Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?

Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?

Is this the Trails thread?

Playing through Cold Steel II. Just beat Aurochs Fort and Duvalie. I am in love with this game, played for eight hours straight and maybe only halfway to beating the game. Hot damn.

You have to stop making this threads

I couldn't play this for more than 30 minutes.
Most boring generic JPRG I've ever played.


Of course, Azuka.

So I'm not even halfway yet? That's great if its true.


Has there ever been two better words to help you immediately disregard what somebody is saying when they use these two words to describe a game?


Reminder that Alan in Rolent rated Estelle 90/100

Just finished the first one. Not sure if i should start SC right away.

no but I have an anime character when I was like 15.

I did.
And I still am.
I love Fuuka!

Great start to a Trails thread. Always with some negativity.

I love Lilly Satou very much!

Did you skip CS1? What makes you think a Trails game would be halfway done at 8 hours?

in most cases I would agree, but they describe the first half of FC accurately



I have 33 hours so far in the game. I just marathoned 8 hours of game time. Plus I spoilered where I'm at in the game.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Are you ever going to stop shilling your awful JRPG game?

Yes, but not Estelle.

No Todd I'm not going to buy your game.

Fallout 4 was a major disappointment Todd. I am never buying your game, ever.


>this man is in charge of TES
No wonder Oblivion and Skyrim were so shitty.

I'm going to marry Freya!


>Are you ever going to stop shilling your awful JRPG game?
No, no I'm not.
I started off by hating on it unfairly, so it's only fair that I give it the treatment it deserves.

Go away you bimbo, Alisa is still better than you.


>tfw only have satisfactory fap when masturbates to one, and only one VA now
>all because of a video game character
It's not even a lewd game, what the hell



Why is she so perfect?


How do we make her real so she can be my actual wife?


How could you not love Myuria?

Mitsuru from Persona 3
That 'strong Nord woman' in Whiterun/Idgrod the Younger from Skyrim

would you do it Sup Forums,would you summon you are waifu

Of course I would.
Well, I'd learn to draw first.

Wouldn't it be suffering being an Estellefag? She's so into Joshua that I doubt any of you would stand a chance at competing.

It wouldn't be my waifu, just a drawing that came to life.
Also, how would she adapt to this life? no papers, no friends or family.
I'd rather go to her world instead of bringing her here.

Probably not.

I would draw my old dog.

oh sure, lots of times

I self-insert as Joshua. We're both intelligent, nihilistic and equipped with a wicked sense of humor

I think I came really close to legit anime-loser falling in love with Yuna in X-2, thank fuck I didn't. last time I felt that emotion was watching tenchi muyo as a kid

Literally Hitler

Me too...and my cat...


girl on far right has some nice legs

why are you doing this to me man

your waifu is a drawing tho, senpai

Everyone here who would 'summon' their autistic waifus would be crushed to realize that their waifu doesn't actually love them because you'd still be the same unsociable retard you were before and they'd leave your ass in an instant for someone better

I'd just summon a stickman so I no longer have to talk to myself all the time ever again

My waifu is more than a drawing.

fuck off degenerates, who waifus their own pets besides furfuckers?

Boring autistic doormat?

jesus christ man his dog is not his waifu,he just want to have his friend back

Uhh, I hope you're not referring to that character, she looks almost unquestionably under age.


It's okay, she doesn't real.

maylene is cute and likable.

plus she can take a beating from lucario which is badass and i didnt mean that to sound as domestically violence friendly as it does.

How would she be in bed? Timid? Dominant?
Would she have to make the first move to get Joshy-boy to know what's up during their first time?

don't worry user, she's 18 now

Awkward and shy

Do they even have sex?

>plus she can take a beating from lucario
Who takes a beating from Lucario better though, her or Korrina?

as far as non sexual actual sparring, maylene

I really really really REEEEEEEEEAAAAAALLY love her!

I finished playing the first and second chapters a couple months back, and it makes me happy to see threads being made so often.

I really loved them and more people should play them desu. Admittedly though, its very slow at some points. You gotta be patient.

Also estelle a best


I like to think they did shortly after SC, unless theres a more romantic opportunity during 3rd.
Everything before that was sibling skinship comfy cuddling while on the road traveling Liberl.

10/10 loyal waifu
prove me wrong

Apollo from animal crossing, the pyro from tf2
I also had an attraction for the goat characters from Undertale


I would literally give my life to become Joshua just so I could have Estelle.
She's truly perfection in every way possible.

tfw never gonna fall in love with a genderbendered barbarian prince

Love? No. I've had small crushes on a few, but you have to have some sort of mental disorder if you seriously fell in love with a fictional character.

>this gyro


That's not love you piece of shit

It's not like I asked for it.

She is the sun.

Posting about your waifu on the internet is usually a sign that you're just doing it to fit in, so in a sense, yes, you did ask for it.

i'm not in love anymore you can have her. expired a decade ago

Maybe not, but you should learn to keep things to yourself. Most people, even on Sup Forums, don't give two shits that you fell in love with some fake character.

well, OP asked, so that makes it ok.

No it just makes OP a stupid fuck who should get banned

You seem upset.
If you don't like it, why post?

OP here.
Cry more you little bitch. Either fuck off out of my beautiful thread if it makes you cry or sit their continuing to bump it since you're too dumb to sage a thread you don't like.
Either way is fine by me tbqhwy.

it's nice that you appreciate Trails now but maybe you should go back to shitting on it, at least the threads had actual discussion that way

She talks about wanting to make babies with Joshua in the 3rd so they probably do. Joshua probably took the lead for her first time but she probably overtook him quickly and is definitely the more dominant one.

I'll take her daughter, best girl, instead thanks.

Forgot my image

Whoops, used the wrong there, there.

I don't know if I can bring myself to doing it though now. We did have a pretty decent thread that I made yesterday though, but I couldn't really participate since it was mostly CS focused and I've yet to play those games yet.

You're right though, heavy discussion does come easier when I start by berating the ever living shit out of a game in my OP.
I guess you have that to look forward to when I start up CS, but that won't be till I've played the third Sora game at least more than likely.
I'm trying not to skip ahead in the story if I can help it.

Ah so you are that autist who went full mental when discussing Ys8.

Don't worry about that one, CS and Sky are almost totally disconnected aside from taking place on the same continent

Now if you were going onto Crossbell it'd be different because there are straight-up cameos, which may warrant the desire to play them all in order, but CS? Naaah, not in the same way.
that one's the most discussed right now anyway, as it's the most EOP-accessible

and considering the reasons why you hated FC and SC for so long, you're absolutely going to loathe every second of it