He's done.
He's done
Will this freak finally kill itself?
>giving a degenerate views
no thank you, sage and reported for pulling down mankind
Guys I'm here for the Castlevania speedrun.
Imagine hating someone so much you spend every waking moment of your life stalking them and shitposting about them on a chinky blippy *1up* wahoo website
Gender dysphoria is terrifying.
videos games, whatever it takes
why is he still not hospitalized
he needs help
Somebody remind him that he will never EVER be a woman
you cant stand over me lel like fuck we cant u shitcunt
Real talk.
Does Cosmo think anyone wants to fuck him with those buckteeth and the ugly methhead face?
i kinda like it, is it an original composition?
He just pretends to be crazy in order to get attention in order to make money without grinding out speed runs for 15 hours a day
>he's here.
>right now.
He should kill himself to save many confused lifes. His suicide will be more impactful than random tranny suicides.
Cosmo I know you're reading this.
Just eat lead already you degenerate.
Nah lets keep telling him his mental disease is not really a mental disease and that he is a really brave person for wanting to mutilate himself.
thats cool, max 15c per day, i'm willing to stick it out for him to get a job.
I said "Lisa needs braces" in his chat once and he said he was happy with his teeth.
>he was so cute back when he was a boy, i'd totally suck his dick
>now that he's a girl sucking his dick would be too gay
really makes you think
just report these threads that try to give this mistake of nature the attention it craves.
aren't those kinda low
muh views
Really does get the neurons firing
>he was happy with his teeth.
Excuse me but what? Cosmo looks like he was punched by McGregor repeatedly.
I would.
I can't believe how ugly he is. He used to be a somewhat cute nerd back in the day and now he's this thing, this wretched corruption from hell. And he's also breaking down mentally. I've never seen a man fall so low in every sense.
dope freestyle, famalam
I'm depressed as fuck too so I feel bad laughing about him but goddamn if his history isn't funny.
I mean come on, after losing in some mario maker tournament you suddenly decide to change sex?
I would rather just be miserable than put up with all this shit.
Just be miserable. Go on welfare, get a job, whatever. Why make everyone hate you?
Attention. That's why.
cute feet
imagine subscribing to a lolcow because they're hilarious and then posting their videos on Sup Forums and triggering white knights
why haven't his parents gotten him the help he needs
At least he didn't show his fucking teeth every time he could.
Promise me, something, Sup Forums.
Promise me that, no matter how fucked up in the head you are, you'll never put on a wig and dress and inject chemicals into your body and pretend to be a girl.
Shut up, fag.
You're way too late.
too late :^S
>wahhh fucking transwomen is gay because they used to be men
guess you're a pedophile for fucking people that used to be children too
reported. I hope everyone in this shitty thread gets banned.
Does he even have any friends?
I'll dress up however I want fag. no chemicals though, that's asking for problems
ur in this thread moron
The biggest insult to himself was the fact he suffered a breakdown after getting that world record of his. He even went so far as to passively challenge anyone to beat it. Same year, it was beaten.
He couldn't let it go and that's the sad part. He could've attempted to improve.
Please be in Londra.
I don't think braces will fix those teeth but I'm also not a dentist.
this user gets it
I don't really understand. Can you give me a food analogy?
I saw this retarded logic in a twitter post in some youtube video the other day
fuck off, cunt
Never will I ever.
Everything about his face is wrong, lips are too small for that cockmongler mouth, teeth are a an abherration, eyes are way too big, nose is full on happy merchant
...are you implying you fuck ex-children?
>all these soft cunts
so yeah threads dead? lol
anyone thinking they had to do something can stop shitting their pants, the little bitch lol
>that bait
Transwomen are still men so it is gay
You don't need surgery and hormone replacement therapy to grow up.
I have no idea who this is but everytime an image of it gets posted I have to gag
If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck and flies like a duck, it's a fucking duck.
yes cosmo
you are that special
decent writing though, I hope xe does more
Ducks can't fly.
At least it'll be easy to know to steer clear of that one if you ever meet face to face with her.
did his disease seriously start from beating beat by numbers too badly?
even if I wanted to be a woman I wouldn't make a convincing one at all so I would probably just kill myself
Teeth are the least of Cosmo's worries.
He has a jew nose and his eyes are basically popping out of his face.
the similarity is uncanny
>tfw started hrt at 16
>tfw hons that wait until they're 30 like this person are terrible
im pretty sure its just memes
traps are human memes desu. they're all shallow, selfish scum and function more like children than adults so there's that
plus cosmo was always faggy so it was like a ticking time bomb, he "killed" cosmo because he felt he could no longer keep his crown as it were
>implying you don't have huge man hands and a disgusting man voice
Too late pal
Sup Forumsirgins are all still manchildren so it's still pedophilia
A trap is someone who actually looks cute as a girl and has a feminine face.
Cosmo is just a wannabe crossdresser/trans without actually taking hormone treatment/surgery.
>tfw when you're the only straight mentally sound person on Sup Forums
please tell me if this is bait or if you're actually retarded, I need to know
He's mentally unstable... I don't think the sex change caused it, but rather it was a consequence.
Seriously though, how did Cosmo get to this? This is unreal, it's thanks to Cosmo that I know the speedrunning community at all. Watching him like this is just sad. It's like watching that uncle that you really admired as a kid grown up to be a homeless bum drunk and vomiting in the street at 11 am.
He's right though. Ducks don't fly.
They are carried by the spirits of their ancestors.
>any later than 12
>thinks he is passable
lmao @ ur life
Who knew speedrunning could make someone THIS autistic
thats all and well, I guess if you like to crossdress for no fucking reason you're sane but in general traps/cd's are INSANE and im straight so i dont really care about stepping on egg shells
This is the future user, you're looking at it.
god help us all
Oi bud give us the sauce, this bitch is a cut above the rest
If youre here then youre probably not as straight as you think you are.
Its infectious, youve waited too long to leave.
Yes the people that actually have reserves regarding fucking their own lives up so early are terrible
Right here with you, user.
Can someone post the video of him getting defeated and thus turning into this mess?
hi >
almost cute in this pic just fix the teeth and never change that angle though the nose is too merchanty
I have no problem with people that do this
my issue is that if you aren't going to put the effort forth to being a decent looking woman just stop
Narcissa thread?
>tfw this will never happen
>started at 20
>was mistaken for a girl even before hrt
>pass all the time
nice try friendo
>on Sup Forums
>mentally sound
Just london my shit up?
I need these people's contact info.
Cosmo is just, so ugly. Like seriously 0/10 ugly.
He looks like he never showers and probably smell like shit.