Anyone else hyped for the new No Man's Sky update?
Anyone else hyped for the new No Man's Sky update?
>Supported the idea of something new not done before
Me and my wife's son are both going to enjoy it
>adding minecraft elements to shit dead game
>thinking theres anything left to save
Go shill your garbage game somewhere else, hellofags
What gaem OP?
Aren't you supposed to be sleeping right now Sean? Go to bed, or I will ground you mister!
Is it cracked yet?
Im not giving this lying faggot my money even despite the game turning out to be even slightly more than i expected
you know, i was doubtful "shills" existed. then i see a thread like this and think to myself "oh come on".
there is no way human beings like this exist. this is a corporate drone.
>Base building
>In a game where you're constantly moving from one point to another and probably never come back again
Why are they so fucking retarded?. Ship building would have been a better idea.
Yeah I'm playing it. It's fun. Fuck Sup Forums.
When only good argument about the game is that "it's fun", then that game is confirmed shit.
Did you ask me why i thinks it's fun? Nah, ya didn't m8. Ya didn't.
>Is it cracked yet?
The game came out on GoG, are you stupid?
>He thinks this thread isn't just really poor bait
Apparently it isn't terrible bait if you fell for it champ
I could explain that literally 5 seconds of reading relevant material could have saved you from outing yourself as a mong but I know it's not going to change anything.
the guy who made the game is a faggot who lied out his ass but he easily could have sold a few million copies at $30 and everyone would have loved it had he not done that
maybe even more overall by now would have sold
it would be a lot better if it wasnt so fucking piss easy though, they shouldnt have made all planets so full of life and resources, there should be risks of not finding oxygen and shit, especially at the beginning but you basically never die, ever, and when you do i dont think theres much consequence, its kinda sad how much more fun it could be if only you just fucking died more from various shit, and this is coming from someone who hates dark souls games
>The game came out on GoG, are you stupid?
no fucking shit, i meant the basebuilding update, i havent seen that anywhere, and i thought the update was out already
>no fucking shit, i meant the basebuilding update, i havent seen that anywhere, and i thought the update was out already
Why would you need a crack for an update that gets put up on GoG?
Is reddit really this retarded? I know you fuckers can be stupid sometimes too but I assume you're pretending to be retarded. Reddit has accounts and votes so I assume people don't generally pretend.
>it would be a lot better if it wasnt so fucking piss easy though,
Survival mode added this update.
He bought it twice because you didn't buy it at all. He believes for him and you.
if any gog game you pirate automatically gives you updates then why are all the comments on the GoG torrent indicating that it actually never updates at all you fucking faggot?
... I know who you are
They are like abused housewives right now. Some of them are forgiving Hello Games while some more sensible people are pointing out that its not any better and the only way for it to get better is to not give them any business, refund if you can and give them no attention.
Reminder that the game is slowly getting better
Took this picture yesterday after playing it for a half hour. Game is still empty as hell but I thought the things they added were really cool. I was able to fly into this ship and if I had the money I could have hired the ship and its crew to travel with me and be a mobile base.
>if any gog game you pirate automatically gives you updates
They don't though, and I'm not sure why you think I'm saying that
Do you actually know what a crack is? It sure isn't update files that you download and install to play your DRM-free game. Maybe consoles are more your speed friend
You could say Sup Forums is in damage control just as easily as you could say reddit is delusional.
Not sure why you'd say either though. Everyone knows Sup Forums is 100% Reddit's naughty weekend getaway.
for fucks sake all the GoG updates say shit like 2.4 and 3.3 when the foundation update on NMS's own website says 1.1
what the fuck
dying in the game is done in the worst way, you die and only get to rturn to your last save, thats fake difficulty
That's actually a pretty cool screenshot.
yeah checkpoints that you revive from and saves that you can only load when you're alive would be better
You lose all of your inventory, it's not a save revert. And that's not what artificial difficulty is anyways.