>playing games that have a metacritic score lower than 90
Playing games that have a metacritic score lower than 90
what games allow me to be smug?
>listening to the gaming (((media)))
I like Trump. Why does everyone hate him all of a sudden?
Don't believe Obama's lies!
What if it has no Metacritic score?
>When you win in the critic score but bomb in the sales
Your mom only has a score of 69 but I still play with her.
>tfw no news station host simulation game
You must fucking adore Undertale, Op.
>Having a President with a vote count lower than 50%
Because people are realizing they elected a meme who is in Putin's pocket.
>Game expected to bomb hard
>Actually does well
What's her name?
>playing a game that has a female president
stop it
Having a known pedophile as a President no thanks. Couldn't even win the popular vote and is less legitimate than George W. Bush.
What is Aleppo?
popular vote is a meme because its all spics and niggers
I am pro Russian and live in europe. Why shouldn't I want an American leader that likes Russia? we don't want another war
>having a known pedo for president
too late