Got some money. Should I get Dark Souls 3 or Dark Souls 2 SOTFS?
Got some money. Should I get Dark Souls 3 or Dark Souls 2 SOTFS?
SOTFS, that way 3 feels better when you get around to it.
Witcher 3
SOTFS; it's the longer game.
The Witcher is boring shit
>Go to A
>Talk to B
>Go to C
>Talk to D
I've played to the first boss of Dark Souls 3. But never played SOTFS
Dont get SOTF the longer you play it the more you will regret it, its by far worst souls game
Dark Souls 2 may lack a lot of polish and have some questionable level design choices (Aldia's keep forwards), but it still is a fantastic game. I personally put it over 3 for the fact that it actually tried many new things.
And the DLC chapters (included with SOTFS) are great.
SOTFS, i put 300 hours into both and its the better choice
I've put more time into SotFS. 3 will drop in price soon too. I'd just wait until 3 has both dlcs out and some kind of deal comes up. Get SotFS and you'll get more content and it will be half the price. by the time you burn out of it 3 will probably have a good sale.
and if you have a ps4 get bloodborne.
Don't listen to the other anons OP. This is the objective way to look at it.
If you get SOTFS you're getting more content, since it's one and all its dlc.
If you get Dark Souls 3 you'll get a more refined, up to date experience that is more reminiscent of Dark souls 1 than Dark souls 2 was.
After that, it's mainly a matter of opinion mostly. Souls 2 is definitely a love it or hate it experience for fans of the series, where as 3's only major complaints are it being too closely related to DS1.
My personal opinion would be dark souls 3. While it's less content, it's just a better experience I feel. But to each his own.
>3s complaints are being too close to dark souls 1
wut. 2 is the closest thing to 1. 3 is closer to bloodborne. and souls 1 is regarded as the pinnacle of the series by most people. being more like the first game wouldn't be a common complaint.
get SotFS then 3.
2 is decried for having a very notable change in combat, level, and world design philosophy, plus it controls differently and has a significantly higher focus on crowds than 1v1 encounters. It's got slower movement and puts more focus on unlocked combat.
In contrast, 3 feels like an amalgam of 1 and BB's combat, and a combination of DeS and 2's world design philosophy, and BB's level designs taken one notch further. It's closely tied to 1 in theme, setting, and encounter designs as well. DeS and 2 are arguably the odd games out compared to 1/3/BB.
0 memes, SOTFS is fuckin ass
it's just not fun
You're opinion is a meme right now, if you like DS at all you would know SOTFS is better than 3.
SOTFS is worse than DaS2+DLC because the revised enemy placement is ass.
Also I like 3. Not btw
Dark Souls 3 has way better gameplay, you're fucking nuts.
I have platinumed all the games, I have put probably 5k hours in souls overall
Get dark souls 3, dark souls 2 is the lowest point of the series. It's a good game, it's a fun game, but you should only play it when you've exausted all the other games content and are looking for more.
If you're interested in pvp at all, get 3. The latest game is where all the multiplayer happens, you can always take advantage of that now, enjoy 3, and then come back to dark souls 2 later when it dies down
>SOTFS is worse than DaS2+DLC because the revised enemy placement is ass.
>thoughtless rollspam stunspam where armor and weapons don't matter is better gameplay
Even DaS3's DLC highlights that.
They're both the weakest Souls games but DaS3 is better than that abortion called dark souls 2.
I didn't bother with PVP in any of the games, but still enjoyed them immensely (aside from 2). I played almost exclusively offline with every game (starting with Demon's Souls back in 2009)
Would I still enjoy Dark Souls 3? Favorite game in the series is BB.
Dark Souls 3 is the closest to bloodborne so yes.
I'm not saying you shouldn't get dark souls 2, I think it's a good game. I think dark souls 3 is a better game, it's dramatically more polished, the bosses are more memorable, the combat is more fluid. Dark souls 2 has more content but that's why I think you should save it for when you've run out of content in the other games. It's not going anywhere
Sounds like someone didn't take any Witcher contracts.
DS3 is the better game, simple as that.
DS2 is ass, any version. Play it for 2 mins and you will instantly regret it.
This is every souls game though. Dark Souls 3 just isn't a slow piece of shit like DaS1 and 2, so it's automatically better. The dev team realizing that Demon's Souls' speed and hyper armor had to return may have been the smartest thing they've ever done.
Literally only true in Iron Keep, and arguably the second half of Drangleic where you get to fight an enemy from pretty much every previous area. Every other area is much more manageable and creative overall.
>This is every souls game though.
No lol, how brainwashed are you?
You spam R1 and use invincibility frames when rolling to beat the boss. Did you play the games, user?
>muh fast
Maybe you should play a hack and slash or a good action RPG instead of a Souls game then Souls games are clearly designed to be played in a slow and methodical manner.
>souls games only amount to bosses
Yup, brainwashed.
dark souls multiplayer isn't that interesting
just pirate both
2 Scholar, wait for 3 to be on a decent sale in the inevitable complete edition.
>buddy gets DS3 and I have no means to
>play it at his place for an entire weekend
>come home to my ds2 playthrough
>still can't parry fuck all
>the guard break is a pain in the ass
>combat still slow
Get DS3, it was better in literally every way
Anyone who says DS2 isn't the worst souls game is huffing glue
DS2 felt like a chore, play DS3
>literally every way
M8. I'm not going to bother making a brick of text, that's just wrong.
>muh slow and methodical
>in a game series where enemies can literally unleash a blazblue combo on you out of nowhere
>also the game series uses two buttons: one is to attack and the other is to dodge bad things
Where the fuck does this "methodical" shit even come from? Try telling me that when half the bosses in the series aren't jumping around all over the fucking place and getting in your face as often as they do. These games are more reactionary than anything else.
No really, honestly. How is DS2 better than any other souls game in the combat department. Argueably the dualwielding is better than DS1, but the combat in general has suffered so much
Dark Souls 2 made invincibility frames tied to a fucking stat. It already failed the gameplay test, how much better could it be in other departments?
>in a game series where enemies can literally unleash a blazblue combo on you out of nowhere
>Try telling me that when half the bosses in the series aren't jumping around all over the fucking place and getting in your face as often as they do.
Have you only played DaS3 or what?
DSII and DSIII has this
>>still can't parry fuck all
small leather shield
>If you get Dark Souls 3 you'll get a more refined, up to date experience that is more reminiscent of Dark souls 1
I want this meme to die.
DaS3 is a shoddy BB knockoff, it's nothing like DaS1 outside of blatant nostalgia pandering.
>he started on 2
>combat department
Okay, I will concede, the game does play worse. But that's not "literally every way."
3 is worse in literally every way besides combat, PvE or PvP.
I played up until the cursed tree and felt it was literally dark souls 1 continuation, which is fucking fine because it's amazing
Actually, My first was 3 and while enjoyable, it lacked even an ounce of depth.
SOTFS has more content and better pvp/replayability
but if you're not at all interested in pvp go for dark souls 3
I dunno about most people but I play this series 75% for the combat, 10% for the exploring and 15% for the aesthetic.
Shittier combat is shittier game
>I played up until the cursed tree and felt it was literally dark souls 1 continuation
I guess the view right after Vordt could give that impression, even though it's completely wrong.
I play these games 60% for the exploring, 30% for the combat and 10% for the aesthetic, only exception being BB because it's not even a Souls game so I don't expect them to have the same focus.
So 3 is better in the way that matters most in a video game?
sounds like someones playing skyrim
get 3.
get ds3, please for the love of god.
Metroid Prime has garbage controls and I'd say the rest of the game largely compensate for it. And for its time, it's a better game than Dark Souls.
Well, thing is, while 2's combat is overall more annoying and tedious, the game itself has far more options, especially for PvP players.
>Bell keepers for party invades in unique arenas
>Brothers of Blood duels
>Your usual Invasions, but in a wide range of areas all with extremely varying environments, it isn't massively skewed in the Host's favor, especially because it's nowhere near as easy to get Seeds of Giants
>Doors of Pharros (Grave of Saints sucks dick, to be honest) with Rat King
>Invading the worlds of Guilty as Sentinels, not just aiding the Way of Blue
>Aiding Way as Sentinel actually fucking works in 2, it doesn't in 3 if your account is older than a few months
>Company of Champions means killing Invaders has unique rewards
It's almost as if you didn't play them
It comes from the design of the game. The entire point of the stamina system is to force you to make decisions and discourage risky actions. A lot of ambushes throughout the entire series have some sort of tell and punish players that aren't aware. Counter damage multipliers exist to punish players that make a bad call, and enemies in general all have a much higher damage output than they're generally expected to have so you're forced to use your shield or at least wait it out.
The only games where enemies and bosses regularly do long combos is BB and DS3, and BB at least has the excuse of being a spinoff. There are aggressive enemies and bosses in all games, but they're always the exception to the rule, except for DS3 has multiple bosses where the best course of action is just roll spamming away and waiting while the boss finishes their 7 hit combo. It's boring as shit and doesn't work in a series with such basic combat mechanics.
What are you talking about? Metroid Prime has fine controls. How old are you?
I like Scholar more
If you haven't played it you should before 3.
At least Skyrim has fun mods.
Get 3. The world design is trash but at least most of the bosses are great.
Demon's Souls: Real good
Dark Souls 1: Real good
Dark Souls II: Tried some new shit. Some of it stuck, most of it didn't. Still worth playing
Bloodborne: Changed the formula up a little bit, battles are much faster, less reliant on a shield.
Dark Souls III: Bloodborne without the fast combat
Ur a moron that didnt play the game faggot
SotFS is the best souls game
Maybe bloodborne but that hasn't been released. PS4 doesn't count.
Old enough to have played it for my birthday at release. You can manage around the controls and combat just like you can for DaS2 with lock-on/unlock. Doesn't mean it's good.
If you are a souls fan and plan on playing both, get 2 now and wait for all the dlc and then buy 3. If this is just a ds2 vs ds3 thread then the answer is ds3 unless you can play vanilla ds2.