Why does Sup Forums keep getting proven wrong?
>XV will have 70's
Why does Sup Forums keep getting proven wrong?
>XV will have 70's
The majority said it was going to be a blunder (for a final fantasy game 10 years in the making)
wait for the user score you fucking faggot
>XV will have 70's
nobody said that, most of Sup Forums agreed the score was gonna be in the 80s range given how inflated modern game scores are.
Hahahahahaha, oh wow.
Because Sup Forums is fucking retarted.... Real talk. Sup Forums is tired of casual new players getting into the gaming hobby for free. So they try to fill the Internet with hate towards popular or good games so the normies don't play them. Then hype up shit games so they buy bullshit and get frustrated, leave and return to watching football. So anytime you see " ffxv" sucks, just move along. Sup Forums is a bullshit hive of autism and its community is cancer to itself. Honestly I was hoping this website would get shutdown but it looks like it's staying a float. Kill yourselves guys. Die in a fire.
damn, a few weeks ago I made a guess on what the score would be but I can't remember what I said
I think it was 83
are you fucking retarded? most people on Sup Forums expected the game to be in the 80s range. Long before the game came out most talked about how the AAA status and long running franchise status means it would be a cold day in hell if any reviewers decides to be actually critical about it.
Hardly anybody were delusional enough to believe reviewers would go low.
Most of Sup Forums were actually shitposting about how it pales to past final fantasies or JRPGS in general.
>he still uses metacritic
lol whats your icq number user
>suddenly mainstream video game journalism is legitimate
I mean I'm not making any judgement until I play it in a few hours but what..
because cucks
Do I need to remind you that Gone Home has a high score on metacritic?
Every ducking XV thread is just boohoo Sup Forums sucks. You can tell the fanboys are from gamefaqs, rebbit, and neogaf. They just desperately want to convince themselves the game is great, even though 86 for a game with this much hype behind it is pretty underwhelming.
>XV will have 70's
That's No Man's Sky-Tier, it's impossible.
Good try shit lord. Stop
Pretending I already preordered months ago I'm waiting to
Leave for GameStop. You don't relies that the normies playing casual phone games aren't the real cancer. Sup Forums and its shit community are. Now fuck off and die.
You fell for the meme. Tough shit, at
Least you learned something
Mostly everyone said it would be around 80 or so, and according to Sup Forums that's a failure.
this butthurt baby can't even type properly anymore let alone actually make some kind of argument.
Reminder that very popular games only get low scores when they are absolutely broken and that AC gets 8/9 every year. Also reminder that even paid/casual reviewers who gave 8/10 to this turd said that the story is predictable and the characters are shit.
I can't wait till you screaming faggots play the game and chapter 9 hits.
I want to see the look of pure disappointment as you endure 7 chapters of pure garbage.
weakest attempt at falseflagging I have ever seen.
It is shit though, and i've been playing since Thursday.
Chapter 9 killed any hope i had left for this game
The earliest scores tend to be the highest. That's why metacritic scores tend to be high first week.
It all goes downhill from there.
Expect FFXV to be a 80 at best on metacrtici
Oh my god chapter 13
Sup Forums B T F O
Desperate are you? Clinging on to whatever meme you can find. That's fine. This game will be a success and Sup Forums will once again be proven wrong. Hahaha. I wouldn't be surprised if most of Sup Forums was filled with fake gamers who don't play anything at all. Just waste away behind computer and phone screens. Get good you faggots.
>nobody said that
>thought it cant be that bad
>beat the chapter 9 boss by mashing circle and without moving
Tabata you fucking hack
Why are they shilling on a boat? Where is the adventure? The demon hunting, the big ass fights, exploring dungeons.
Everything I see from this game is just cruising and dating sim mechanics
nice damage control
I love how Sup Forums flip-flops back and forth between trusting scores to be legit and scores being paid off
Wait till you get to 13.
Chaps 12 onwards just feel really really rushed.
13 is just pure boredom..
really makes you think doesn't it?
repeating your bullshit is not gonna make your shitpost anymore true.
Go and cry in your ditch, you are already past your denial phase.
Please tell me it doesn't last that long anymore (currently on CH10), i just want to get it over with so i can focus on better games
>its going to flop
Talking to a mirror?
>I wouldn't be surprised if most of Sup Forums was filled with fake gamers who don't play anything at all
I think you might be onto something.
You've got a few hours yet. Good luck. It really is a bore. I doubt any of these review sites got this far.
Why did Sup Forums think XV would be MGSV 2.0?
Actually it needs 10mil copies sold to break even, so it seems likely to flop
>always the same old pictures
You're really desperate shitposter-kun huh?
Prepare your metacritic accounts to give the game 0s don't waste your time here!
seems like you are finally aware of your delusional state mind.
>Expecting a Final Fantasy game to do badly
That's just setting up for failure
And It is? Both game are incomplete and got rush the fuck out.
Yeah, because you can easily rely on the userscores which will range from 1/10 WORST GAME EVER to 10/10 BEST GAME EVER.
That being said, give it a month or two to let the hype die down, then see what the consensus is.
It is literally all just funposting. The ones saying XV is a blunder, the ones saying that XV's a huge success. All of it. Nobody here actually takes gaming reviews seriously.
Well, nobody that's not a newfag, anyways.
The real arguing will begin in a couple of days, once people who actually played the fucking game can report their findings.
So that French review was true?
It really does
Final Fantasy 15 Director Clarifies 10 Million Sales Comments
10 million is the studio's personal goal, not necessarily how many it needs to move to turn a profit.
It is.
>best story part not in the main game
>shits itself on the 2nd half
>high reviews because of the name
Holy shieeeeeet it's true
Except mgs v is fun
I made my point and won every argument. Wasn't hard heh. Now to wait for the goty to be released. If you get the sudden urge to hang yourselves please do. Unless your enjoying ffxv. Otherwise die the way you should've years ago. Kekeke.
>10 mil copies to break even
What the fuck? No FF game except FF7 has sold that much. That's really overambitious.
>meaning shit
Oh my, I bet Square Enix is quivering in their boots knowing that their series hinges whims of Super "I love Anthony Burch's writing" Bunnyhop and Razorfist.
>There's actual people who gave FF XIII more than a 5/10
How man?HOW
Everyone knows reviewer scores start at 70. 86 is pretty bad desu famalamalam.
Naw that's you buddy.
Have you not heard how everyone who's already finished it say the second half of the game kills it?
Tortanic reviews scores are identical to FFXV though
Well, to be fair both game are fun in the first half not so much for the latter half though.
what are paid reviews?
That's what happens when your game stays in development for 8 years
Just like this game.
Sup Forums always has the best predictions.
I've heard things go bonkers by the end. But I should hope the entire experience is enjoyable, and not just made enjoyable by ending on a cool note.
>literally typing y-y-you too
time to take your ritalin and go to bed kiddo.
>cause you can easily rely on the userscores which will range from 1/10 WORST GAME EVER to 10/10 BEST GAME EVER.
It's still more reliable than reviewers simply because many people giving it scores will form a more accurate average.
How delusional is Square Enix about their shit game? Not a single final fantasy cracks the top 45 of best selling games.
Wasn't Sup Forums right about NMS?
its going to be the best selling final fantasy game of all time
Final boss is a QTE btw
>Actually it needs 10mil copies sold to break even
Reminder this guy is making up bullshit.
Only Destiny has costed over $500 million recently and this fag is trying to say XV costed far more.
>but muhh 10 years
So what? Game looks like shit and the engine is garbage that's been ditched, there's nothing to justify over $500 million cost
Ugh. This meme again? Go back to whatever fucking trash pile you came from fuck boi.
>B-But FFXV is great Sony told me it would.
So, I offer a simple question.
Are the terrible graphics, stutter and 30fps because of SE's shit game development? Or because the PS4Pro is shit?
>Final boss is a QTE btw
That's sad, it looks like SE really took inspiration on western games
you people that buy games based on reviews are pathetic. go ahead and eat your $60 shit, and buy all the dlc and tell yourself you had fun.
>implying I even like FF
Nah, just seeing Sup Forums get it wrong time and time again is funny.
There's nothing enjoyable after the timeskip. Nothing.
A broken clock is right twice every day.
>F-Final Fantasy is the best FF ever!
>No classes
>Story is Cliched as fuck and feels like a bad Anime
>Little to no exploration, even more Corridors than FF13
>Only uses remnants of the FF Backlog of designs, mostly for generic enemies.
>All the main characters are dull as dishwater and the Villains either die off screen or have shit motives
>World feels like an un-natrual cobblework of scenes rather than a living breathing universe.
>Main character's abilities are boring and just give him an excuse for his shitty design.
It's literally a worse FF8.
Where the fuck is my PC release?
You are 2nd class citizens, wait 1 year
>FFXV turned out to be XCX wished it could have been
Cry me a river Xenobabies.
>you lived to see the day where Sup Forums values critic scores
>you lived to see the day where/v/ thinks users scores are any different than critic scores
seriously why do you guys think this? what's the difference between the two?
>anyone can post a user score
and anyone can't be a critic? and critics don't get paid to shill? and critics aren't fucking garbage at vidya? and all AAA games dont get 9s on these scales? I suppose you guys consider last of us and bioshock infinite to be 10s.
All that happens is the ruined world, which believe me is not as cool as it sounds.
Xenobabies wanted a less detailed world with less exploration? WoW!
>wanting a button masher with a QTE final boss
No, you FF fanboys can keep this one.
those are shill reviews, not sure what point you trying to make OP
wait for the occasional true old FF fan to make a long winded review on this and it will not come close to 8/10
That score isn't real
>still only 25 critics
>mostly mexican and Italian literallywhos
>we already know the score is gonna take a 60 in the face by Gamekult
the fact the review still isn't listed confirms my idea that Sony/metacritic agreed to only put the good score "in time".