What was his end game?
What was his end game?
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preservation of the human race through cooperation with their conquerors
He really wasn't a bad guy, he didn't think humanity could win a war with the Combine and wanted out species to survive
But weren't people sterile?
Alyx was supposed to carry a child with Gordon.
If combine wanted earth's resources why did they keep humans alive?
>to enslave them
But they have sophisticated machines which are much more efficient than organic slaves.
The combine have not done anything wrong. They made the humans evolve past their primitive desires and instincts.
Breen did nothing wrong.
President of Earth
He never had an endgame. He was just trying to do his job. He had a really shitty job. Don't feel bad for him though, he was a pretty shitty person as well. Also he might have hoped that'd they'd turn him into an immortal psionic slug.
people weren't sterile. the combine were using a device that suppressed protein chains for breeding, which was shut down after the citadel got blown up
From his reaction at the end of HL2 it doesn't seem he was hoping to transcend his human body.
The suppression field stopped babys from being born.
Still, humam race was doomed.
How was he trying to protect it?
He negotiated a surrender because earth was literally fucked in the ass.
Oh yeah, he got the offer at the end and seemed sort of scared of it, didn't he?
Pretty sure the results of the negotiation indirectly killed off more human lives than the actual 7h war.
So good job Breen. You saved nothing, you just made it worse.
You idiot
>cooperate with Combine
>have every human transhumanized by 2040
>be part of combine war machine
>deus vult on unsuspecting races across every dimension
>master race
>sip alien martinis by 3000 as you near the top of the food chain
>no vortigaunt slaves besides that one with the broom at the beginning
>no alien grunts
>no controllers
>no houndeyes
>no bullsquids
>no ichthyosaurs besides a cameo
>no xen
>no cremators
>no combine guards
>no elite metrocops
>no combine assasins
>no alien assasins
>no combine super soldiers
>no alien combine soldiers
>no synth elite soldiers
>no crab synths besides a cameo
>no motar synths besides a cameo
>no sackticks
>no antlion king
Be controlled by psionic jews lizard alien people.
But in the long term it changed nothing.
Axel Gembe
Remember that name and remember to hate it.
If he didn't the human race would have been wiped out.
Rebel scum, the Union will rise once more to crush you.
Humanity is still around, albeit living shitty lives, but still around. I'd argue that's an accomplishment from the surrender
I'm sorry, what was that again? I can't hear you over the cries of all the newborn babies around here.
But it's still around because of the resistance, not because of Breen.
If anything, it's "despite Breen", seeing as how Breen seemed in charge of coordinating the combine forces on Earth.
The resistance is only suppressing the combine forces on earth. Their true potential raped every single military at once, causing mass hysteria.
I highly doubt Valve changed the entire game because some faggot leaked it a year before release.
Which machines?
>Breen was an incredibly shit supervisor on purpose
>by pretending to be incompetent, he gives the resistance a fighting chance to succeed
>has to keep up the act to prevent a Combine crackdown and the installation of an effective governor
Are we confident that Breen was an actual Combine loyalist? A lot of his actions make more sense if he was trying to give Gordon a chance to succeed.
Welcome our new alien overlords
Honestly by the way that Eli and kleiner described him, Breen was likely just trying to save himself
he wanted humanity to ascend to new heights
to avoid G-man and whoever (probably Illuminati or worse)
G-Man was probably in on it or pulling the strings Gordon is really the destroyer anything he's working for G-man or was
>transhuman super soldiers are weaker than military grunts
Also could be true. It's kind of interesting that although he sent out triggered Breencasts at regular intervals we never really interact with him on a personal level, except at the very end of the game when we were in the process of blowing up his apartment.
I would agree with you if he didn't cause the whole shitstorm in the first place by planning and subsequently pushing the test that caused the resonance cascade.
It's implied that at least some of the Black Mesa personnel knew what they were doing, and given his role as administrator, he would have been one of those people.
>no alien/experimental weapons
hl2 is so shit
I have been asked to say a few words to the trans-human arm of sector 17 overwatch.
If you let someone else answer instead of just answering yourself you might stop being wrong. They were clearly just keeping humans pacified while they let the majority just die off. Why waste time and resouces rounding people up and risking open rebellion when you can let time take its course. Enforcing the suppression field that stopped them breeding. Taking the fittest to use as soldiers. they were pumping earths water off world happily enough by themselves.
you know, we never actually see water pumps and shit
he go the cushy job, he doesn't care about human race as long as he doesn't get exterminated with it. Combine fucked the planet beyond recognition in some places just in 10 years, the planet would become uninhabitable husk within the generation. When the rebellion finally comes with the activation of Gordon he makes whatever he can to stop him. When Gordon finally gets him he tries to leave ASAP instead of just accepting the fate and conceding to rebels. He doesn't care about humanity, he cares about his ass.
>train noises
Episode 2
If Breen didn't intervene the combine would probably have just removed all the air in the atmosphere or sent out some type of engineered disease to kill all humans, instead we became useful to them so we could continue to exist. If it weren't for Breen's actions there wouldn't have been a resistance or really anything. Better temporary subservience than absolute annihilation, especially if it allows for you to overthrow your conquerors. We basically became like the vortigaunts.
Literally Canonical Intepretation.