Why did mods delete my thread about online toxicity?
Just wanted to spread the good message to Sup Forums and STOP ONLINE CYBERBULLYING...
Why did mods delete my thread about online toxicity?
Just wanted to spread the good message to Sup Forums and STOP ONLINE CYBERBULLYING...
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself you piece of shit.
you worthless piece of barger
You're a worthless piece of garbage
If I could go back in time and perform one abortion with the choice being between you or Hitler, I'd choose you.
please stop. youre just embarrassing yourself
>Sup Forums
Enjoy your ban, fag
Kill yourself, you worthless piece of garbage.
>nu males in gaming
What's next, auto-ban for calling someone gay?
sexist and ageist in a single insult
well done
drink bleach
I wonder how people on Sup Forums always get addicted to the (you)s.
>Sup Forums
Try your thread again later, OP. But with less suck.
My little sister's a better AWPer
Third comment in red section is funny
Because of PC politics in online games people started to kill themselves because they never learned to handle being shittalked to.
So save lives - shittalk often.
Don't let PC culture make our children weak and suicidal.
If you're on my server, yes.
>treating every place online like it's Sup Forums
Literally underaged.
Hugbox faggot, at least Sup Forums is slightly reminiscent of 90's internet.
>"My little sister's a better AWPer."
Isn't that sexism? inb4 SJWs
You're gay. Kill yourself, you worthless trash.
People just have to accept that people can say whatever shit they want.
In fact, online toxicity only makes the non-toxic stand out.
>children on the internet
Let's try that again OP
But with less suck.
Stop deleting your own threads and acting like the mods removed it.
you fucking faggot
And people have to accept that not everyone accepts their toxic bullshit. That's the beauty of the First Amendment.
You'll never be arrested by the government for saying mean things, but you can and will be booted from servers, ejected from restaurants, banned from entering stores, etc.
Toxic is the cringe word of 2016,yes its even worse than whatever -phobia they invented in the past years.
This is refreshingly rational. Exaggerated talk designed to upset people is hilarious on Sup Forums, that's the whole point. But if you're doing it in real life or in a multiplayer game, you're trying too hard and it starts to be obnoxious. You come off as one of those people who hates his life so much that he's lost his last shred of a sense of comedy and just wants to get a rise out of people at all turns and in all scenarios. It's pretty dickless.
>Someone actually had to make this
>People actually want safe space type environments on the internet
How did the internet get to be so garbage? even 5 years ago this wasnt some type of issue.
I tried to stop them but they are too many and they have too much power. They are now in a cabal working for twitter, known as 'Crash Override' and if you disagree with them they will dox you and bully you. i tried to stop them but it didnt work.
kill yourself
>their toxic bullshit
i didn't knew internet was a public work place or primary school
Hitler did Nothing Wrong
>you have to accept everything everybody says
That's super retarded.
clear as day distinction
remember when you just 'mute' trolls? remember when you just 'block' trolls?
What happened to this? Isn't this not longer an option?
Internet isn't. Servers are. If the server owner doesn't like your speech, he's free to boot and/or ban you.
because baiting is not allowed outside of Sup Forums
Because you are a shitposting clickbaiter and you are worth less as a human being because of your actions.
>you have to tolerate everything everybody says
There you go.
>edgy kids are idiots
>but its okay to act like an edgy kid online
I really dont get this
But if you block or ignore them it's one (1) person less paying attention to you!
Everytime I hear someone telling what I should or shouldn't say, I tone them out.
You'd think they'd come up with better campaigns for this stuff. OP's for example could just as easily be "You can shittalk someone without literally telling to end their own lives." "Is it really necessary to go that far? It's your choice." and I might actually consider it, but the minute someone starts trying to be the moral police I don't give a shit.
that hitler line is shit, too much buildup for too little payoff. pic related did it a million times better
>libtards in charge of word policing
no thanks
Only Redditfags think edgy is bad.
>complains about someone calling someone garbage
>calls them trash
Was this made by someone who voted hillary?
Only 14 year olds think edgy is good.
That's just cheesy.
That kinda shit is lame. The more succinct, the better.
>and just wants to get a rise out of people at all turns and in all scenarios
Sounds fun. What's so bad about that?
Drop the trip, man. Don't be that guy.
>obviously bait
>Sup Forumsfags still getting triggered by it and replying in earnest frustration
This fucking site.
i remember the time playing Gmod or HLmultiplayer, if someone had trolled we just made a vote ban or we just mute him all together. Problem solved. I always played with people who also wher elike me, using fag or hitler when playing. no problem here. And when someone came in who couldn't understand it, he just left the room. That#s it, no problem.
But than something changed and now the majority of casuals try so hard to be part of it that we have to accept people who are clearl ynot as we are. Who came up with this shit? Why should i play with people i dont like?
Don't act like a retarded oxygen thief on a game that even a chimp could play and maybe I wont tell you to kill yourself.
Well i wouldn't kill hitler to begin with so it's kinda stupid.
The thing about the bottom shit is it makes people think too long and hard about what they're going to say, and people just aren't creative on the fly. It's embarrassing
stick to "kill yourself" and "fucking faggot why are you better than me"
>newfagaggot from neofag or plebbit
clear as day distinction
I call people lewd names
>The irony of his post will be missed by this retard
Literally nothing to do with Sup Forums.
End yourself.
You don't have to. like it or not gaming doesn't revolve around you. different strokes for different blokes. if the room accommodating other people is making you uncomfortable then find a different room instead of whining like a faggot.
>you don't UNDERSTAND! I HAVE to be an edgy foul mouthed sack of shit
>sheesh it's like you've never been on the internet
what makes the internet different? I'll still kick your ass is grass, kid
I liked smack talking back in Halo days/early COD days when everyone was talking shit like on the bottom panel. Now it's just "dude kys lmao SALT!!!!!"
what, are you retarded? fuck off back to neogaf, shizo
Why is "worthless peace of garbage" not okay but "literal piece of shit" is
I'll glue your butthole shut and beat your mother with a tire iron you absolute spoon
says manchild from tumblr/neogaf
>Get buttmad about insults
>Calling people "Literal Garbage"
Jesus fucking Christ
>mention Sup Forums
>mfw they are pushing bullshit like anti-cyber bullying laws into my country too
This was obviously written by a woman, but you still see similar stuff. CS has 30 rounds, 15 is the halftime. Very often even if you lose the first half you can come back on the second one.
>mfw I'm a literal piece of trash
>lol i trol u
ok, kid.
which piece is you, user?
remember ben kuchrea, how he gets kicked from every game. Can't remember the game. But i know he went on a rent in one of his (((blogs))). This right there what he did, is cancer. If people dont like, well, people dont like him. End of story. But now these socjus fag's come up with this OP shit. The hell. People have to look for themselfe and not try hard to fit in.
Says the guy who wants to yell at people over the internet for fun.
Are you implying that girls are inherently worse than men by saying EVEN your sister is better?
me on the left
The Sup Forumsfag is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Sup Forumsfag and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Typical blizzdrone
fuck off
online toxicity is all about eating seeds and disorder
>you don't UNDERSTAND! I HAVE to be an edgy foul mouthed sack of shit
>cease your biological functions at this particular moment
>post retarded bullshit
>get called out
>pol reeeee
Fix your Sup Forums detector.
I agree with OP. There is no reason to be mean to people online. It is a new trend too, thanks to edgy teenagers (like you). People never used to say stuff like this in old RTS games for example
>Sup Forums is anything that hurts my feelings
babby first attempt at baiting
Bobobo-bobo-bobobo was a bad anime.
>you don't UNDERSTAND! I HAVE to be an manchildish nofunallowed sack of shit!