Ive never made it to the Elite 4 in a Pokemon game - currently emulating Fire Red to fix that.
Vidya Confessions
Get this live-journal / tumblr tier shit outta here
Sorry user, that was mean. I feel bad :(
I've never beaten any FF game except 1 and 10
I never finished Ocarina of Time.
I got past the water temple and I had a lot of fun with the game but i had no urge to finish it.
Life is Strange made me cry like a fucking baby
>i gave up being legit in contra and save state at the start of each level since there isnt any stage selects
i can get to stage 4 now without dying but then i need that save state shit after that
I played to the last boss and never finished. Lost interest.
i bought haydee for the tits
I've spent hundreds for buying 'skins'
who didnt?
I've never beaten a Final Fantasy game
I've never beaten a Souls game
I have 170 games in my Steam library but I've only beaten about 40 of them
I'm scared to play undertale because I hate it when stories make me cry and i'm a sensitive bitch.
please go play some games user
People who bought it for the ass
Never beaten a Zelda game either
I have never played a Souls game though I'm planning to buy them all soon.
I often use walkthroughs.
I play games on Easy mode
I bought PC parts for 1k euros and they're arriving today
Up until now I've been gaming on a fried motherboard for two years. Microphones haven't worked on my PC since 2014 lel
Hoping that the new PC will reignite my love of vidya
Until like yesterday, I thought when people talked about NeoGaf they were referring to New Gamefaqs. Turns out its a different site.
Spent $1000 on Rainbow Six Siege, then quit when they stopped letting me be toxic.
What? Really?
i bought the division full price on launch day
>fried mb
i dont see the problem? unless u just play multiplayer games witch would be a shame, play some nes and snes games they are realy good most of the time.
>hes not playing games the way i do, waah
ii cant be fucked even typing out all the reasons why that mistset is wrong
Easy mode is for faggots.
Normal mode is also for faggots.
This and Season Pass. I traded the game before the first DLC came out
>my opinions are law
look at rpg's and most games now days that the only thing that the harder dificulty does is inflate faggots heads like yours and make the game shit.
look at the older nes games man they had 1 setting and it was bals to thew walls witch is fucken sick cos it was made for that difficulty rather then just making damage sponges.
new games take the skill part out of the hard modes and just put in artificial shit that lenthens the game simulating difficulty
How about you learn to type?
Solatorobo isn't that fun and the only reason people remember it fondly is because furries.
make me you elitist scum, enjoy the bloated health while i go back and play games that actualy require skill faggot
One Winged Angel is annoying and a stupid overrated song.
I don't like Minish Cap and is the only Zelda game I've never completed.
I unironically enjoy games like Assassin's Creed.
Watch Dogs was pretty alright, I want to play the new one.
Always online DRM doesn't actually bother me one bit, but I get why some people are bothered.
Not an argument.
Same But I don't regret the purchase at all
>it was ment to be
your eleitisum is showing faggot, may i ask you when was the last time u truly enjoyed a game?
or is it all about trying to be cool by showing off on a user image board? gotta go play them buzz games and get a cool sounding k/d ratio so then i can get validation from other fagots like me
i feel you
>he never got the sweet, sweet relief of defeating that boss on the hardest diffucilty
go play a game over on a harder mode, you will love it
This user gets it.
This guy is a faggot.
This morning.
Are you missing several fingers? Or are you just dumb?
The only Final Fantasy games I've played are IV (DS), XII and Tactics. I actively shitpost about how they are the best despite not playing other FF games. (I've tried playing FFVII but it's just too damn ugly)
I look down on Halo and Halo fans even though I never have, and most likely never will, play any of the games. It was CoD before CoD. Halo marked the beginning of the normie infestation in my mind. And I'll never accept them as good games.
I've seen you post in several threads this morning.
You're what's wrong with Sup Forums. Please leave.
im just not giveing 2 fucks about writing nicly for some eletist faggot on a user web site.
what was it and why dd you enjoy it?
I can't fucking beat Dragon Master Lance in Heart Gold. I have a good team but his fucking dragonites just slam my asshole
i never played a final fantasy game
Lords of the Fallen. It's my favourite game. I'm doing a dope challenge run right now.
I love RPGs and I love SMT, but I can't get into Persona. The social/visual novel stuff just doesn't grab me at all.
I'm sorry user but I cannot fathom LoTF being somebodies favorite fucking game. Not only is it vastly inferior to every Souls game including 2, it is just trash in all regards. Poorly made, completely unoriginal, and thoroughly boring.
i was expecting u to some up with some normie pissing contest shit like lol or cs:go
ill resind my shit i said about you personaly but i do not agree with your mind set, i too enjoy the harder dificultys as long as the game is actualy set up for them and it makes the player require more skill then on other difficultys rather then the sloppy shit we have now.
i dont mind people playing on easyer shit as long as they are still feeling chalenged since thats the whole point of video games.
Your opinion means less to me than dog shit on the ground.
So as much as your life would to any other human being?
So are you just baiting and posting nigger emojis then? I certainly hope so, it would be much better than unironically having taste that bad.
Youve been shitposting the same shit across several threads now for a few hours. Are you trying to start a meme by using spoilers with text as the image?
Is this considered a confession?
I think Hotline Miami 1 is miles better than the second, gameplay and music wise it blows the second one outta the water
Is this not a unanimous agreement?
Never beaten a DMC game
he didn't say his opinions were law, he just said you're a faggot, which after seeing this post, I have to agree with
how do afford games, hungarian dog+? probably gypsy
I think that was the most I've ever disliked a sequel compared to the first.
this is literally the correct and most common opinion. The first is much more well designed gameplay-wise.
>Hotline Miami 1
David Lynch or Nicolas Winding Refn
>Hotline Miami 2
Quentin Tarantino
I bought Paper Mario 64 and stopped after entering the toybox
I have SNES Yoshi's Island, but after a year of playing I still I'm only in World 2
I made to the factory looking area in DK Country and stopped
Never played any Final Fantasy
Only Megaman game I played and finished was Megaman 1 on Gameboy
Only Sonic game I liked was 2 because I've yet to really play any other Sonic game
I never finished Chrono Trigger because the final boss was too hard
>id rather cheap shit that requires no skill over shit that acutaly does
you just can't stop putting words in people's mouths, can you? that's part of what makes you a faggot.
Christ, this guy is so mad and typing so furiously that several of the keys on his keyboard seem to have broken entirely.