What went wrong?
What went wrong?
deez nutz bitch boi *unzips dick*
Nothing, I still play it.
Although I liked is cousin Ace of Spades better. (not the steam version)
autistic 12 year olds
youtube channels
notch playing skyrim and then adding it to the game
Developer graphics becoming acceptable because its "retro"
the fan base
Wasted potential.
Also fuck the migration to those new accounts resulting in my having to buy the fucking game again because Mojang or whoever wouldn't respond to support tickets.
All I wanted was to play Pixelmon you fuckers.
Nothing desu. I still have fun playing modded with Sup Forumsirgins whenever it comes up.
Vanilla is ass but so is skyrims.
It stopped being comfy after hunger was introduced
Became more complcated after you had to brew shit and enchant weapons.
People like this discovered the game (autists)
not to mention hunger meter drains way too fast, you walk a couple hundred blocks and you have to eat again
What are you talking about? It's moddable, extremely profitable, teaches kids programming, and it's fun.
Nothing wrong with it, except for the fact that Microsoft owns it.
It stopped being fun and focus on the non-fun way of playing the game.
when Terraria BTFO every aspect of Minecraft except being 2-dimensional, instead of adding good content and things to do they just doubled down on making it extra gay and autistic without learning a fucking thing from their competitors.
>What went wrong?
Far Lands got removed.
Developers stopped playing their own game.
Everything turned into gimmicky shit.
far lands were a useless meme
Adventure update adding shit it didn't need. Memetic literal 12 year olds.
>far lands were a useless meme
No, it was the real goal of the game.
Not this shitty "dragon".
>Let's all buy an unfinished game!
Don't buy games early access they take the money and run
>walking to -564,000 -900,000 was the goal
I learned that the hard way. Thankfully though, Minecraft was the only early access game that I've ever bought.
yeah user, i need that source.
I saved it off Sup Forums and don't know it
please share it, i beg of you
Ignoring the cancer community, what mainly drove me off was the number of updates which added useless shit that just cluttered the game.
You're literally retarded if you can't migrate your account by yourself.
What pisses me off is that you can't find beta or alpha servers. Nobody plays alpha or beta for some fucking reason. Those versions were the comfiest ever.
The update that added hunger
Adventure update.
Your only 2 gameplay elements are resource gathering and building, both of which are ultimately pointless.
Minecraft needs more ancient ruins to explore and a city management system
I fucking tried. It refused to recognise my old account despite me trying every password that it could have possibly been. Then the password reset refused to work.
I looked this shit up, and I am not the only person this has happened to.
I submitted a ticket over a month ago and haven't even gotten an automated response to acknowledge receipt.
Being on Sup Forums doesn't mean I am retarded. Just that I am autistic.
It's not terraria: 3D
There's nothing to do and the enjoyment trivial, which leads people to constantly seek out SOMETHING to justify their time spent, the modding scene is proof of this. It's really artistic in a way; you always feel like you're on the cusp of achieving something but it never actually happens, there's no climax that doesn't lead you back to square 1 (or should I say block?). It's an empty void that never gets filled, only spread to other people miserable enough to buy it. Kids don't see through this, though, because repetition does not equal exhaustion in their eyes, so the game has basically become crack for kids. The community surrounding it has become a virtual daycare amassing literal billions of dollars all these years later. The massive YouTube hub cultivating the game has become a better babysitter than I ever could, lazy parents know it best.
An absolute waste of time. There's nothing else like it.
This. I played minecraft during its alpha days and enjoyed the crap out of it. Stopped being fun after half-way through 2011, that's when youtubers were on the rise, and minecraft rose in popularity. Never looked back, glad i avoided the cancer that plagues it.
Hunger and swamps were the beginning of the end.
Would it be hard to add certain features to the older versions of the game? Like, bug fixes and all the fps issues without having those shitty hunger and enchantment features and everything?
that would need actual work.
It would be better to just scrap it and start over.
I just want a community of people who play versions like Beta 1.4 or earlier and who aren't autistic 12 year olds. Something like 18+ that has voice like TS3.
Nothing, Notch and MS realized they could make billions by marketing the game to kids instead of keeping it as an autism simulator
youd have done the same thing in Notch's shoes
>Work on game and keep shitty player base that keeps growing into autistic 12 year olds
>Make literally billions and never have to work again
That was a hard decision
have you tried to get a job? that's where the adults are user.
It wasn't actually the autistic twelve year olds. Annoying fans don't make a game shitty unless you're forced to talk to them.
Development got handed off to some fucking nugget who didn't have the same inspiration and tried to make it a game it wasn't. It's weird to say considering how cancerous it made early access, but Minecraft was a lot better before it was released. Still a damn fine game that is comfy as fuck though.
>youd have done the same thing in Notch's shoes
That depends on if I was making the game as a passion project or not.
If I was making a game to make a game, or to make money, then yes I absolutely would.
If I was making a game for myself because I wanted to play it and nobody had made something similar, then no I would have told MS to either pay for what I'm making, or fuck off and buy someone else's indie project.
Is there something wrong with wanting to build a community into something good?
Double-tap W to sprint, instead of just holding shift.
I guess they both played their parts. The fuck head dev team was full of idiots who thought the game should be a survival RPG, FPS, Fantasy, city management game.
Mine actually got stolen during that mitigation thing. No idea how since I use random shit for a password and then write it down.
in games where the majority is children or manchild? That would be delusional
>notch playing skyrim and then adding it to the game
Holy shit, I forgot about that!
That's why you don't accept either child or manchild, fuck them, leave them out of the equation. Just find some willing people who want to play and the moment somebody says they're 17, or they just got done watching Naruto and they're gonna go jack off to furries, just kick them out.
Hunger and got rid of the FLAOT
*unzips katana*
Dragon Quest did it better
Listen to that little girl, it's a crime. You don't want to know.
>Base Game is enjoyed by plebs
>Modded 1.7.10 is still enjoyed by people who have brains
>Sup Forums can't understand why people still play
You don't know fun until you spend days making a fully functional dam to power a fully function drill to dig for diamonds and oil to power fully functional mechs to kill massive groups of enemies with
I miss the Jank of old mine craft with the booster carts and forest fires
I've been building in the same world since it was ported to xbox one, solo. I still pop in and work on my cities and marvel at my work from time to time. I get an itch for it. I feel a sense of accomplishment to the scale I built on survival. The projects got bigger and bigger, and now I just build in a creative/peaceful world. It's comfy just to walk around my castle and pier, climb up and look at the villages in the horizon. It's just a creative outlet for me.
Actually, scratch that. Since it was ported to 360. I forgot we could migrate the saves from there.