Eve online is now free. Why aren't you playing it?

Eve online is now free. Why aren't you playing it?

downloaded it...
not really my thang

Its pretty bad. Leave the 30k neckbeards playing it alone. Its for the better.

I have been.

For nine years.

desu eve players are pretty normal

because it's Eve Online. If i wanted to look at spreadsheets I'd get a job.

oh sick meme dude you got us

>tfw too stupid to get into eve
>completely lost after tutorial
>died and never touch again
I feel like I'm missing out but I just don't get it

Why should I?

Why is it free now?
change of heart?

Dying playerbase, it's extremely limited as f2p though. Not really playable.

Already put 2500hours roughly into it before realising how incompetent and out of touch the devs are.

premium play
basically just just a trail that never expires

Way too grindy. Very slow, very boring but without good atmosphere. Playerbase was full of absolute faggots from what I saw in the three chats I had access to for nearly two hours. Would love it if it was basically a LOGH MMO, but its way too economic and bland.

what the fuck does re-class have to do with eve

>Pod is somewhere in the middle of nullsec
>Can't remember how to reset my pod to highsec so I can fly out and suicide
>Even if I do figure it out I can't use my T2 Covert Ops ships without Plexing anyway

Nah man I'm good

I came back when F2P was announced and have been keeping plexed since.

even if were able to get in those ships you'd never get them out of Nullsec alive since you don't know the people that currently control the area

But I am

We got kicked out of our home turf and the people who did it say they don't want it anymore. At least the war was fun while it lasted

You arnt missing out on anything

They both have something vaguely to do with ships and grinding.

>your ship when spreadsheets start assaulting you in space

Can't leave it alone since this changed. Currently fitting out my Caracal for level 2 missions.

Well the plan was to suicide run to LowSec with a Helios and if I lose my ship shrug it off, but I can't get into my Helios because of the free-to-play mode so I stopped caring almost immediately

>got my battleship and all my loot out of nullsec going 36 jumps each way totalling about 216 jumps over two days without incident


>tfw what that guy did was enough to get him in trouble with the law in some countries

Should have permabanned the cunt.

>burn jita
what a joke lmao

But I am.

I really like the new explosion effects, much better than the little smoke poofs we had before.

How the fuck does anyone get started with industry? Shooting shit is enjoyable but I wanna try building shit now too

Yeah, I'd stick to just hearing the stories about it.

The shit that goes down sounds insanely fucking crazy but the game doesn't really look like my cup of tea

Because I'm not a faggot

That card is banned

You know, I could possibly play sandbox MMO
But not about space, because space theme attracts the worst autistic spergs to plague the earth.