>"AIDS is a fag disease"
What did she mean by this?
>"AIDS is a fag disease"
What did she mean by this?
i dont think she said that actually
the majority of people in the world with aids are heterosexual
started with a faggot though
>aids is a fag disease
>says a black person
Oh whew
She is asian, you silly willy no nilly filly.
>black person
If so that's only because homosexuals are such a small part of the population, if they had the numbers of hetero's they would easily have the most. It's very known problem
Not in 1st world countries
no it's because a white beardo in rome told a bunch of people literally living in shit that the only effective prevention is wrong because it upsets his sixteenth century sensibilities
If she's asian; why does she look like a darkie?
Because asians are niggers in soul
not even that guy, but he got it. why couldn't you?
How are you living so long
AIDs is a Russian disease
Who is the gay Overwatch character and why do I hope it's Winston?
clearly she's an aussie
it started with a monkey
no they aren't retard
m8 you literally have bug-chasers being a problem amongst the gay population, and anal sex is known to be much more effective at transmitting the disease.
Don't kid yourself
>Out of the 34 million HIV-positive people worldwide, 69% live in sub-Saharan Africa. There are roughly 23.8 million infected persons in all of Africa.
>started with a faggot though
probably started with subsaharan nignogs eating and/or raping monkeys, and it was only the North American patient zero that was a know faggot (flight steward who fucked basically any homo passenger who glanced his way).
Not black, just Italian
Have you never seen a Filipino?
What did God mean by this?
Niggers aren't people.
because you're sky williams