new Commandos/Desperados clone set in Edo Japan
demo on steam and it's pretty good
new Commandos/Desperados clone set in Edo Japan
demo on steam and it's pretty good
cmon I wanna talk about it
What is it?
a Commandos/Desperados clone set in Edo Japan
Is it good? Is there a leenux version?
no one cares about you
they are working on a mac and linux version
What game?
1 week to go OP.
Judging from the demo this could be my GOTY
Dont expect much from Sup Forums though, since most people here are too underage b& to remember Commandos
thread title
Shadow Tactics
>demo on steam and it's pretty good
it is pretty good indeed. hope the devs are right when they say that it gets much harder later on, because both missions were too easy imo. anyway, first game im moderately hyped for in a long time
And it looks EXACTLY the fucking same as those games, which were made 20 years ago.
stupid phone posters
Name please
>And it looks EXACTLY the fucking same as those games
Are you blind or just stupid?
But they looked good.
for the time yeah. but now that pre-rendered shit is outdated as fuck. st has pretty good enviroment that isnt limited to 4 way renders
Can you go inside building?
Better than most modern games
No. They wanted to do that but the budget didn't allow for it.
Shame really. Because Commandos 2 interiors were often extremely shitty to navigate due to engine limitations.
Also, the devs asked Pyro to work on the Commandos IP, but Pyro never responded because they'd rather work on the Commandos phone game. So the devs had to make their own game.
>Better than most modern games
>Because Commandos 2 interiors were often extremely shitty to navigate due to engine limitations.
Doesn't Squareenix own the rights to Comandos since it was published by Eidos?
>Because Commandos 2 interiors were often extremely shitty to navigate due to engine limitations.
What? They're actually full 3D so you can rotate the camera fully instead of just having 4 fixed angles. If anything it's easier to navigate indoor areas in C2 compared to outdoor because of this.
why the fuck does it matter if it's pre-rendered?
Yeah, demo was pretty good. Also nice of them to include Japanese VA as well.
Tried the demo, seems okay.
the RTS tag almost put me off but this isn't an autistic war game where you have to micromanage 1,000 units or BUILD MOAR PYLONS so I wouldn't even call it an RTS. I guess that's just because you can't press spacebar to pause, huh?
Apparently not. Iirc Pyro is a mobile dev now and they still hold the IP.
Take off the goggles jesus christ. Interiors were horribly misplaced and misdesigned most of the time. I almost threw up everytime the game made me go inside.
That's because game is RTT and not RTS, although this "genre" was always a blend of RTT, stealth and puzzles, I guess.
it looks like shit mate.
prerendered is basically art. art without any actual effects such as ambient occlusion. so its noteven art done right, since its missing proper shadows.
2k prerendering looks in no fucking way better than most modern games
you nerd lol
>three actions per actions
I don't remember Robin Hood being so simple. Maybe I'll have to replay it.
Steamtags man. I guess most kids just dont know that the real time tactics genre is even a thing and therefore go with rts.
is this any good? might try it before shadow tactics is out.
>Apparently not.
good for them... I guess
I played it for the first time like 5 years ago and never encountered any difficulty in navigating the indoor areas. Why are you so hostile?
You have my attention, OP.
I fucking love Commandos 2.
No such tag in Germany though. Not surprising since we gobbled that shit up back in the day.
Man, I fucking loved that level.
You're a fucking retard mate.
It's good. Robin Hood, Desperados and Commandos are the best, but you also have Star Trek Away Team and Chicago 1930. Those are not as good. I'm glad Shadow Tactics seems like it'll be up there with the first three.
>I guess
I guess indeed.
Some guy on the steamforums already did mission 2 in 1:38 or something.
The devs were kinda taken by surprise by many players going so easily through the game. I really hope they do know what they're talking about when saying that its gonna be harder.
Worst case is another surprise by the devs.
>I almost threw up everytime the game made me go inside.
Having a weak stomach and poor balance isn't something most people would brag about.
>First time playing
>Tell thief to knock out a patrolling guard
>Thief can't tie people up
>Spend 5 minutes kicking the guard in the head while he's unconscious for fun
>The devs were kinda taken by surprise by many players going so easily through the game. I really hope they do know what they're talking about when saying that its gonna be harder.
Just because someone managed it it doesn't really mean your average will as well. I bet most had problems on the first mission even with all the obvious hand-holding and signaling game does. Fact Hayato can hook his way onto buildings really makes it easy, for example.
kinda sad how useless he was unless mission really called for him
Does this have an equivalent to the cigarette packs in Commandos 2?
>Just because someone managed it it doesn't really mean your average will as well.
But the average can and has, because the game is piss easy.
>I bet most had problems on the first mission even
You'd lose that bet
the samurai has a sake bottle
multiple things. like a rock and a flute.
Alright you sold me.
Keep talking
I always muted that shit. Commandos had some of the worst and annoying music I've ever encountered.
Who gives a shit?
It passes the eye test - get yours examined.
Only problem with prerendered backgrounds is that playing on a high res screen with resolution patches makes everything small as fuck. Plus you're then using bilinear filtering to upscale the game, which blurs the shit out of everything.
Unless you were to play in 960x540 and pixel double without filtering, but I don't know what GPU drivers let you do that properly.
fucking kek
Okay, guess I won't be getting this then. That shit was badly balanced and made Commandos 2 not only too easy, but also very tedious because the strategy of throwing cigarette packs around was so effective that that's all you needed to use.
well than don't use it. I barely used them in Comm2
>demo kicks you out after one hour of playing
Who the fuck came up with this faggotry?
it doesnt
the timer only kicks in in the second mission
>It passes the eye test
if your eyes are full of cancer, or you're wearing goggles maybe
but not for any reasonable human being
It does though.
It's still fucking shit. Half the fun in games like these is just fucking around with the levels and seeing what kind of bullshit you can pull. You can't even do that with the timer kicking you out like that.
i like it already
It doesn't. Mission 2 is on a timer and that's after they introduce the fourth character. It's shitty but it's not that big of a deal after getting the entire first mission. I was already surprised seeing a second mission in the demo.
I played the demo and was going to buy it day one, but apparently it's going to cost 40 merkelbux. What the fuck, devs?
It's a demo.
no it doesnt. ive been playing the demo for more than 2hrs straight when it came out
>It's still fucking shit. Half the fun in games like these is just fucking around with the levels and seeing what kind of bullshit you can pull. You can't even do that with the timer kicking you out like that.
its a fucking demo timer you nerd. stop being an entitled little bitch.
and yes, you can. finishing the second mission under the time in various ways is perfectly possible. in fact, if you dont manage it, dont even bother man...
€45 is the standard PC game price what you on about.
>complaining about 39,99 pricetag for a decent +20hrs game
Jeez you poorfags are insufferable.
>paying more than 20 for any indie/kickstarter game
>paying more than X for a good game
Yeah... but this is neither you idiot.
It's not indie nor is it a kickstarter game.
Are you literally retarded? Prerendered looks way better than normal rendering, its why you have prerendered bullshots and trailers when they are feeding sony and xbox sheeple.
I mean you literally have prerendered ambient occlusion already.
I welcome more games that know how to use this style, because it is pretty ageless or at least ages rather well and looks amazing for very little performance required.
>Are you literally retarded? Prerendered looks way better than normal rendering, its why you have prerendered bullshots and trailers when they are feeding sony and xbox sheeple.
You can't even see the difference between year 2000 prerendered backgrounds and the completely different technique that is used in spicing up screenshots or by making prerendered CGI.
And you try to talk shit? Seriously?
>it is pretty ageless
I'm repeating myself but LMAO.
Yeah, for AAA games. Not for random indie games that look like they were made 10+ years ago and come from literally who devs.
Does it have a fuckton of levels and amazing CGI cinematics and thousands of lines of voice acting to justify that?
AAA games cost 59,99 user. Unless you also don't know what AAA means.
Either way, a weak point.
oh boy. this faggot.
pls take a loot at how the enviroment of shadow actics looks on max settings and compare that to commandos and tell me it looks better.
pls make my day by confirming the nostalgia goggles
you cant even enable any shadowing or effects lol
it looks like crap jesus
me too mate, sniping from the highest tower was fun as fuck
>that look like they were made 10+ years ago
But it doesn't? Why are you trying so hard?
Do you live in some kind of fantasy land? You can always pre-order AAA games for 35-45. And most of them on PC cost $50 and not $60.
>You can always pre-order AAA games for 35-45.
Bullshit. Show me the AAA release that you can preorder for that price when first released?
Maybe he threw up because he was disgusted.
this is so fucking besides reality its not funny anymore. i dont think you know what a AAA game is
But it does. Do you honestly think this shit somehow looks better than Titan Quest for example either in characters or in environments? Why are you trying so hard? And why are you asking statements?
Dishonored is 60 on steam and 30-40 on key sites
>And most of them on PC cost $50 and not $60.
Ugh, no they dont. We're talking AAA games here. Have I been right before? You dont know that a AAA game is, do you?
*Dishonored 2
I bought Deus Ex MD and Warhammer TW this year and they both cost that much. In fact, DXMD's full price is just 5€ more than this game.
I'm surprised anyone is falling for your sub-par bait.
Man you must be living in lala land.
>10+ years ago
Sure thing kiddo
>literally who devs
Being well known or not doesn't influence your selling price, are you legitimately retarded?
>fuckton of levels
I'd say 20 levels is pretty decent amount.
>amazing CGI cinematics
Ah yes very important gameplay mechanics in this, truly worth the money.
>thousands of lines of voice acting
It is fully voice acted.
No, you're living in fantasy land. AAA is €60 or $60. Potentially you get a "10% discount" for pre-ordering which is the most retarded thing you can do since it's betting money for no actual return in investment.
>key sites
So thats your point? That resellers are selling the game for less? Well then you can get this game cheaper as well.
>Dishonored is 60 on steam
>honestly think this shit somehow looks better than Titan Quest for example either in characters or in environments?
It literally does you idiot. Check your eyes.
Commandos is a 20 year old game you fuckface and ofc you cant enable any shadowing effects. Because it uses no real time shadow effects that you should be able to toggle.
Compare it to other games, and no 3d game ages as well as prerendered graphics.
I know Sup Forums likes to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, but this is literally retardism tier.
Here a screenshot of a game with shadows which looks soo much better than prerendered games.
I mean you can literally check how commandos 1 looked like in 2 seconds on google, and it looks better than anything that was 3d rendered in real time, no matter how many options it had in that year.
Actually I thought I read 20 somewhere but it's 13 levels. Judging by their estimate playtime I'm gonna guess there's some big ones in there.
But Warhammer is $60 as well. Unless you're talking keysites like that idiot, or sales. And Deus Ex is $50(and launched for more iirc)
thank you for proving my point lmao you stupid stupid person
Can you stop feeding the troll please.
>so agitated he forgets to include the image
Just turn off the screen man. Prerendered is shit and its not being used for good reasons in games anymore. Dynamic(ie REALISTIC) lighting and shadowing is whats needed and wanted.
Get over it.