Why wasn't there a single good DCAU game, Sup Forums?
Why wasn't there a single good DCAU game, Sup Forums?
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The Arkham series was supposed to be a continuation of BTAS until WB Montreal ruined the canon.
>no one ever finds her red hair at a crime scene and IDs her
I thought it was meant to be a Batman Begins licensed game.
But there is one. Well a Batman one but still.
neat thread
It's heavilly based off the DCAU, it's not the same continuity. Otherwise the joker died twice in two different ways at different points in time.
>linking to Sup Forums
fuck off retard
No u
Gonna need more evidence than a graph m8.
Some methodology and sample data would help
How is that relevant to the quoted post?
Yes, anyone who's been on Sup Forums longer than 2 months knows about Sup Forumsmblr, it's still a better board than here on most days of the week.
Post more sexy dcau women
Amanda Waller collected enough of Bruce Wayne's DNA from all his fights across Gotham to be able to clone him as Terry McGinnis
The people who can afford to find out probably just don't care all that much
Terry isn't a straight clone he's more of an actual son
>Sup Forumsmblr
where the hell did this even come from what does this mean
Wow, this guy must have been an elite hacker programmer. Do u think i can hire him to hack someone if i give him the ip?
I think he's meant to be like Liquid Snake. Got all the good "being Batman" genes out of it
Maybe you should go back there faget
They'd need to gather genetic material from literally every red headed woman in Gotham in order to cross-reference, which would probably be overly broad and illegal for a government body to do and unfeasible for any criminal.
Homestuck attracked a bunch of normies to Sup Forums, and when gg happened and tried to recruit them, they were told to fuck off. So they got mad and called Sup Forums Sup Forumsmblr. You know, to hurt their feelings.
looks like its not working
Just every woman that matched Batgirl's general description, starting with most high profile ones with a connection to crime like, say, the Commissioner's daughter
No not really, Sup Forums refers to itself as Sup Forumsmblr fairly often when it's appropriate. Sup Forums is a pretty "normie" board if you will.
Good luck without the police force fucking you in the ass for trying to ruin the Commissioner's daughter's life.
>sneak into home when no one is there
>take hair from comb
Job done
But Gordon don't know Batgirl was Barbara, and if he did he'd go apeshit, the hypocrite piece of shit. I don't understand why people like him.
>But Gordon don't know Batgirl was Barbara
He did actually. It was referenced in an episode. He just can't officially know and has to maintain plausible deniability for obvious reasons.
But he does. There's the BTAS episode where she hallucinates he finds out after she's killed right in front of her and goes apeshit, then right at the end when she's awake she tries to tell him and he says he knows
I think it's that one? The conversation happens in some episode, anyway
Why doesn't Batman just rape the Joker?
What episode?
>any scenario where the bat and joker fuck
>muh canon
stay the fuck away from /lit/
Over the Edge, the final scene
this episode youtube.com
Shitty quality but here's the scene.
I think Batman Vengeance was pretty ok. It was quite frustrating at times.
I don't understand your /lit/ jargon.
Is canon a bad thing, if so why?
is there anything new? last update I have lets you capture lois
Probably better to ask the general on /aco/
>Changing the eyes
How the fuck does that work?
SNES game took a while to get used to but looked gorgeous for the time.
W-What are you boys talking about?
It's what happens when they make one character's design completely at odds with everyone else
Around the time Sup Forums kept saying
>Sup Forums is love
and tumblr took that as an invitation.
Batman and The Joker can do whatever they want. They're Batman and The Joker.
A pornographic game involving the fine ladies of the Detective Comics Animated Universe
google sunsetriders7
Injustice/Something Unlimited
Isn't Arkham Knight a continuation since Batman literally said his "I am vengeance I am the night I am Batman" line?
Is Return of the Caped Crusaders a continuation of Dark Knight Returns and Batman Returns because he says the "I'm a surgeon" and "c'mon let's get nuts!" lines?
Well to be fair many of TAS voice actors are in these games too.
Is all Batman media a continuation of all other Batman media because he says the "I'm Batman" line?
what are you even doing here?
oh, right, you're just trying to talk shit about Sup Forums to try looking cool
>/lit/ astronomically higher than /lgbt/ for tumblr shit
Thats fucking hilarious.
No but that TAS line is pretty unique.
Anyone ever play The Brave and the Bold game? I kinda wanted to try it out.
It's a reference, a easter egg.
Played it for the Wii. Was surprisingly fun. But then, it was Wayforward making it, so it kinda had to be.
>its just an easter egg bro
>during the most crucial part of the entire plot-line
Knight can't be, since Joker is dead and it wasn't Tim Drake who shot him
i want to fug batgirl
because no one wants to play as a masked female crime-stopper no matter how quick or strong she is.
The ryona crowd would eat it up
>He wouldn't play a Miraculous video game.
The only thing I know about that show is the futa pic with the spandex costume molding around her dick and making a cum bubble that I jacked off to.
>unironically liking futa
kill yourself faggot
girly shota > futa
Newest update has a lois blowjob scene and lets you capture batgirl
also if you send livewire to your quarters you also get a scene in the newest update
He lowered the brow, I guess.
Rise of Sin Tzu is alright if you have a friend.
How can Sup Forums be so low with all the ironic tumblrposting?
Because there are boards with unironic tumblrposting.
Batman TAS for Gameboy
I blame niggerwood
Sauce my shit right up user
I remember renting that one day after school and being like "holy shit it looks just like the show!"
20 years later I found myself saying the same thing about a Naruto game.
You mean the nigger tripfag who's getting sucked off by some mod? Meanwhile Sup Forums remains elitist and defends its lolis.
Batman Vengeance was okay from what I remember.