Is it too late to buy this now?
Convince me to buy it /v
What am i missing?
Is it too late to buy this now?
Convince me to buy it /v
What am i missing?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's all sold out, yes too late
you've missed the greatest alien meme game of ALL TIME
>it's all sold out
What do you mean?
it's the best game for PS4
NO and I just got back into it because I saw limmy streaming it.
How many hours of gameplay does it have to offer?Not into huge games so i will probably just finish the storyline
It's alright. Not as hard as people claim to be. I just used beckoning bell and let the other people do the work while I reaped the benefits
Why would it be too late? I bought and played it for the first time last month and greatly enjoyed it. The multiplayer is handled pretty poorly so it's not like you're missing out on a super unique experience.
Could probably beat the main story in 20-30 hours, a fair amount of bosses are optional.
Man, Cainhurst was such wasted potential. I know that all BB areas are supposed to be somewhat linear to provide good enemy placement and what not, but I wanted more Winter Wonderland. Like, a snow covered forest before making it to the castle gates, instead of just the castle itself.
PCucks are still salty over the fact that they will never EVER play the best FromSoft game yet. You have to man up and get in the fight now, no more hiding behind shields and begging that your armor carries you through tough bosses, no more shooting little balls of light like some Harry Potter faggot. You're a hunter now boy, git gud playing the game in the most fun way or get out.
It is far and away the best exclusive on the PS4 right now, only Nier and TLG can hope to dethrone it.
It is. It's also the best From Soft Souls game they;ve made so far. The only problem with it is blood gems but the system and setting are way better than three's. Also, even with the limited weapon sets, they are still more varied than other souls games because other than a few repeating sets most end up with completely unique.
If you've played a Souls game before or are really amazing at timing you can probably finish it in 20-30 hours. Beginners are more likely to be 40-50 hours.
Get the Old Hunters edition. This is a must. It doubles the amount of weapons in the game. Gives you best bosses all time, etc.
it depends, if you die alot it will last a lot longer than you'd want it to last, i'd say a solid 25 hours if you ignore all the side content
Depends on how good you are, how much you explore and optional side content
I'd say 7 hours but it's really dependant on the player
One of the best games of recent times. It has its flaws but those are optional (chalice dungeons)
atmosphere, enemy/boss design, level design, weapon deisgn and originality, music and lore are all top tier
best "souls" game by far
are u me?
PCuck who bought a PS4 for this particular game here. I'm not finished with this game (in fact I just killed a 3v1 boss named the shadows of Yharnam) but I'll give you my own impressions about this game so far:
1. It's another Souls game. If you've played any of those expect the same game. But, still has some differences
2. It feels like a "simplified" Dark Souls of sorts: it uses streamlined mechanics like the blood vials (instead of the Estus flask you heal with an easy to farm consumable item; at the beginning you can carry up to 20), the gun (the gun is BB's version of parrying; this time, you don't need to be close to the enemy like you had to do with the shield and bosses can be parried), Insight (BB's equivalent of Humanities: it can be used as currency and you don't lose it when you die) or you don't having a equipment weight ratio.
3. It's a Souls game without shields so you need to learn to dodge so those times of turtling waiting for an opening are a no-no. Still, both you and your enemies are agile as fuck. You can even do a side-dodge of sorts.
4. Weapons are pretty unique. They have "alternate modes". For example the weapon I'm using right now (and the one I'm sure I'll use to the end because it fucking rocks) is a swordhammer. If you use the weapon one-handed, you use the hammer's grip (a small, fast sword); if you decide to two-hand it, your character puts the handle into the hammer and you end two-handling a slow but hard-hitting giant hammer.
My veredict: the game is really good. If you're a fan of the Souls games like me you are missing a great game, or even if you just like action games in general. If you're expecting something very different from the regular Souls games you're going to find it underwhelming.
I live in the past; it is no longer an exclusive. Well, at least more people can now experience what is looking to be the best game of all time.
But seriously OP, play Bloodborne. Buy the Old Hunters. It is amazing.
>7 hours
You have no idea what you are talking about. 7 hours is for people that read guides. 7 hours is for your second playthrough if you are good. 7 hours is for people that have enough of an understanding of AI to run passed all the enemies. 7 hours is for souls veterans.
He is obviously new to the Souls series because why else would he want to finish the story of a souls game?
My bet is on 25 hours is he is good at timing in games. 15 if he is a god at picking things up.
>Is it too late to buy this now?
That depends, i don't know how the online population is, so if you want pvp/co-op is a crap shot.
But if you just want to experience the game, go ahead, it's amazing.
And buy the DLC too.
There are no copies left. Also digital ones are sold out too. They run out of eldritch ones and zeroes.
Too bad, you won't get the game even on Ebay because no one wants to part with his precious copy.
I can order it right now from a store nearby,idk what you're talking about
>souls rehash #9
Yea, no...
Do yourself a favor and buy the big XV instead....
Sorry m8, sony finished destroying all unsold copies earlier this month. You'd have to steal one from a private owner now.
I dunno, it's alright. The aesthetics and lore are top notch, but personally I'd say it's my least favorite Souls game.
>Smooth as fuck combat--most of the time
>Really cool, challenging enemy design that encourages you to use a variety of tactics besides the standard Souls Sword-and-Board.
>Beautiful to look at, beautiful to explore, really unique world and may actually be the best modern Cosmic Horror game
>Some of the best boss battles in the series.
>Inconsistent pacing making some game sections feel brutally long and others seem criminally short
>Weapons are more varied, but they're sparse and expensive to upgrade. You will probably use the basic Saw Cleaver or Hunter's Axe for the first 50% of the game, if only because nearly all the other weapons you can find before the midgame kind of suck. With The Old Hunters DLC your options improve significantly, but you'll need to git very gud to tackle that content at early levels.
>This also has the side-effect of making non-STR/DEX builds very annoying to start with. There simply are no good Arcane or Bloodtinge weapons until well into the game, so again, every new character you make is probably going to feel very samey and kind of gimped until 1/2-2/3rds of the way through the game.
More subjective:
>Armor options kind of suck. I mean, the aesthetic is cool at first, but really there's only so many ways you can design a trenchcoat before it becomes boring. I just wish they could have done a little more with it is all.
>Chalice dungeons, depending on your temperament, are an absolute slog. I hated them, and I never even got to the particularly bullshit parts like the Cursed Rotted Fetid dungeons. Some people love them, but I hated them, and you should be aware that they make up a significant part of the end-game.
Was the free platinum theme only for people who had the plat back then? I got my plat earlier this year and never got a theme. I heard it's kind of shitty so I don't really care, just curious.
imo its trash
Sup Forums loves to meme "git gud" games to feel good at something and this was (is) the only game on PS4 so it got double memeing to justify their PS4 buys
One of the best games ever made. Also I don't know what these fags are on about it being sold out. Next meme maybe? but in England there are still plenty of copies to buy.
>tfw missed out on the DLC at half off
FUCK, I regret it
>What am i missing?
An overrated shit games by children and casual gamers that clinge to it because its marketing says it's hardcore.
It factually has a horrible framerate, literally dips down to 15 and lower.
It factually has repetitive as fuck gameplay and combat with you basically doing nothing but "hit enemy twice, dodge enemy with iframes, hit enemy twice, dodge enemy with iframes" for 60 hours. Really.
It factually has a world without any interactions which also is 100% static. Nothing ever moves.
It factually has a world without any verticality besides ladders which are the absence of gameplay (press thumb-stick, eat sandvich).
It factually has a lot of glitches, shit hitboxes and more.
It factually has no variation, it's always grimdark and you will see the same assets over and over again.
A 5/10 game. 9/10 because prestige and casual gamers and reviewers getting their ego boosted by it. Look at some Demon's Souls scores if you want honest From Software game reviews when the marketing wasn't this cancerous. It got a 20/40 from Famitsu.
You will probably like it though since you're a braindead casual with no standards. So go ahead.
No. It is not the best game ever made. Not by a fucking long shot. I'm so fucking tired of this game getting shilled every other hour on here. These threads should be deleted on sight.
Yes it is. What the fuck is your problem user?
The blood born general on /vg/ still does arenas and helps people with shit.
Why do you have pictures of an emo boy on your PC?
Why are Sony fans always gays?
You're missing out on an addiction.
>Sony fan
>shits on BB
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer user, are you?
Bloodtinge is honestly a lot better than arcane. Arcane requires knowledge of the game and possibly a guide. Though both are doable.
Arcane is easy if you go the wheel because you need 25 str and 50 arc and it's easy to just put it into strength at start. For the parasite it's a challenge because that thing needs 70 arcane to be optimal which means you need elemental gems to give you some damge.
>Sony fan
You're right, it was my fault.
>own a PS4
>don't own the only game on it
Stop this meme. OP is already going to buy XV.
Why would it be too late to buy it?
Its mostly a single player game the only thing you miss out on buying it later than everyone else is being able to shitpost about it on Sup Forums
Oh wow, a guy thought that 10 minutes of an RPG game without any combat was boring, who would have thought...
love that console motion blur with 20fps and blurry graphics
cant tell what the fuck is going on
buying a console was the worst decision ive made in a long time
>too late
>to play a game
>7 hours for a complete beginner
ok kid
You saved me 40euros
Thanks user
No, user it's not too late. Go ahead. Beware that you'll really miss that sidestep when you play Dark Souls though.
He's talking shit
>look at reviews of 8 year old game instead
>group of men read about dress in newspaper
>hear about dress gossip on street
>go look at dress in shop window
>pushing broken down car
>Over 72 hours to beat one boss
I realize you post about FF15 to be inflammatory. But I am serious. I don't understand. In what context is that fun for people?
I have a PS4 and never played Bloodborne.
Already played through Alien Isolation, Strider, DMC4SE and clocking 65h on Witcher 3 though.
nice PC games, but do you own any PS4 games
>trust reviews that prove my point from lesser known publisher 10 years ago
>don't trust the reviews and all of the people that enjoy the game because they don't prove my point
I dunno dude, they seem to be compatible with my PS4 and the boxed ones have PS4 written on the cover. Seems to me like they're PS4 games :)
Overrated garbage, don't buy it.
Shit post don't read it.
they don't fucking count and you know it Sonygger, they're 100% superior on pc and you're retarded for thinking they're even enjoyable on the framestation 4 (4 is how many frames per second you get)
It is a fucking garbage game. It removed 50% of what made soul games unique and fun, it is literally dark souls dumbed down for retards. Don't bother wasting money on it, wait for Nioh which does everything Bloodborne wants to do, but a lot better and runs at 60 fps instead of 20 fps of Bloodborne, which also has frame delivering stutter.
This is the most objective rating that nobody will ever refute.
Nioh > Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition > Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin >>> Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne The Old Hunters
>framestation 4 (4 is how many frames per second you get)
this post is youtube comment tier
>Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin >>> Demon's Souls
oh hahah I'm laffin
Hahaha bait is shit
>Complains about rehashes.
>Suggest someone should buy a game which ends with XV, 15, FIFTEEN.
I just think they're only enjoyable? Then my enjoyment is all but a lie? Well, shit. I got played, man. What can I possibly do now? Do I have to upgrade to a monster desktop and buy the games all over again so I can have proper enjoyment with an eerily similar experience?
Guess this is the suffering of being but a simple minded Sonygger. Wew I'm glad I actually didn't spend a penny on that console.
>they're 100% superior on pc
On 'your' 7 years old office laptop your mom uses for Excel?
Sure bub. Mustards are a joke, if anyone wants to laugh just go to STEAM and read through HW surveys. Toaster jockey nation.
>4 is how many frames per second you get)
Thanks for clarifying.
It's fact that you can't refute, that is why you replied like the imbeciles you are.
He's going all out this time
You're missing the most fully realized vision of gaming of the new generation, on any platform.
i can read how fat you are
This is a lot of bait. But here I am. Biting.
>It factually has a horrible framerate, literally dips down to 15 and lower.
Accurate. It is noticably bad in some areas. Usually it dips in multiplayer. Rarely, if ever, does it dip in singleplayer.
>It factually has repetitive as fuck gameplay and combat with you basically doing nothing but "hit enemy twice, dodge enemy with iframes, hit enemy twice, dodge enemy with iframes" for 60 hours. Really.
Its a rhythm game. You noticed how the game is played and that is great. Just because you described a game's mechanics doesn't make it boring. You can describe the mechanics of super mario bros 2 really quickly but the game isn't bad because of that. Its fine you don't like it though. And 60 hours is unrealistic. It doesn't sound like you actually beat the game. If it did take you 60 hours, then why the fuck did you keep playing something you didn't like? How autistic are you?
>It factually has a world without any interactions which also is 100% static. Nothing ever moves.
I think I get what you are trying to say. Is it about NPCs? friendly NPCs in the world don't move around a lot. You are right. I don't see why this upsets you. NPC summons help you in combat and there are hostile NPCs that try to kill you. Most of them communicate with you. Maybe you were also talking about dynamic maps? I don't know why that is selling point because I don't understand what the fuck you are talking about.
>It factually has a world without any verticality besides ladders which are the absence of gameplay (press thumb-stick, eat sandvich).
I think map and world design is top tier. You can move up and down in areas. Jump from floor to floor but it isn't a platformer. I don't really know what you are criticizing. It sounds like you played the first couple of areas and didn't notice that those were introductory areas. There are complex areas outside of the introductory area. See pic related.
I lost interest in responding here.
Watch some gameplay and decide, I regret buying mine, barely play it.
cmon man
I love Bloodborne, and to be honest I prefer it to Dark Souls
I think the game world is much more interesting
I think the artistic design is leaps and bounds ahead of the medieval theme of DS
I think it's more challenging than DS in the way that it doesn't give you the choice to lumber around with a greatshield, being a meat wall
I think the equip load being removed is awesome, and I can now dress how I want and have every whand slot filled at all times
I think the trick weapons are very cool and unique, and the fact that each possible combination has it's own unique animation makes you think more about what you choose to do in combat (for instance in DS the roll attack is very often identical to a backstep attack, but they would be unique attacks in bloodborne)
I could go on, but then I'd just be rambling
I wish Bloodborne was the series that got all the sequels instead of DS
>Is it too late to buy this now?
Why it would be?Because it isn't the flavor of the month/year anymore?Only reason you play games is to enjoy their social aspect?Is that it?
Such cancer
All of what you say is true, but Dark Souls does have greater class and weapon variation.
With Bloodborne, you're are pretty much stuck playing one excellent game. But Dark Souls can become a drastically different experience on different playthroughs.
My playthrough with all trophies+DLC was 81 hours. Amazing price/performance.
It's too later motherfucker. The game is dead. No one plays it anymore. You'd literally be the only person playing it and if you mention you're playing it, people will laugh at you for being late. Just wait for bloodborne 2.
So much bs in this thread
How come my game doesn't look as good as this gif?
Looks like someone just applied some post processing effect to it
HOW can your game doesn't look as good!?
That as shitty compressed ass webm with artifact all over from a simple PSN share for twitter.
OP deserves it for asking a stupid question
It is never too late to play a game. People are playing games made decades ago for the first time today
Video editing, or downgrade.
Sometimes I think about how great this game would be on PC, then I think about the shitposting and realize that's better if it isn't on PC.
missing roll roll attack.
How do you get rid of it?
you don't
Post screenshot and describe what's wrong.
Don't post half assed shit like that because it makes the mustards uppity and thinking that everyone gets treated like them.
>ou can describe the mechanics of super mario bros 2 really quickly
That's not what I did, user. I am not breaking down stuff. I literally told you what you do. You move your character from mob to mob, approach mob, then press attack/shoulder button to hurt mob, once or twice depends on your stamina and their poise, then you dodge the telegraphed attack of said mob with iframes, then you press the shoulder button again to hurt the mob. Repeat.
You do this with weak mobs. You do this with the hardest bosses in the game.
Nothing else.
Sure, same goes for some other games, Bayonetta, for example. But if I'd say the same thing about Bayonetta, it'd break things down. I'd completely ignore the combo depth, air juggling potential and the fact it actually has humor, cutscenes, story and always music to make things more exciting. And 60 FPS.
From games are turds.
Are you guys retarded or just never played the game?
What is it?
I just played a few days ago and there was a HUD, no vignette and vastly different color correction. It's really pretty obvious that it's post processing and if this were any other thread I would think you're just pretending to be stupid.
Man, how much of a loser do you have to be to still post Day 1/ Week 1 unpatched webm's of Bloodborne? This nigga has been doing this shit for 20 months straight. Nigga please.
I played on Saturday I think, no options on the PS4 or TV settings I could manipulate to get my game to look like that.
So that begets the question, are you retarded user?
liquid code injection
>post screenshot and describe what is wrong
Yea I'm not going to go through that trouble. That **webm** just looks nothing like the game actually does, anyone should be able to see that. Also learn how to speak english
>Souls games don't have music
kys faggot
>Implying you can't turn off the hud
>Implying you can not edit video files
>Implying people make videos look good by changing the tv settings instead of editing
They just used a filter user