So, I now have a PS4, a PC and a 3ds. Am I covered for this generation?
So, I now have a PS4, a PC and a 3ds. Am I covered for this generation?
Most def, that's the way to go for this gen.
>not having a vita
He said he has a PC already.
Is there a worthwhile game on Vita that's not on PS4 or PC?
Kinda? It has a few exclusives but they're niche and if you don't mind playing games designed for handheld on the big screen then yeah don't get one. I love mine though.
Bought Dragonquest Builders, Digimon Cyber Slueth, Odin Sphere, SD Gundam Generation and Gundam VS Force, Root letter and Steins;Gate for it recently.
If you like having other Vanillaware games like Dragons Crown, Muramasa and like playing Rhythm games and VN's then it could be worth it. I doubt you're into these games though honestly, not many people are.
now get a used xbone
Soul Sacrifice, early 1st party games and weeb titles that will never get a west release like Uppers.
>not having the wii u too
Missing out on GOAT platformers, platinum at their peak and some ips at their best like mk8.
Inb4 cemufags, that runs like total shit
most of those "exclusives" you listed are also on ps4.
>Inb4 cemufags, that runs like total shit
Still runs better than WiiU
>playing games designed for handheld on the big screen
You mean like Grand Kingdom? I've been playing and really enjoying it so far. I'm not really interested in VN's so I think I'll give the Vita a pass.
Are you rich? Can you send me some money on paypal? please
white people
Shut the fuck up nigger
sent ;)
I have PS4 PC and a wii U I feel covered.
I do want to play killer instinct and sunset overdrive but that is not worth buying an xbone over.
>wii u
killer instinct is on PC also
>work in progress emulator runs better than the original hardware
the fuck are you on about
Fagger, you have supported cancer of this generation, you done bad
>3DS & PC
I honestly feel like you could skip both and still be good for this gen
PC has no good releases for this generation, same with the Nintendo's first party lineup
You aren't missing much. Had both for free from games 4 gold or whatever. Got old fast as fuck.
Traded in my xbone and all games, I got a huge deal when I originally bought it off a friend so there isn't a big loss after getting rid of it.
Once you live on your own and have a steady job you'll have more money than you know what to do with it.
Properietary, closed source emulator no doubt full of backdoor exploits and cancer.i don't care if it was giving head, don't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole
>not having a Switch
Kys op, with all due respects.