Canonically, why is he so strong?
Why does he consistently rank as one of the best fighters? Why is he one of Akuma and Bisons favorite targets?
Canonically, why is he so strong?
Why does he consistently rank as one of the best fighters? Why is he one of Akuma and Bisons favorite targets?
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Something to do with his evil side.
he does nothing but train all day every day
Dark hadou etc etc, fighting hobo etc etc
Daily reminder that as of 2016, Ryu is a 52 year-old hobo who still tries to become "the strongest martial-artist in the world" well into his middle age
His body fat percentage must be -5% or his severely Dehydrated at all times for those measurements
>im taller than ryu
feels good man
Street Fighter stopped following the real world calendar, they are stuck in the nineties that has technology from 2016.
SFIII took place in 1998 and SFV is set before SFIII.
Trained by Gouken in the strongest martial art in the world, actually keeps training unlike Ken, Akuma wants him to succumb to the Satsui no Hado so he can have an equal to fight to the death with, Bison is a dick.
Japanese weight measurements are always off because they make people tall, but give them weight that seems right to them, not accounting for muscle mass.
It's why Sagat is 7'2" and like 200lbs.
Akuma is interested in his dark side, he wants Ryu to submit to the Satsui no Hado so he can finally have a fight with someone equal to him
At least, that's what I take from it
That was in 1987 when he was 23 years old. Body-builders actually have to starve and dehydrate themselves preparing for competitions for maximum aesthetics. Still, you have to wonder how he maintains that physique well into his 50s
Sagat was skinny as in sf1 I could believe 200lbs
Street Fighter sorta follows comic book rules
Satsui mind
Is a world without guns.
Ryu being 50 was just a marketing campaign.
Street Fighter never moved its timeline beyond 1997, now they just don't give a fuck about time and just has today's tech without specifying what year everything is being set.
Yes. Just like they did with Initial D
Starting from SFIV, before it followed real world time.
SFI - 1987
SFII - 1991
SFIII - 1997
Then SFIV and SFV came and just gave up.
>SFV vill never have a groove system ala CvS2 where you can switch between them on the fly spending V-bar
It hurts Sup Forums
>Ryu, a manlet, regularly beats Sagat, a man of healthy normal height, despite the massive advantages in body weight, arm and leg reach, and core strength
Why are games so unrealistic? At least with the fireballs you can suspend your disbelief and call it an in-universe thing. This is just a violation of basic physics.
He's autistic and trains all the time, Akuma wants to make him as strong as possible to fight and kill him (also theres hints that akuma might be his father or related to him) . Bison doesnt really give a fuck abou ryu other than considering stealing his body once and wanting him out of his way.
>Ryu is 52 years old.
That was stupid marketing campaign by Capcom USA.
Street Fighter's timeline froze with SFIII which was set in 1997, Ryu is 33 years old.
How fucking retarded are you? I've seen short fuckers destroy lanky motherfuckers all the time. In the time it takes Gigantor to swing his arm,Speedy Gonzales would've hit him 5-10 times.
>normal height
aint he like 8' tall or some shit
>why tall man don't win short man ungaunga
fucking retarded logic made by a lanklet who can't even face himself in the mirror without shitting his pants
t. 6"0'
6 foot, lol yeah right, hes got like 2 foot on ryu visually and he hunches a bit
It's the fate of all fighting game bosses to be objectively better in every way but inevitably losing to the inferior canon hero. Has there ever been a case where a game's final boss is the story's official tournament winner?
Only in Tekken 4.
Hehaichi lost in Tekken 1
Kazuya lost in Tekken 2
Ogre lost in Tekken 3
Jinpachi lost in Tekken 5
Azazel lost in Tekken 6
Ryu isn't tall enough to suck on Sagat tiddies standing
Ryu has never beaten Akuma.
Nothing in that post says he did
>Same weight and height as Ryu
>In shape
>His muscles are almost triple the size of mine
It's not fair, someone better call out capcom on these unrealistic bodies types affecting young boys self esteem
blame your parents for having shitty genetics
Good thing he can fire balls of fucking energy out his hands, tends to level the playing field
It's like saying it's not fair that a skinny manlet can beat a bodybuilder when they both have machine guns
I think the whole argument is pointless, because the game will always rely on player input, so what's the point of talking about canon?
Sakura, a high school girl could kick the ass of a sumo fighter if the player ability allows it, and canon flyes through the window.
is that a double headed sheep in the backround?
Better question. Why is he so strong? It's absurd.
Even better question, who issues handcuffs with links that long?
Better better question. Has Ruy boned Sakura while she was still in high school age?
Prisoners tend to pass the time lifting weights and getting into fights. That's where Cody gets the muscles and fighting skills.
But he logically can't. Even before he goes to prison he's so strong that he'd kill them all. Fuck, he breaks out by just busting through the walls and the guards just let him because they can't stop him anyways. Not to mention that he only leaves prison because he's either bored or because he thinks he's got some shit to do.
He's so strong that Akuma thinks he's hot shit.
It's ridiculous.
Purely through the power of this theme
What I don't get is how the handcuffs are apparently holding him back even more than he already does, yet they're long enough to not really restrict his movement at all
Is it magic anime shit or something?
Probably? He also holds back by never actually training or learning an actual fighting style. He's seemingly stronger than Ryu and never actually gives a shit about "finding the answer in the heart of battle" or whatever.
>is it magic anime shit
Of course it is. I mean SF already makes no sense but Cody is by far one of the most illogical parts of the mythos.
Learnt some things while he was a teen iirc, trains every (or almost every) day, has Satsui no Hado influence and in Third Strike shows Oro making his training harder, for who knows how long this has been going on for. It would very be stupid for him not to be.
This is a better question, but Capcom hasn't really even hinted at answers.
Actually Sagat was 140 lbs according old data from Capcom. They retconned the weights of everyone some years ago because some of the retarded measurements carried on even onto sf4.
>Canonically, why is he so strong?
Unofficially, it's pretty much accepted that he is Akuma's son. The Satsui no Hado is mostly hereditary, so Ryu has 50% of his power coming from that.
On top of this, he was trained by Gouken, Akuma's brother. Gouken achieved the 'power of nothingness' which is just as strong and counters Satsui no Hado.
So basically Ryu innately taps into raw murderous power, and also applies techniques learned by a grand master. The dude is fucking OP if he can utilize both of them.
He's already killed M.Bison, defeated Necalli and it's only a matter of time before he kills Akuma. I'd even go so far as to say that one day he could rival the likes of Gill and Oro in his old age.
>it's pretty much accepted that he is Akuma's son
No, no it isn't.
>The Satsui no Hado is mostly hereditary
No it is not.
>Old Ryu vs Unsealed arm Oro
God, I would love this so much
Realistically speaking he should weight around 350lbs. He is bigger horizontally than rich piana and almost twice his height.
Also, thats why you have weight classes in real sports, because manlets are several tiers below than heavy weights in power. I know you have all those animes in your mind, atrophied by so many years of wearing a stupid fedora, but the truth is that there is nothing to do against a well trained bigger guy.
No, you are not faster, you cant teleport, you cant get inside a ring with a katana that steals souls.
Why would they hint at something said by a non canon character in just a random end fight commentary?
Cody cant even control any kind of energy. He is low tier.
>Satsui no Hado is mostly hereditary
Where did you get that idea?
Oro isn't canon?
The groove system was fucking retarded and broke the game completely. What the hell is wrong with you.
He is Japanese, what do you expect?
Forget that, my memory's shaky
Bison/Rose at full power
Cody when trying
Everyone else
>Satsui no Hado is mostly hereditary
Where did you get that idea?
It's pretty evident. It clings to Ryu like a sickness. At no point in the canon did Ryu freely flirt with Satsui no Hado or even study it, it has an innate quality where it simply manifests within him, like a syndrome or illness.
This begins to make sense if (and only if) we accept the likelihood that he is Akuma's son. While it's not official (just yet) if you consider that Akuma's story has blood ties with Gouken (brothers) then it begs the question:
Where did Ryu come from? How fitting that after the death of Goutetsu and Akuma's absence that Gouken is tasked with raising a young Ryu.
It is most likely the case that Gouken is both uncle and adoptive father to Ryu, with Akuma being the biological father who fucked off and left Ryu.
In almost every unofficial animated movie (which had supervision of some key Capcom staff) it tells the non-canon story of Akuma most likely being the father.
Mark my words nigga, it will be canon eventually.
Perfect list actually
mcgregor would fuck ryu up if hadoukens weren't alloud
Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie
its on youtube.
You know the rules.
that nigga got a mike tyson build and he weighs less than me and im pretty skinny at 5'9" lol
bravo japan
>strong tier
Closed the thread tab.
Adon is literally as strong as Sagat, they fight over the Muay Thai title so hard they both end up hospitalized.
Sagat also fights with Dan and ends up hospitalized.
Did cammy ever save Decapre and later had lesbian sex?
Only because certain grooves had rolling, and thus, access to roll cancels.
The grooves themselves didn't break the game as much as the characters did.
He was faking it when he fought Dan to honor a man fighting to avenge his father. Sagat is all about respecting ambition.
Sagat's such a bro, fuck Capcom for leaving him out
Sagat did beat Ryu though. Ryu was just so mad he lost he tapped into the Satsui no Hadou and shoryuken'd the fuck out of Sagat.
Sagat was rightfully butthurt about the scar since Ryu scarred him as he was helping Ryu up
Why is Necro so strong? Isn't he just a man who underwent a failed experiment and got stretchy electric powers.
Actually short guys have the advantage, when it comes to striking. Easier to hit a chin above you than below you.
Everything points towards Zangief being Master or Strong.
Also Cody being that strong is a meme, all they have to go off is a comment by Akuma.
I'm still upset about this retxon shit. It used to make sense, Sagat was a bad guy and Ryu dp scarred his chest so he wants revenge
But then they had to rewrite the canon into she stupid shit that Sagat is not so evil and that Ryu sucker punched him
Necro wasn't a failed experiment in terms of augmenting his abilities, he was a failure in that he rebelled.
He manages to fight off multiple Twelve clones at once, and Gill himself sees him as a big enough threat to warrant chasing down at all costs.
Agreed on Zangief after SFV, they really went all in on making him stand out as a powerful character storywise. As for Cody, there's enough there to point to him being incredibly powerful, just lazy as shit. Even his specials allude to it, he isn't using any special technique to create tornados when he punches, he's just punching really hard.