And what would you like for Christmas, Sup Forums?
And what would you like for Christmas, Sup Forums?
A gf
My dog back ;_;
A fast and painless death
A release date for Bannerlord.
Santa, I want more than anything this year for the Steam Winter Sale to be good.
I want all those shitty indie games to go on sale for $5 or less, not this $8/$9/$10 bullshit they do now.
I want Shovel Knight to go on a fucking real discount. $10 is not a real discount YOU'VE BEEN OUT FOR TWO GODDAMN YEARS.
I want Rockstar to put GTA V at $10 or less. I already bought your fucking game once, everyone has. Stop being such fucking Jews and discount the PC version for real.
I want Dragons Dogma to be less than $10. I already bought that once as well.
But most of all, I want I want to know that Half Life 3 is at least being worked on.
Or a harem of sexy demon girls.
I'm sorry, user. Its never easy.
consensual elf on human porn
Debt forgiveness so I can buy vidya whenever I want.
Please based Claus.
To die peacefully in my sleep and end my worthless existence once and for all. I've had a really bad headache all day actually, so I'm hoping maybe a brain haemorrhage in the night or something.
>not this $8/$9/$10 bullshit they do now.
Are you canadian by chance?
man, i really wish the world were a better place to live
I want the zone to disappear
I want my waifu to be real
first of all, i´d like my smile and optimism back
then to get laid. maybe some FFXV themed clothes and a this gen console and some camera so i could stream in Twitch even couple times in my life.
It´d be fun but reality is known for not being fun.
I want to sit on Santa's lap ;)
Vanilla WoW back
My grandpa back
A new job
please kill me
OK Matt, it's a secret, but I wrote it down on this piece of paper, just don't show it to anyone.
Merry Christmas!
I came home for Thanksgiving and saw my dogs dinner bowls on the shelf.
He died 6 years ago.
I miss you Ben
This. I'm trying to get twisted this year.
For all the anons that posted before me to have their wish come true.
And for all the anons that posted after me to have their dicks cut off.
A gf
to have my dick cut off
Shitposters to leave. Seriously. I'm so fed up with these faggots wanting everything to be tortanic again.
You can tell they don't even play games anymore. They can't enjoy anything at all. The only satisfaction they know is seeing how other people get their dreams crushed.
I'm so fed up with Sup Forums
Take me to the pokemon world
>have to take piss test for shitty retail job I desperately need
>lab calls when I'm out on Friday, need to ask me some questions
>closed over the weekend
>been on hold for 20 minutes
Fuck this entire year.
> then to get laid. maybe some FFXV themed clothes
sounds mutually exclusive, friend
I wish for some discipline in my life so I could do something about my shitty life.
Alternatively, narcotics to numb the pain.
So leave. You're the one who's changed, not Sup Forums.
I want to be physically cute in appearance.
ff xv on pee cee
You know what I want, fatman
Then leave. This place is Sup Forums 2.0, no turning back. If you want to talk about a game go to /vg/ and hope that the general for that game hasn't been swallowed by shitposting and e-celeb faggotry yet.
>Work at a liquor retailer
>Haven't even worked there a year
>Already been promoted
This job is dope as fuck
Been here since 2008. Shitposters have always been here, but i remember it being more balanced than now. I member having fun in the threads. Since tortanic it seems like everything has to be miserable. There're 5 FFXV threads now, everyone arguing bout review scores. Probably no one of those'll play the game.
>his smile and optimism, gone.
If you ain't memin my man I'm with you. I hate to be a Debbie downer here but I can't feel happiness anymore (and by that I mean the literal feeling, I can still get happy, there's just no feeling).
>but i remember it being more balanced than now
Then you've deluded yourself. The things Sup Forums hates have changed (Mass Effect 2 was the biggest collective orgasm in Sup Forums history at the time), but that's all. Maybe you're just upset because you no longer hate the same things.
oh really here i was thinking it´s the fashionable male wear in asia and to pull a fast one by becoming the trendy look to get more pussy
ofc safe choice would be chad hobbies, gym to get muscle and nigga / rap clothes like snapbacks. i didnt want the meme i wanted full black clothes and a really nice haircut
For Santa to be real.
No, i still hate Sup Forums with a passion.
I think i just ran out of patience
I want a Wii U
No seriously
The death of all Muslims and Jews
Maybe you've grown up? You're an adult. You're too old to argue with kids, leave, move on, grow.
I want my poke waifu to be real
I'd like a power drill.
I'd also like to live where I am for just one more year. I'm barely making ends meet where I am now because rent is super cheap but the owners are planning on selling the place. Nowhere will rent this cheap and if I get the boot I'll be financially ruined because my belt is about as tight as it'll get already. But a drill would be pretty cool too.
To stop getting shit teams in Overwatch
Do you happen to live in some kind of leftist/socialist hellhole where a cup of coffie costs more than a months rent anywhere else?
be a wizard
Eh, its not that great.
For something good to happen and to have it be so good that it will cause a chain reaction causing other good things to happen.
No. I just thought credit cards were the coolest thing in my early twenties. I'm doing great at paying it off but I won't really be in a better position for another year. Long story short, I'm living with a friend who's mom left the house to him while she moved to another state. Now she's thinking about selling the house 'within the year'.
I just need one more year and I'll be in the clear.
>Need summer job through college
>Older bro gets me a job at local Chick-Fil-A
>Figure it'll be easy, would make a little bit of money for awhile
>Turn into a hateful short tempered asshole after two months
I have a quirk for each and every race now. Chick-Fil-A has literally made me hate almost everyone equally.
I just want Christmas to be fun again
>working at a chicken fast food place
Be it KFC, Popeyes, or Chick-Fil-A, it turns customers of every race, sex, and religion into abrasive assholes who deserve death.
That applies to almost every fast food shithole, but they congregate at chicken places the most for some reason.
yeah that shits just gone and i remember being a lot more passionate about hell everything in the teen years. now a good joke is mild laughter and really fucking good song is just barely okay.
dont really know what to do and if it´s about not being satisfied in my real life then too bad coz daily life changes really slow & cant get rid of the routines
No student debt
More socks
What the hell is wrong with that pupper?
Have kids.
I don't have any myself, but my sister got married a couple years ago so I got a big pile of nieces and nephews from her husband's side of the family. Christmas is so goddamn fun.
360 degree camera. The dog was in the area between the cameras that are stitched together. You get lots of weird things going on in that seam if it's close to the camera.
Yeah I noticed that with songs too. I used to KNOW when I like a song. Now I have to do detective work to figure it out because that feeling is gone. I used to be so happy and positive just like you and it's fucking gone. I want to get help as well but idk where and how. I guess there's therapy but I'm not really in a position to do that at the moment and it sounds expensive.
you can't ask something that doesn't exist
Purpose comes from within. You make your own goals in life and pursue it.
I'd like a car.
Seriously, I'm 22 and I've never had one. Mainly because I'm too smart to get trapped into the wagekek cycle but I've pretty much been turned down by every date-worthy woman in my ten mile radius and I need to expand it.
Or you could just give me a gf, preferably one that's short, thick, and black.
Other things I'd like would be a new blender, Dishonored 2 on PS4, wines, and cross-country skiis
>Mainly because I'm too smart to get trapped into the wagekek cycle
>"But for some reason absolutely nothing is going right in my life"
someone to succ
I never said that. A lot of things are going great in my life. I just don't want to make any purchases that will require me to consistently hold a job at the same time as college, a reason why I have lived in dorms the last three years
Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery blu ray
i am in alaska and there's barely any in my shitty town
Ah, thanks user.
Nope, Burger
Hey, your chances are better than most of America's East Coast.
I just want a blizzard or two.
for santa to give me some fug
we should fuck
to get blacked
i'm a girl by the way
Is anyone else asking their family for the Twistor Cordless 8 Volt Screwdriver?
I'm not even DIY but I'm obsessed with this dumb fucking powertool
Is it usable on the prostate?
>girl by the way (male)
you´re not fooling anybody
This please, hear us allmighty santa
I actually asked for a NES Classic.
Yes I know it's probably shit. I know I can emulate all the games. I asked only for the brief feeling of being 6 again when I unwrap it.
My family
I'd like to be with my darling Fuuka, please.
some (you)s
My brother wants one. Pity they're as hard to find as water in the desert.
40 lbs of lube.
Oh, and an Xbox One S I guess.
Don't spend it all in one place, kiddo
ho-ho-ho merry christmas assfaggot
I wish for a gun so I can shoot the fuck out of my asshole boss, his wife and his wife's kids.
A cure for cancer, so my mother will be able to enjoy Christmas this year.
a life