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How trustworthy is Polygon?
With leaks? They're generally pretty good. Most of the big sites are these days, since the industry is just a fucking mess of nepotism and gossip mongers.
It's run by Ben "Gameplay is the worst thing about Videogames" Cuckchera.
Oh, and also
>Fans of the series should expect Marvel vs. Capcom 4's roster of Marvel characters to draw strongly from the cinematic universe that Marvel Studios has popularized — and has full control over — during the past decade. That means fighting game fans will more likely see characters plucked from The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy films, and not from properties like the X-Men. Expect to see superheroes like Ant-Man and Groot make appearances, with characters of mutant origin — think Wolverine and Magneto — sitting out this entry.
Damn it, man.
As honest as a Jewish merchant.
>linking to SJWgon
saged, reported, thread hidden
go back to ribbit
Not enough to warrant a direct link to their site. OP needs to fuck off if he's gonna shill like that.
Is it real this time?
Does that mean they have the Marvel license back? Will we see MvC 3 ported to modern consoles with patches?
Marvel without Wolverine is gonna be weird
this is the one time I will get hyped at the sight of boring Wolverine if he shows up. Removing the X-men is like removing an arm.
It obviously isn't because a) OP's shilling for polygon and b) it's a fucking rumor article dancing around the fact that it's a rumor. Nowhere in this article does it say "Capcom confirms MvC4 is happening", only "a bunch of unnamed buttmunch fuckwads told us it maybe possibly could be happening for real, but not Capcom"
>MCU designs
>No mutants
My hype is dead. I seriously doubt they'd omit wolvie but if they do I'll be rather sad.
no sprites no buy
I'll just wait for Capcom to actually say something.
>Linking directly to Polygon
Fuck off shill, that article isn't even true it's just them lying out the ass about a fucking rumor.
Apparently Combofiend's directing this one.
>Marvel is actually promoting the X-Men again and licensing them out again
>The X-Men are absent from MvC4 for some reason though
doesn't make any sense.
Hold on a minute. Ono said "who said akuma was in SF5?"
Could it be?
Nope, it's Polyfag. Just like everything else related to videogame "journalism" it's written by numales and tumblrinas made to cuckbait.
The rumor initially started on NeoGAF (lel). However, the guy who stated the rumor was not banned, and usually NeoGAF are total fucking Nazis when it comes to stating a rumor like it was a fact without sources.
I choose to believe this is real.
Ono was asked about the Akuma tease in SFV a few weeks back and said something like, "Oh, that was Akuma, but I'm not confirming anything about him being in SFV." Just watch. That'll be Akuma in MvC4.
Inb4 Donte
>marvel letting any fox or Sony licenses exist with their blessing
Rip wolvie spidey thing and surfer
Maybe the deal was made before Marvel decided to lift the X-Men marketing restriction and start promoting them.
I have no doubts there is a very strong possibility no xmen or mutants at all will make it in.
There is a bitter relationship going on between Fox and Marvel because Marvel wants the rights back since Fox is completely fucking incompetent. Since they can't take them back until Fox fails their end of the deal, they are doing everything they can to devalue the shit out of those IPs so Fox will be forced to give them up by nature of them being unprofitable but Fox sees the Marvel gravy train and is fighting back just as fiercely to keep them rights for as long as the train lasts.
Oh God, please keep their original outfits and not MCU bullshit.
lupinko has been dropping hints all day about new characters for the roster
>Roll (Megaman)
>Howard the Duck
>Monster Hunter (Hunter)
>Edward Falcon
Not bad so far
These people cant stop shoving their shit on videogames.
On fucking videogames of all mediums,
>NO Deadpool
deadpool isn't an x-men character
So it'll be just as shit as SF5, which he oversaw right?
No X-men means I instantly have no interest. Fuck Marvel for trying to torpedo that brand due to pettiness. They could work with Fox like they did Sony, but they simply don't want to because Fox is in the power position on that.
>no Gene
Didn't he post Devilotte and Magik too?
His movie right is at Fox.
No mutants.
No Deadpool.
No Dr. Doom.
No Super Skrull.
MvC WITHOUT X-Men and Dr. Doom. What the hell?
>no felyne
it's shit
Their collective asses.
>Roll (Megaman)
no megaman i see
>multiple sources
Bullshit. Pack it up.
Broomstick please
>no Demitri
But Deadpool IS part of Weapon X under Fox, who "owns" the character in the movie/film stuff. Which is where Marvel will toddler tantrum and not include him.
Which would be royally dumb as didn't Deadpool outgross their MCU films?
Uh huh. I completely believe this.
Fuck off shill
mega man isn't a 'new' character
It's not MvC without X-Men
Is there a point to bringing it back if the best characters aren't even going to be in it?
I want to fucking believe.
Roll and Punisher are the two I want more than anything else.
Combofiend didn't oversee anything on SFV. He doesn't have any input on development, dude was just a community manager promoted to associate producer, which STILL doesn't give him any ability to give gameplay input on development. All the gameplay of SFV is handled by Woshige aka Mr. "What are you standing up for?".
It makes more sense that Combofiend is MvC gameplay director. He's more known for that game, not SF.
It's not confirmed until Capcom says it themselves. Polygon is fake news, but that doesn't mean it's wrong necessarily.
>didn't Deadpool outgross their MCU films?
Hardly. Its just the most successful Fox film so far. By a pretty big margin.
And Deadpool is big. He's practically as popular as Spiderman. So Fox or no Fox, he still has a good chance of being in.
If this was true.
Which its not.
There are still heroes left in man
This nigger better be in it.
Fuck yes!
2017 is gonna be a great year for entertainment in general
>Incredibles 2
>good anime coming back
>switch and hype releases
>the shit in 2016 getting updates and being fixed
>stocks rallying
>gold standard could be back and the fed BTFO
I love trump's america and i'm not even white, i'm practically near orgasm with hype and hope
>people still wanted Hillary to fund their pockets with a retarded war
i still can't believe that
Roll uses a broomstick in that game.
>Wolverine will stop having perfect attendance along with Ryu
Hold me senpai
Polygon don't care about video games, they're just in it because it's both an easy media to get their feet into the journalist door and because it's the only one that actually lets them get away with it entirely
Finally, I can bust this picture out again.
>And Deadpool is big. He's practically as popular as Spiderman.
Deadpool is nowhere near Spidey levels of popularity m8. Spidey merch sales still bring in more bucks for Marvel than the merch for the entire MCU's merch does, he is literally the face of the company even with the massive popularity that Cap and Tony have recently gained.
>Code Geass R3 and MvC4
This is a fucking crazy year end.
If you think this is bad then you haven't seen how they're infect the figure collection industry.
>Roll and Protoman
fuck yes
There's nothing wrong with 2v2 overwatchfag
>the shit in 2016 getting updates and being fixed
Sorry bro Incredibles 2 is 2018. Cars 3 is 2017
>Started as X-Men vs Street Fighter
>No more X-men
This is why we can't have the nice thing
They better put Venom and Thanos back in.
> Series has been 3v3 from the start
> Casualizing it to 2v2 with 1 assist to recycle their shit SFxT engine.
> No problem
baka desu senpai.
>He's practically as popular as Spiderman.
I kinda disagree Maybe after the movie sure a little more popular. But nowhere near as well known Spiderman as far as Marvel characters goes.
Even little kids know who Deadpool is. I've seen them with Deadpool t-shirts and stickers, and kids were getting comics with him on Free Comic Book Day. He shouldn't be big with kids, but for some reason he is.
Oh, and War Machine.
>from the start
MvC1 is 2v2, retard.
And his merch sales still aren't even a tenth of the 1.3 billion dollars that Spidey pulls in yearly.
Who are the character you DON'T want in MvC4?
>Referencing SFxT when he said 2v2
>Not having played Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
And here I thought you were a fighting game fan.
>> Series has been 3v3 from the start
wew, I'd make fun of you but my parents taught me to not make fun of the retarded
> Series has been 3v3 from the start
Oh dear...
I hope Protoman being in means no Megaman. No need for both and lets be real here, Protoman is cooler.
It's a fucking 3v3 series though. Do a custom team size thing like Skullgirls maybe, but don't just drop 3v3 altogether.
Ah shit, still 2017 is looking like a beginning of something good
sorry that was the hype talking
There is a possibility that they might throw in All New Wolverine in an attempt to popularize her or to shake up or change the previous image of Logan.
It's kind of like their attempt at the new star wars, make their own universe and slowly phase out/kill the old one.
I told you guys 4 months ago, even gave the planned 2017 date and no one wanted to listen. Pre-production started early this year. Using unreal engine based of what they've done with SF5, aka don't expect it to be anything like mvc2 and if people thought mvc3 was dumbed down then you've seen nothing yet.
Also there are X-Men in the game. Anyone spouting the no X-men rumor have outed themselves as leakers so don't expect much from them in the future.
See you in Q3 2017.
Merch sales don't equal popularity.
pls no
That means no ghost rider probably, no magneto sucks, no jean grey, no cyclops, and probably even less non MCU characters like She Hulk, Sentinel, etc
no """"ms marvel""""
no donte
no gwenpool
Eh, its all a moot point anyway.
Its just a rumor.
any of the forced diversity versions of the legacy characters, besides Kamala I guess.
>It's a fucking 3v3 series though
People are going to bitch even harder about the combos now that losing a team member = 1/2 your health gone instead of just a third
We should be moving FORWARDS, not backwards. It should be 4v4 not 2v2.
2v2 is for baby casuals who can't comprehend the complexity of 3 characters.
Ghost Rider, Blade, and Punisher are MCU now.
>the one and only measurable criteria by which you can determine the number of people who are into a character by isn't a sign of their popularity
sorry m8 but money doesn't lie, the demand for spidey merch and comics/films/cartoons has been massive for decades now and he's still Marvel's biggest earner overall after the MCU films
The famous Marvel 3 leaker Lupinko has been hinting that Marvel 4 will still have X-Men characters.
I trust Lupinko more. He fucking leaked the entire roster of MvC3 months before the game was even out.
Mutants are in this. Period.
Miles, Kamela, and Whor.