Boss can rewind time

>boss can rewind time

JoJo reference?

You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass.

What do.

Keep rolling

Unironically Undertale did this pretty well.

>randomly rewinding time for a few seconds just to disorient you
That was pretty nuts

Transistor is another good example of a boss using your unique power against you

On a fucking raid-wide scale.

>who gets to go first?
>how about... me

The Ultimate Hellbane just slapped my girlfriend's ass? Isn't that guy involved with B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S?

Mash the square button

>boss dies from an ambulance

what is the strongest stand


>boss dies forever

Hey Ya!

Transistor's final boss was great, especially with his autistic mumbling.

>Boss IS time

>you have to kill the boss in an infinite amount of parallel dimensions in the same nanosecond or he will revive

>final boss was revealed nearly twenty years ago

>final boss has a giant dick hanging around

>Boss can rewind time
>You can never ever leave work


Gold Experience Requiem was so overpowered that Giorno could never be acknowledged again after part 5

You're no match for my 「Propane Nightmares」, I tell you hwhat!

>Final boss was already killed 5 lightyears ago but this information hasn't reached the part of the universe the hero lives at, and he spent 5 years grinding XP for nothing

>D4C Love Train
>Tusk Act 4
>Made in Heaven
In that order

>But at the expense of your own life because the final boss is also you

>Final boss thinks a lightyear is a unit of time



>Boss can let the voice of love take you higher

It kind of is.

>boss is made of time, written into the laws of reality
destiny was shit but the vault of glass was really good desufampai no bully

>boss can control woodland creatures

>boss is time itself
>hero dies of old age

>boss can make a new universe by aging it up

>boss is a dinosaur

Technically Killer Queen Bites the Dust if it activates. It can even revert GER back to regular GE.

It's not practical to use in battle though.

>boss dies then summons another version of himself from a different universe

nothing ever surprised me more than this

>Your favorite character dies

>boss is a real human bean

depends on how you want to look at it. Made In Heaven has the power to reset the whole fucking universe, so on a global scale its probably the strongest. Tusk Act 4 is probably the strongest if we're talknig pure stats because it has an A in every category except development, which is at E, indicating Tusk Act 4 is at its absolute strongest.

before this tread get pruned I just want to know one thing. What ever happened to the whole vampire thing and hamon energy? Does it come back? I've only seen the anime and l know it came back in that one episode of stardust crusaders, but does it ever appear again?

It's Sheer Heart Attack that has no weakness. Killer Queen is prone to being cracked apart.

>the worst antagonist of the series becomes half of the protagonist for the new installment

after Part 2 Hamon and Vampires never show up again except for Dio and Old Joseph in Part 3. Maybe they get mentioned but as for mattering in the plot its never brought up again.

No, stands mean that no one would ever want hamon and its many practical benefits because Araki is a hack

No, but there's a different version of it in Part 7. Araki got rid of it because he Stands were a more original concept that allowed wider variety one enemies as well as forcing protagonists to use their abilities in a clever way. The stone mask is also brought up in a Purple Haze Feedback.

nope. Dio gets mentioned a bunch in part 6 but the whole vampire and hamon thing never comes back.



>worst anatgonist

>OP can suck mean cock

Isnt GER basically the same as bites the dust? Both revert actions, but bites the dust is more narrow in use

GER negates actions

BD rewinds time

Joseph uses hamon all throughout stardust crusaders, he even uses hamon against DIO in the final battle. In the battle vs Alessi, when jotaro turns into a kid I assume he uses hamon to do that really strong punch knocking him back a few feet, but it's not mentioned just implied because joseph could use hamon without training in part 2 so I assume jotaro does too to an extent

Bites the dust reverts time and creates a loop

GER erases effect while keeping the cause, making him literally invincible

I've only seen the anime, but so far 2>4>1>3


>2 better than any part except 1


Reminder that Hey Ya! Doesn't even directly manipulate luck. It merely KNOWS the objectively most fortunate decision and attempts to influence the user to make said decision by whispering to it.

It's power is literally giving you inconceivably good advice.

>slice of life intermission part
>better than 1 and 3
opinion discarded



>you and the boss both have an ability that can undo your deaths

This nigga gets it.

>Final Boss
>YOU can rewind time

Part 1 is literally my moms Hokuto no Ken

Part 3 is Filler: The Experience featuring stands of the week and a shitty meme villain


Gold Experience Requiem

three is the worst since it was too formulaic

>You'll never talk to me or my wife's son ever again...

But wouldnt rewinding time so it never happens the same in effect as "erasing" it?

Ok, if kira isn't the worst antagonist, then who is it? Someone has to be the worst.

Yeah, but it erases the cause too. Erasing time is different from just erasing the effect


>5 and 6 last

hello illiterate secondary


Valentine > Pucci > Kira > Diavolo > Dio > Kars > DIO

>part 4 doesnt have stands of the week

did you read the manga? Most of the battles just last 1 or 2 weeks

In my opinion, Kars, but Diavolo and DIO are definitely worse as well. The position of best antagonist is a toss up between Kira, Pucci and Valentine. Beetle Dad will also be a strong contender if he becomes the antagonist.

Kars. Only villain without out a real plan

kars was too boring. His two lackeys were more interesting then him

Kars or DIO

>actually liking stand of the week format but with an even shittier cast

>boss can skip time

>boss can rewind time

>liking stand of the week over 2
You kys faggot

>Jotaro kills Labyrinth David Bowie
>has trouble with regular David Bowie

>boss fucks your daughter and then tortures you

Yeah but the stand users at least usually showed up at least one more time. Shit like Yuya being the arcs villain then helping in the next automatically makes it more interesting than part 3

How did Kars not have a plan? His goal was to get the Red Stone of Aja and become the Ultimate Being. Then after accomplishing that, he tries to get rid of Joseph for good measure but loses.

Part 2 was fucking shit

>Josephs entire character is literally asspulls
>Caesar does nothing
>Lisa Lisa does nothing except beat that one zombie
>Joseph is the one who beats every single pillar man
>Stroheim is the only useful side character and every appearance ends with him getting half destroyed
>Only good fight was Caesar vs Wamuu

Dio last

stop being a contrarian fag, Dio is literally the best he's not only the 1st antagonist of the entire series but a CONSTANT threat that took a Universal rewrite to get him out of existence and since Jojo 8 isn't even over yet we can't guarantee that's even the case

Kars is an easy 2nd for being an extreme badass without something as broken as a stand


Dio and Pucci practically won their respective stories Kira lost super hard and is gone forever

It seems a lot of people like the whole stand of the week. It may have been cool back in the 90s, but honestly its too boring and predictable. It feels like I'm watching a budget Saturday morning cartoon. It also got way to formulaic with the whole two part and cliffhanger ending. I liked it better when the stand users were more fleshed out giving each one more interaction with the main cast members, instead of the whole Dio mind worms

2 only has one worthwhile character with Joseph. Stroeim is cool too, but he doesn't get enough screentime. Joseph's tricks also aren't very clever at all and would require his opponent to be blind or retarded to work. It has no redeeming factors aside from Joseph being so lovable and the concept behind the Pillar Men being great, even if their characters' don't live up to their designs. It's still better than 3 because 3 is Stand of the Week with boring fights, but it's worse than 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Though if you're only watching the anime, which you shouldn't do, then I understand where you're coming form to a degree because Part 2 had an excellent adaptation.


Theres asspulls in every part.
Kars beats himself really.
Why does every character need to be useful?
Every fight was good

everything is fucking dio faul

>part 1 dio
>part 2 dio vampire and mask
>part 3 dio again
>part 4 stands are dio fault because of the arrow
>part 5 is dio sons and arrow
>part 6 fucking dio gay priest

DIO was the reason of everyone fucking life