>Another UmJammer Lammy thread deleted due to Barneyfag's spamming
How long are the mods gonna let this keep happening?
Anyway, let's try this again.
>Another UmJammer Lammy thread deleted due to Barneyfag's spamming
How long are the mods gonna let this keep happening?
Anyway, let's try this again.
Other urls found in this thread:
to be fair, there isn't fucking anything to discuss about this game to begin with.
Here's the entire game:
Why do you hate Lammy, user?
Why do you hate Lammy threads?
>it's a Sup Forums wont let lammy be greatl level
Never mind Lammy. Why don't we talk about Parappa the Rapper, or Vib-Ribbon, perhaps?
No reason we can't expand to accommodate other Sony rhythm games.
Parappa has been reduced to meme status and no one on Sup Forums is old enough to remember Vib Ribbon.