup Forums's most overrated games by far
>Doesn't even ring the bell when you smash the ground with it
>weapon art or w/e is ass
Apex kek. Most dissapointing weapon in the souls series. It's a shame cause he is one of the coolest bosses.
His whole design is pretty fucking sick.
Although all the bosses in DaS2 are super easy and samey, I actually didn't mind the thousand humanoid bosses.
But he's piss easy
One more to the heap of instantly forgotten DaS2 bosses
>No bell sounds
>Useless special move
It was my favourite weapon on my second favourite build in DS2 (after ceastus/bone fist)
Man Souls series had lots of great Greathammer wielders. Garl Vinland, Smough, Velstadt the Aegis and Eygon of Carim.
>forgetting the best
also Vordt
Rings when you use its 2h special that does shit damage which does not even even make up for the time you just stand there exposed.
I only just realised Eygon's hammer is modeled after Velstadt's
It may help that I'm playing 2 now, but I'm doing a better job of remembering its bosses than 1. I still consistently forget that taurus demon was a real boss, and even just now I had to google its name.
Too bad his game is awful.
Too bad all the greathammers look lame.
No, I named them all I'm su-
Oh yeah him too.
>implying most dark souls bosses arnt piss easy
You didnt actually have a problem with Nito, did you user?
wow what an original opinion
>but I'm doing a better job of remembering its bosses than 1
Thats because DaS2's bosses are more readable and the dodge is superior to what it is in the first Dark Souls. That and enemies and bosses dont auto target to do a complete 180 during a wind up to hit you.
they're good, just don't listen to the prepare to le die memes, if you go in acting like a wuss hiding behind a shield constantly you won't have any fun.
>tfw you will never parry Velstadt for the first time again
>mfw that first time
Doesn't mean he's not right.