Is this game dead on PS4?
Is this game dead on PS4?
It's dead everywhere. Early Access with lethargic content updates killed any hope of a long-term playerbase.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was. Forget the whole FPS on console part of the game, but having to pay to play online? Makes sense people would get it on pc. Then again what say is true as well.
I still find sessions fairly quick on Normal or Hard but good luck finding randos on HOE, unless you have a group you wont find many seesions above Hard. PvP is fairly populated tho
Pick none
It's dead period
>PvP is fairly populated tho
Tripwires addition and then prioritisation for the shitty PvP mode that nobody wanted in preparation for the console launch is hurt the kf2 community the most and went the furthers towards killing this game.
Well yeah I know that but OP wanted to know if it was dead.
They should have allowed cross-platform on stock maps.
But Tripwire cucked out, not supporting them again.
>wanting to play with console players
Why? Legit question.
more players
Are you implying PC players are more competent? That's a laugh.
I'm a PC player and I think it would be interesting.
Like going to a foreign country.
There is an option for aim assist on pc, so maybe console games wouldn't be terribly useless, but odds are they would be.
To this day, I still have no fucking clue why they added the PVP mode. Who asked for a shitty L4D mode in a game that has always been about horde waves? Everyone that I've played KF2 with have all said they've never touched that mode and don't know why either.
You get enough retards slipping into HoE servers on PC. Cross platform support would amplify that with people who not only rage scrakes and generally act retarded, but also cant actually hit anything worth a damn.
I cant imagine how shitty playing a zerk on console must be. Its already easy enough to constantly whiff on shit leaping past you in retarded attack animations with the twitch response of a mouse.
True KF players can solo 6 player HoE waves anyway.
So it won't matter at all.
Eh, depends on class and map. Bunch of surprise scrakes and a gaggle of trash and youre pretty well fucked.
I got it on the 4. I haven't had any trouble finding a game even late after midnight west coast time.