Well, Sup Forums? Which do you choose?
Fighter, Mage, or Thief?
Well, Sup Forums? Which do you choose?
Fighter, Mage, or Thief?
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Isn't Vanquisher more of a ranger?
op still asking str int or dex, so no difference
this, also dex master race
thief bc girl
I played fighter first time around but I stopped playing for a while, and when I got back I started Mage, or Alchemist whatever he was called in the game, and it was more fun. Went with the class again in Torchlight 2 and was pretty fun overall.
>Mage most fun to play
>Canonically turns evil in 2
Not fair, man.
Always. Fighter. In all games.
Mage 9 times out of 10, I play games to do shit I can't do in real life, I could swing a sword around or whatever irl, even if I'm not particularly good at it, but I can't shoot flames from my fingertips and heal wounds instantly or any of that cool magic shit, so whenever I play any other class I just feel like I'm missing out
Except you don't, have never and never will swing a sword in real life so that point is kind of moot
I pick Knight
>Royal as fuck
>Baller Armor
>Gets all the Maidens
>Kill bandit monsters and whatever the fuck else you want
>Have the will of god on your side
is there even a better option?
All three.
Multiclassing fucktard, you guys are never as useful as a proper singular class, you're like the red mage of the group.
Why not all??
punching god
>implying Bard is bad
Please monk is horse shit
>Can't fuck bitches
>Have to mediate and beg the gods for powers instead of them always being with you
>Shitty rags instead of sweet armor
>Doesn't even get gains his power from through prayer
Monk is C tier at best paladin would be the way too go if you want too be a holy man.
Bard is the exception.
The Ember Mage, because that class was OP as shit in TL1.
The engineer in TL2 because it was the most fun class.
Why the fuck is monk a thing? What kind of person starts playing a medieval fantasy game and instead of being an warrior with cool weapons and armor or a mage with the power to make reality his bitch goes "hurr durr I want to wander around half naked and punch things really hard!"
Gary Gygax.
monks can fuck right off
be a fist user without being a monk
>Fist user without being a monk
So you mean you like being an unarmed pleb? Punching shit only works when you have the power of gods on your side.
stealth archer
>Tfw Taures and always prefered knights and Gladiators
It's all making sense now.
none because i hate the artstyle so much I can't even enjoy an otherwise decent game
but fighter. even if he looks like half a fag I always play fighters in any rpg
you can always jump into the fray then figure out a squishy class as opposed to vice versa
i meant punching a god
monks are dumb
and see you can't punch a god without any special powers you'd just be an unarmed pleb who gets no where.
>tfw Torchlight 3 is a korean mobile game
Punching things are for brutes, and booze smelling drunkards. People who play monks to punch shit are major butt spreading fags.
Meditative Zen Archery is the true path for monks who want to really reach enlightenment. The logic is there, you have to keep increasing your Wisdom attribute with the feat.
>finds easiest to play
>best at playing
>tfw no games with battlemages who can heal
Anyone can punch a god, It just won't do anything. What I think he meant is that knights and paladins won't do stupid edgy things like that
>tfw no games with battlemages who can heal
Kingdoms of Amulur.
Battlemages could heal in that? I only played the mage/thief hybrid.
Necromancer, Warlock, Death Knight or whatever edgy class a game has
>Tfw no game where I can be an illusion master
I just want one game god damn it
because punching shit is primitive, older than any sword or staff. I wish they'd always stop flavoring it with asia in everything though. You can be a punch guy without chinese influence
This, I would much rather prefer a grab and slam even wrestling suplex style over Kung fu karate bullshit.
Mesmer in Guild Wars?
Holy shit I love this alternate class for pathfinder. Applying your flurry of blows ability to archery=you btfo literally every other archer class. Add the fact that you can use ki energy for additional attacks so you can fire like 8 arrows around just makes it so good.
The ONLY class that beats you in range is ninja, since they can go greater invisible at lv 10 and apply sneak attack to all their range dmg.
I was talking more single player even then Secret world did it better if we are comparing it too that.
I usually swap them around, but Ive thought about trying that when I rerun DaS3
They're not as good as you think they are unless you do something like VMC Fighter for Weapon Training. Having constantly lowered accuracy and no boosts like Rage or Weapon Training to offset them is a serious liability.
thief, so I can be a girl
Occultist who dabbles in forbidden knowledge and cosmic horrors.
Which games let me play as this? Grim Dawn scratched my itch a bit.
My choice between fighter and thief ALWAYS hinges on how good or fun the game's stealth mechanics are.
I've never once picked a mage though.
The Secret World
Oh I liked it a lot and played it at launch. I got to Transylvania I think and stopped playing
The Secret World
Darkest Dungeon
Why did Trine 3 have to suck balls? I still haven't played it, but it's a known shit game and I've asked Sup Forums on different occasions if there was even a single redeeming value and it's always "no".
How do you fuck up it up so bad? The concept was so simple and unoriginal, but well done and entertaining.