So now that the dust has settled
which one was your favorite and your least favorite campaign?
So now that the dust has settled
which one was your favorite and your least favorite campaign?
The flying campaign had me hard the whole time. Really made me wish the entire SP was about that. It was very dissapointing to carry on with the italian campaign, which was honestly shit.
Ps: are there some cool dogfighting games?
That fucking italian campaign was terrible
>i was the bestest special forces tesoro xD
>dont worry tesoro i had a fullsuit of bulletproof plate
>it even resisted bullets from a bomber plane, bullets that literally brought a moutain down xD
Best: Australian
I liked all the campaigns. Only levels I didn't like were the first Zara (get ledger on train) and the second Black Bess (go through the forest).
>Through Mud and Blodd
>get to cutscene in action
>this tank is failing on us all the time i was just a taxi driver man people are dying all around me war is terrible and nothing is going right
>get to the gameplay
>slaughter thousands of germans in a perfectly functioning tank that outguns most armor you see
That fucking black bess level almost made me quit. Shit visibility, shit weapons and at the time shit directions.
Tbh it did failed them like 3 times.
Also I wanna know did Wilson survived? Hated how inconclusive these stories were. Didnt really liked how Blackburn's story could have been entirely fabricated.
Wow hold on. Does niggerfield 1 has several campaigns? No silly mary sue story about a guy who single handedly wins the war? I might consider it buying it then
It failed them 3 times when the player control was taken away. When the player was in control, the worst it ever got was that scripted sequence to teach you how to repair it. Other than that, you had the most powerful tank on the field at all times. If I remember, the last section of the game is you vs a dozen or more armored vehicles and coming out on top. There's a huge divide between what the story is trying to tell you and what's actually happening in the game.
No it's just multiple Mary/Gary Sues/Stus who single handedly win major battles.
I really liked the fact that the main character was black. I am black personally and it made me feel a connection with him.