If you want a real JRPG adventure, look no further. It's been right under your noses and does open world exploration so right.
but what about talent trees?
>p-please stop playing things that arent on wii u......
open world exploration so right? In what way? By littering the ground with blue dots of random shit for you to collect? By having incredibly dull combat? By having literally 0 story? Sure the world is big and has a few nice spots, but there is 0 substance to it.
inb4 cemu-kun
Cold Steel is better than this weeb trash.
>If you want a real JRPG adventure, look no further. It's been right under your noses and does open world exploration so right.
If you want a garbage OST, 2 forced party members, and generic NPCs as companions, look no further.*
Agreed on the world though, shit was grand.
the original xenoblade was a much better game
You know it's very obvious you're a FFXV drone falseflagging, right? You're this retard who posts bad XBX screenshots in every thread.
Except worse in every objective way but "atmosphere".
i'm replaying it now, looks really good
it's so comfy to walk around primordia.
too bad the ui is horrible and the font is very small
Aren't you FFXV fags busy making emails and giving Xeno bad user scores on Metacritic 24/7?
It's my favourite jrpg of this gen but I can understand why some don't like it. I really like mechs in this game and how you can customize them. The gameplay is much better than the first Xenoblade.
I would very much like to play it, but WiiU is such a piece of shit I can't justify buying it for a single game.
It's okay, the original has better artstyle, better characters, better voice acting, better combat, better story, better soundtrack, pretty much everything better except sidequesting and world design. You're not missing much.
That image alone is enough to convince me this game is not good
If FFXV was on nintendo you wouldnt shill XCX now. Stop being a fag
Don't forget to turn your contrast and saturation to eleven so you don't get nauseous from the bland vistas.
Only when everything glows like a neon circus clown house you'll get the true XCX experience.
>weee you
no thanks
You keep posting this shit and it looks like crap compared to ffxv, you distasteful autist.
The level of autism this week is astronomical. This is beyond sonigger tier, holy shit.
keep posting, your tears will only taste better when Square Enix declares bankruptcy
He's one of you guys, or probably even you, though.
And X doesn't look like this on your TV unless your TV is shit.
Can I make a hot stud and play the whole game shirtless?
This is important.
So can I emulate this yet?
I don't even have a PS4 lol
If you think that piss filtered, bloom ridden piece of shit with terrible lighting and generic designs only looks better because everything is crammed with grass it is because you shouldn't be making any sort of visual judgements.
X's locations have 0 personality when compared to ffxv's.
>it doesn't look better because it looks better
yep, it's ff fag
so FFXV looks like shit and XCX looks a million times better on a 10th of the hardware. I'm sold. Monolith Soft, you earned yourself another loyal customer
>big release coming out
>threads for XCX are more apparent for the last week and today
>muh autism
>deserts are ugly
also I repeat I don't have a ps4. I don't even have a sony console.
Only an anglo-saxon can be this visually impaired.
>tfw the multiplayer could've been incredible if they just hardcapped stats so you can't instagib stuff with overleveled skells
>X's locations have 0 personality when compared to ffxv's
>duuude lmaoo overbloated designs and classic 0/10 godawful UI whoaaaaa
I have my Wii U modded. Are there any uncensor patches or anything?
That's not gonna prevent me from buying a game from a truly superior game developer.
Can you please stop trying to respark the forced rivalry between XBCX and FFXV?
>Literally every thread is full of falseflagging
>even one guy trying to sway the conversation to FFXV
The only thing good about XCX was the world, music, and personally I thought it looked decent visually. Everything else was fucking awful.
You can customize literally everything about the UI.
Bait harder.
What I meant is all areas in X look the fucking same.
The designs are so generic they don't give anywhere any personality.
I really like that forest there though. And the lighting is superb.
>The level of autism this week is astronomical.
Thanks for contributing.
Maybe half of it.
>ff15 8.1 metacritic
>xcx 8.9 metacritic
>ff15 ten years development, higher budget, more powerful console
Honestly, people fail to realize how underrated XCX is. It's probably the king of JRPG's in the last ten years.
Oh sweet is it on PC?
So I have to spend 250 bux to play this on a dead and abandoned console with only a handful of good games.
Yeah, nah.
some good shit good shit
I wanted to play this and I did buy it but there was so much text and it was really overwhelming.
mfw playing perma overdrive skell
The amount of shitposting is almost as bad as when XCX first came out. Especially the amount of falseflagging.
wtf are you saying you stupid autistic fuck, holy shit you have an ass for a mouth
>It's probably the king of JRPG's in the last ten years.
The new Ys came out this year so no
>game has anime characters, a large story, and a boring open overworld
More garbage to add to the pile. Thanks Monolith and Squeenix. Next time try making games, not movies.
>tfw too lazy to figure out the combat system
More like pee-ew
>bland environments
>not a single thing to do other than fight MMO mobs and walk
Yes, bland.
What the hell are you talking about? XCX has barely any story
>posting saturated bullshots
That's what they said about MGSV. If it has any more plot than a Mario game, it has too much plot. I'm not here to listen to characters talk or listen to dialogue and exposition. I want gameplay, nothing else. The sheer amount of times I have to mute my game so I don't have to listen to those autistic side characters (*cough Elma and Lin cough*) alone made me hate it with a fiery passion.
Are you stupid? XenobladeX is very westernized. One loli doesn't change that.
3 hours into FFXV
So far my experience with it is that it's a more polished XCX with a higher production value, better voice acting, better combat, a better story, and better written characters. Prove me wrong.
Haven't gotten too deep into the world, but from what I've heard, FFXV has dungeons scattered about, and that's where the game really shines. If true, then the world is considerably better than XCX which had zero dungeons.
lol, can you please invent some new ways for JRPG's to operate then? you kill mobs and do quests around the area, plus in this game you explore areas and hunt for treasure. pretty sure that's the same of f15
>It's probably the king of JRPG's in the last ten years.
It's probably among the worst games i've played in the last 10 years and THE only game I regret having bought for my Wii U.
I cannot for the life of me understand the appeal, dead lifeless world full of shitty MMO combat and item nodes. Boring and hugely forgettable characters and story. Shit combat....and the one thing that should have been awesome, the mechs........made combat even duller.
Game has a great sense of scale, but that's literally it.
sorry mane this is how the game actually looks on my 60 inch t.v. with the saturation and contrast bumped up. not a bullshot just using features that every tv comes with in the last ten years dumbass
>Game has a great sense of scale, but that's literally it.
The size of the world, level design, and sense of scale of the map is unrivaled. Everything else about it is absolute trash though.
We had such a chill XCX thread last night, don't fuck everything up by making shitty falseflagging threads like this.
it's probably because you're a stupid person. most people with unimaginative brains and short attention spans won't like this game. if you give it a hundred hours of your time this game will become the absolute best game you ever played. I admit at first I dropped this game but came back to it later, and after slowly getting a grasp on everything I've now sunk 950 hours into it. there is a billion things to do and more content (quest wise) than any modern rpg. not to mention this game has the best and most mechanically deep post-game of probably any rpg ever
You can do little things like play mini games, or "games inside the game," you can have chocobo races, and trophies, you can interact with the world and dick around, you can explore unique dungeons and collect secret treasures, you can harvest magic to craft magic spells, you can go hunting or unique creatures,you can solve puzzles and get rewards for it, you can go fishing, you can collect new cooking recipients and eat food, you can take photographs, you can go camping with your bros,the combat is also not shit, you can summon gods to fight for you, etc...
None of those are possible in XCX.
Why is that Full HD when Wii U shots are 720?
> If I wasted 100+ hours playing this game so I have no choice but to say its good.
The modern JRPG is a sorry thing.
These would look fine... if it were fucking 2007.
Those fucking instagram tier color filters are hideous and the designs are really generic-2007-korean-mmo-tier.
Enlighten us with actual good environment then Mr Genius
no idea but this thread needs more skells
>Having a PS4 while already having a PC
This is an awful idea
Well that wasn't a terribly compelling argument.
then maybe XCX posters should stop shitposting in other threads. like this is really so one sided
haha ok babby first rpg i see, in xcx you can
>explore 5, unique continents
>fight hundreds of different types of monster, many different types unique to a continent
>hunt for treasure ranging in difficulty of acquiring it, requiring you to constantly upgrade field skills
>fight with giant robots
>use those giant robots to take on tyrants
>use those robots to take on post-game bosses which are the most difficult of any game (nardycyon)
>do all of that on foot if you're a tryhard fuck
>do hundreds upon hundreds of missions
>do heart to hearts, the counter argument to "hurrrr this game has no character development"
>do the 12 chapter storyline and try to secure humanities future
>do affinity missions
>customize your blade barracks
>own pets
>min-max with some of the deepest game mechanics ever
>combine complex combinations of arts and skills using EIGHTEEN different combinations of weapons, each of which has it's own specific load out of arts and skills
>equip fashion gear, of which their are hundreds of unique looking peices of gear to equip
>be part of 8 different divisions each with different in game bonuses
>play online with 32 other players in a squad and 4 players you can fight with in squad missions
>take on the global nemesis for insane amounts if tickets, and end-game currency which helps you further your build
>700+ achievements
>global leaderboards for dozens of different aspects of the game
>do support missions and time attacks to test your skills and farm
>play for 1000+ hours and not get bored
>actually challenge yourself, it's like playing an open world dark souls with how much you get killed
>talk to hundreds of npc's, each with unique dialogue depending on where you are in the story
>ect ect ect ect ect 8.9 metacritic vs 8.1 pls
this is bait
it's not hard to use a hdmi cap device and take pictures of the output instead of doing it internally.
>better than this weeb trash
>Cold Steel literally is more school weeb
>how can you not enjoy these smart games for intelligent gamers such as myself!
it's not really a game about intelligence, though it does take some to max out properly, it's more about being a labor of love. that's why this is my favorite game.
>it's more about being a labor of love
taking one for Nintendo amiright?
I didn't know TVs came with a way to increase the internal resolution of the Wii U. What TV are you using.
>play for 1000+ hours and not get bored
Really? Cause I got bored about 40 hours in, after getting the flight unit and exploring Cauldros on my own. It was after Ch.9, or whichever the one where you gotta fight the beast dudes and the cat chick, iirc they were called Ganglion. I liked their design, too bad it went to wast by not allowing them to be party members.
>actually challenge yourself, it's like playing an open world dark souls with how much you get killed
Are you a paid shill, cause you sure sound like one. Stop kidding yourself Nintendrone, you haven't played Dark Souls, XCX is NOTHING like, and DS isn't that hard either. Monster Hunter is a lot more difficult.
Sure, how about removing everything that's glorified filler? This goes for both XCX and FFXV. That means pretty much get rid of all the story.
Comparing Dark Souls to Xenoblade is like comparing Street Fighter to Halo.
Hell yeah, Drone Storm user.
May not be the best super weapon but it sure looks good on the skells.
fuck off,
JRPGs are about min-maxing, stats, optimization, and raw math.
your shitty excuse for an action game is literally rote memorization and spam tactics that mask rote muscle memory as form of human skill. You shitty feelings and spammy on-button combat with purty animations are more intellectually palatable to the average high school dropout neet.
Don't forget since Sony is the main console they also tried to bribe reviewers and since XBCX was on a Nintendo system, it automatically gets hit by the Nintendo Tax.
you're delusional m8. I've played dark souls and monster hunter and nothing in those games would have prepared me for the beatings I took against gradivus and nardacyon dozens of times before I put in the ludicrous amount of effort to beat them. not to mention pharsis and telethia. did you know that nardacyon, despite this game selling a million copies, has been killed less than 8000 times globally? that's not even unique kills
>not a bullshot
Yes it is. You literally can't take same shot with same point of view because there's terrain blocking the view on NLA and also in that shot the tower with remaining Lifehold power % is missing while it's clearly visible in game.
Everything else is subjective, but
>it's like le dark souls and le so hard upvote XDXD!
Is this supposed to be a good thing?
yah it's a good thing because it gives you an actual reason to keep playing the game fucking pleb kys
nardacyon was a genuine pain in the ass compared to the other ones for what he drops
So is this thread nothing but shitposting, or can we talk about the game?
>Japanese game about space America
>composer demands the super power up theme be in german
every fucking time Sawano