You can only choose 1
Choose wisely
You can only choose 1
Choose wisely
Other urls found in this thread:
I choose The Last Guardian, I don't care about these other games
I choose XCX
Witcher 3 of course.
FFXV open world fail to be actual open world just like Xenoblade X. nothing felt alive.
I haven't tried FFXV, but XCX was teeming with life
TW3 is objectively the best the medium has to offer. Why settle for a 3rd-rate experience?
why would I choose western shit lmao
i pick bloodborne
>neither games are western
I literally just bought both
Witcher 3 is pretty boring so far, just got told to go to Velen
Hopefully XV is more fun
>choosing between
>Denuvo Squeenix
>based DRM free CD Project RED
That's an easy choice, user.
Can I choose a good game instead?
>damage sponge roaming the field like MMO
it needs town, village and people to make things felt alive. i know it doesn't fit the theme of the game but that's what it is. exploring in XCX is pretty much sightseeing.
>Impressionable children: XCX
>Angsty teenagers: The Witcher 3
>Adults with developed taste: FFXV
sigh... let me guess.. he saw the boobs
Sure, what RPG would you choose?
>exploring in the witcher 3
>fight a dog 30 level higher than me
>do 1 damage each hit
>find a chests
>it is filled with crafting trash and rng swords
>find a corpse
>have to use asscreed vision to follow the smell
>suing pirates
Witcher 3.
Lower your expectations
I get your sentiment, but the game does have various humanoid species populating the planet, but most of it only shows up later on.
>XCX was teeming with life
Right on fucking cue. Game wasn't even mentioned, but Nintencucks are so insecure about their mediocre flop they gotta bring it up in every thread about other games and shove it in people's face.
Nobody cares about your half-assed weeaboo game. Let it go already.
>Denuvo Sqeenix
>fucking over paying customers
>suing pirates
I can literally see nothing wrong with it.
thanks to Witcher I did
show up to do nothing, they just stand in places on their ship etc, i played the game i know.
in the literal sense, XCX was teeming with life user.
XCX may not of been mentioned, but neither was TLG or Bloodborne, but I don't see you complaining about that; at least XCX is an rpg so fits the context of the thread (although I suppose Bloodborne is also technically an RPG)
XV. If the gameplay from the demo was left mostly intact it's at least funner to play than The Shitter 3 could ever hope to be.
For story, lore and characters? TW3
For combat, immersion and exploring and dungeon crawling? XV
>The world was a cardboard playset you can't interact with
>teeming with life
Get a load of this guy
Baldur's Gate, bitch.
I don't think you know what "life" means, you're complaining about a lack of interactivity in the world, which I completely agree with, but that has nothing to do with whether or not the game is teeming with life.
TLG and Bloodborne are LITERALLY not mentioned in this thread.
you have to understand that JRPG fans have very low standard. to them, pretty and big open space mean good open world, fetch quest is a quest. lots of monster on the map mean "teeming with life" (fuking kek)
TW3 easily.
FFXV goes from mediocre to downright terrible after Chapter 8 which is around halfway through the game
>lots of monster on the map mean "teeming with life" (fuking kek)
see No, you interact with most of them within affinity missions and social-type missions, many of them will give you missions of their own as well.
Dark Souls
well dark souls beats both of them if it had an actual open world
>in the literal sense, XCX was teeming with life user.
It was not, the world is fucking dead and static as fuck
>the world is fucking dead
are you actually blind?
there's alien life absolutely everywhere
>fetch is quest is a quest.
gotcha. i guess i can leave u guys in your own delusional world.
>lots of monster on the map mean "teeming with life" (fuking kek)
Have you played GTAV?
You can buy properties, set up heists, hang out with the other members, steal cars (obvious), do races, do triathlons, and yes, tons of gimmicky minigames like bowling and yoga, etc, you can buy food, you can explore the city, you can stop thieves, you can sell drugs, you get high, etc list goes on.
All of these little things are interactivity that add depth to the world.
Not to mention, the world REACTS to your action. This is key in making it feel alive. You crash into a car, you have hit detection, impact, debris, and the person reacts. You bump into a person they respond to your actions, they're Minot just avatars to talk to and dish out exposition. You go on a killing spree, people run in fear and panic, cops show up, etc.. As you walk around, people can be een doing different things, going about their daily life, hanging out, etc... And GTA has been doing this for generations
None of this happens in XCX. There is not hit detection, your actions are meaningless, the world doesn't react to you, and neither do people, you can't interact with anything outside of pressing A to talk to it, or if it's a monster, engage it in combat, combat which also has zero impact or feel to it It's just flashy and cool
Also of this was also present in the first game, but at least the Colonies felt more vibrant than NLA, and at least you had a variety of civilizations to explore to make the world feel more alive. In XCX, all you have is NLA and that's it, when you go outside, there is nothing meaningful to the world, just a pretty setpiece to go killing monsters in and opening crates.
Even the map and exploration are a step down from the first. Game has you believe you're meant to be pushing the limits as you explore this alien planet,but everywhere you go, someone is already there before you, and having a complete map at your disposal, as you hunt for probe locations kills the sense of excitement you had when getting a new landmark
Neither. They're both shit
you're not even trying user, I mean really who are you quoting?
But FFXV has lots more to do in the world than XCX,at least from what I've seen in video, don't know myself yet as I gotta wait two hours before I can play. Still I don't see how that's an excuse.
The world in XCX is easily one of the most boring in any JRPG ever. The first Xenoblade, despite having the same design, was at least more interesting to explore, and had tons of life with various cultures and civilizations to discover and talk to.
How can The Witcher 3 even compete?
This... is the game faggot Japcucks thought could dethrone Witcher 3?
It's lacking in every aspect compared to Witcher 3:
Facial animations
World Design
FFXV will be the game that finally makes the general public realize that Japan is over as a games production powerhouse.
Lol, that's my post from the thread we had this morning. I love that it's now pasta.
Also, what's with all the Xenoblade threads lately?
Im sorry OP. I choose.
It's better than Xenoblade at least, and the bromance is heartwarming.
>Also, what's with all the Xenoblade threads lately?
Nintendo fans damage controlling FFXV. Your post was smack bang dead on money that's why people are reposting it. It explains how and why Xenoblades world was incredibly mediore, static and moot
It just blows my mind there are actually people out there so poor that XCX is actully their first open world game and havent played games like witcher or GTA v
I don't want either of those pieces of shit. Dudebros belong on neofag.
>end of chapter 13
>noctis trapped in crystal
>escapes 10 years later and eventually meets dudes
>they all behave like nothing happened at all
Amazing chemistry.
what am I supposed to be choosing? which one to wipe off the face of the earth? which one I would be forced to play if I had to pick one? either way I don't know tough call.
Yes, it's a very fun game, but it's a different genre and I didn't go into the xenoblade sequel expecting GTA gameplay nor would I want that experience from the game as that would have absolutely no place in a xenoblade game.
>but at least the Colonies felt more vibrant than NLA
whilst I agree that they were more vibrant in XCWii, I did not feel that they added much to the experience and in my opinion they were more tedious than anything - as NPCs tended to roam within them making it annoying to locate them when doing quests. Similarly, the sidequests were awful in XCWii (although the story was good), to the extent that nobody recommends going for a 100% run as the tedium of completing those quests is such a fucking chore.
>In XCX, all you have is NLA and that's it, when you go outside, there is nothing meaningful to the world, just a pretty setpiece to go killing monsters in and opening crates.
There's Nopon caravans, the Wrothian stronghold and the various Ganglion bases. Although I agree that a couple over towns would've been nice, I'm ultimately fine with just NLA given how well-designed the world is.
>opening crates
someone hasn't played the game I see
>Even the map and exploration are a step down from the first
completely disagree, the exploration in XCX beats XCWii's to a pulp, with not just a larger world in XCX, but one with far more detail and locations to explore - on top of that, better navigational controls, including a flying mech enabling you to explore many previously-hidden areas.
>but everywhere you go, someone is already there before you
I have no idea what you're talking about
It doesn't matter what intention you went into Xenoblade X with, it doesn't change the fact that it is an objectively shit open world game on a technical level. The world is static, it's dead, it's non-intractable and it looks like something out of last generation.
in your opinion
Witcher because of this
FFXV sounds terrible.
Funny thing is, I'm just NOW playing GTAV for the first time. It's also actually the first GTA I've ever owned due always sticking with Nintendo. I played bits and pieces of IV last gen at people's houses, but owning the game is a totally different exp. was just a really fresh comparison in my mind.
Deal is, even for Nintendrones it should be evident XCX is a massive downgrade from the first, XC shoulda been most of their first OW game.
I mean, I played Skyrim and Fallout 3 last gen as well, so I had a bit more taste to it, and I've played MonHun a lot, which, while not OW, deals a lot with exploration, and it also has much more interactivity with the world.
XCX was just not very good.
That's pasta from a post I made this morning, lol. And I do own the game, we'll did. I made it to chapter 9 before dropping it. About 100 hours in too.
And look, I'm not gonna debate with you m8, busy playing Odin Sphere and waiting for the timer in FFXV to unlock so I can play it. Go look at the archive if you wanna see my points. Also, this isn't even an XCX thread, take it somewhere else.
Never played Witcher 3 but considering how fucking terrible FFXV is I'll go with Witcher
>chapter 9
>about 100 hours
holy shit did you just waste time jerking off to potatoes?
reminder that final fantasy has been shit for decades and its target audience is homosexuals. Square knows the sodomite is a hyper consumer ruled by their lusts.While other JRPG companies make weebshit with cute cartoon girls that sell under 100,000 units square does the same thing with bois instead and sells millions.
reminder that you're a gay dumb nerd so nobody should listen to your gay nerdy ass
careful homo, better get off Sup Forums, it's time for your truvada.
Just chose Witcher 3 Complete during the BF sale, for literally half of FFXV's price.
I'll get XV when the deluxe edition goes for at least $30 too
are you always this retarded, senpai-ily?
I can't remember. Did a lot of side quests.
Played this game about a year ago, and a lot of it was forgettable. I got the flight unit, did the mission where you fight the beast dude's mecha, then with the flight unit started exploring the final continent, and considering how shit the story had been up till then, and how the """""twist"""""" ending had been spoiled for me on here well before the game was even out, I quickly lost interest after realizing the game had little offer. I was very disappointed overall in the game, I honestly had higher expectations after the first game, the game as a whole seemed like it's scope was too big for it's own good, and lacked overall core focus.
I'm doing a run of all sidequests but even I didn't come close to 100 hours for just 9 chapters, that's just insane. Pretty obvious you simply haven't played the game, I mean you did go on about crates that don't exist in your self-made pasta.
>push car and do some hunts
>one hour of nothing
>read about invasion in newspaper
>one hour of nothing
>phonecall from regis
>2 hours of nothing
>titan fight
>2 hours of nothing
>aranea fight
>an hour of nohting
>altissia + luna death after 5 minutes of screentime + leviathan qte setpiece
>3-4 hours of train of bad cutscenes + ardyn and genitals/shiva
>that mess of a final boss and ending 3 of the 4 main guys die offscreen + logo retcon + noctis sacrifice for nothing because we just get a camera pan over the empty world
yeah I'll take The Witcher
Game with shit narrative and FedEx side quest about 4 homos vs. an actual decent game with tits on it.
Me playing Odin Sphere, you can see a Wii U tablet on the right, an Xbone to the left, and a strategy guide on the table, placed there just for you. I'm playing on PS4. I'm an idiot. I don't have a copy of XCX anymore as I sold it alongside most of my other Wii U games to buy a PS4, but you can check the thread from this morning, I post an old photo of all my Wii U games, you can see the stand with all my games in the background.
I'm so sick and tired of posting evidence of me owning a Wii U, or having played XCX, only to disprove butthurt fanboys who can't take criticism of their game.
Witcher. Neither game is particularly good but Witcher is still far better and isn't a mess of development. Also, tits.
I fucking hate smartphones
then what the fuck were you on about when you mentioned "crates" in XCX?
why did you claim chapter 9 took you 100 hours, an absolutely ludicrous amount of time to reach that point in the game?
It really doesn't add up, but I could dismiss that as faulty memory or whatever the fuck if you can timestamp yourself playing XCX.
Because I vaguely remember my exp with the game, plus I have a bad habit of leaving games running in pause while I do other stuff, so I was just going off the game's clock. Might have been 60 hours, I can't remember, all I remember was it being a full game run's worth of time, as I took my time with the game, taking it all in, and exploring all I could, trying to squeeze the most out if it. All I remember was dropping it at either Christianity 9 or 10. Sometime after exploring Cauldros on my own with the flight unit.
As for the crates, all the wreckage in the game are basically glorified crates, plus, unless I'm misremembering, there are also white crates scattered about, but I might just be confusing it with some other game.
I can't timestamp myself playing the game since I sold it already, but here's a screenshot off my phone from my wallapop ad where I had it up for sale. Time is on the top right (yes, It's 4am).
I could show you my save file on my Wii U, but then I'd have to plug it back into my TV, and boot it up, and I really don't feel like doing that since it's 4am, and I wanna go to bed. I'll play FFXV tomorrow.
mm, the stinkiest bullshit I ever did see on Sup Forums
Do it, dig your hole deeper. It'll be funny
>didn't even pick a good Atlus game.
Here's my game collection now.
And here it is before I sold my Wii U games. Notice the stand? And the Snake figure?
alright fine, I believe you, but I still think you're a moron
Here's an old photo of my Wii U with Archer, from another thread of butthurt fanboys saying "hurt, you don't own a Wii U, when I talk down how much shit the console is.
Are you satisfied now? I'm not gonna go through the effort of unplugging my PS4, plugging my Wii U back in, turning everything on, waiting for it to boot up, sorting through menus, finding my save data, and posting a photo with a timestamp. Check the exif data on the images if you'd like, or just look at the dates in the filenames. They were all taken with this phone.
The Witcher III.
Final Fantasy has been dead since the shit which is VII.
You're free to disagree with me, but the game is still shit. It's massively overrated. By critics and gamers alike. Especially Sup Forums. First game was way better, and I say this as someone who's played both games, Xenogears, a shitton of JRPGs and OW games, owns all current gen consoles, and has been a Nintendo fan his whole life, since 1990 to be exact.
I played them back to back and I felt XCWii was worse overall, albeit not by a huge margin I grant you.
I played XCWii in the lead up to the release of XCX. Kinda. I played the game over the course of like a year, year or two. The slow pace made me really enjoy the game. XCX I played more back to back, waiting for the game to "fully open up and get fun" but by Ch.10 I realized that that was the whole game. I like JRPGs, but I'm super picky with them, for example, I still haven't even gotten around to finishing FFVII. I'm not the biggest Final Fantasy, or Squeenix fan, so I certainly welcomed a JRPG with stronger western influence. XCX just lacks focus all around, too many bad choices from a game design standpoint.
I enjoyed my tine with the first cause the locations and characters were so memorable, and exploring the world, simply exploring it was a lot if fun. It was a very flawed game, and also super overrated by Nintendo fans. I remember back when I posted on Smashboards people would talk the game up like it was the greatest game of the gen, and the best JRPG they've played. I liked the game, but it certainly wasn't THAT good.
If you were to ask me what my fave JRPG is, I'd probably say SMT, probably 4 or Strange Journey, or Devil Survivor, I liked those a lot. Or something by Vanillaware since I like everything Kamitani makes a whole lot. Actually.... scratch that, fave JRPG is Defo made by Squeenix, It's TWEWY, that game is truly flawless. A genuine 10/10. Actually, now that I think about it, DS had a lot of great JRPGs.
But yeah, those are my tastes. I've just had much better exp with JRPGs and OW to really give XCX much credit. Even Skyrim and Fallout 3 were a lot more interesting to run through than XCX. XCX was just pretty. And FO3 was pretty shit in retrospect, it was just my first OW game.
Xenoblade X was a terrible terrible game. Everything about it just fell short from the story, characters, OST and the dead environments to the censorship. There's just so many glaring flaws it hurts because I expected it to be so much more.
I honestly don't know how those who've played JRPGS on wii, gamecube or even the ps2 could ever tolerate it, it just flies in the face of nearly everything that makes JRPGS good and the standards they've set over the years.
Are you retarded? Or just pretending to be? We all know what is mean by "a game that feels alive", and it's not lifeless carboard NPCs. Dumb nigger.
*raises paw*
I hope this is true. Didn't enjoy XCX or TW3.
Haven't played FFXV yet, but Witcher 3. That said i'll probably have fun with FFXV, though I think talking about it here will be nigh impossible.
I don't really get what you wanted out of XCX, one minute you're comparing it to JRPGs as a whole, the next you're comparing it to completely unrelated WRPGs. Personally, I'm not a fan of most JRPGs, their corniness and often turn-based gameplay puts me off. I tried XCWii as a punt since it was cheap to get - I wasn't blown away, but I still enjoyed it; and subsequently bought XCX shortly after it launched. Personally, I feel XCX has significantly better gameplay than XC, but unfortunately XCX decides to tell you next to nothing about it, so much of the game is spent building your character whilst you aren't sure what aspects are key - Overdrive was quite confusing to me at first, but now I can chain together Overdrives fairly easily. Is the game flawed? Abso-fucking-lutely, I don't think anybody's denying that - it WAS a missed opportunity to not provide more interactivity in the world, such as more events and a couple extra towns or SOMETHING in the world. However, it contextually makes sense and the game does open a bit more later on (I still haven't actually beaten the game, though; I'm taking my time playing through almost every mission).
Speaking of which, I feel the missions in XCX are miles better than the garbage sidequests of XC that were so bad I stopped even doing them - tedious beyond belief, and they seemed to offer absolutely no contribution to the plot or characters - which is a stark contrast to XCX (especially with its affinity missions). By contrast, though, XCWii definitely has the superior story and main quest structure, it's better paced and the characters have a much more interesting dynamic with one another than Potatogirl and Elma Sue.
I suppose to sum it up, I'd say that XCWii did plot, characters, and pacing better; whilst XCX did combat, sidemissions, and world better.
If you hate horniness, then how can you stomach XCX, that is hands down THE MOST corny JRPG I've ever played. With the whole eating tatsu stuff, and the villains being Saturday morning cartoon knockoffs with Dr. EVIL levels of schemes, to the stuff with the aliens migrating, to all the cliches. Worst is, game wasn't even self aware, so it's not like it was ironic or funny, like when MGS does camp, it was just super cringy.
For all the shit I give SE, they're games are at least fairly low on the corny stuff, and tend to be more serious. FFVII and crisis core are both fairly mature. Bravely Default, for as nonsense as it can be, is also more stomachable, but if all those are too much for you, old how you made it through XCX.
As for the game itself. I've never played nor liked MMOs, but people often compare it to those, and the character building aspects certainly went that way. Imo,like it's been said itt, X pretty much went against all the conventions of what makes JRPGs fun and unique, a d turned it on it's head just for the sake if being different, with the end result being super weak.
What pisses me off about XCX, and why I'm super critical of it is cause it could have been amazing. The art is beautiful, and the premise is good. It could hAve been so much better, but the end result, for me, was the biggest disappointment the wii u delivered.
Also, XCWii did story and charactefs better, but the crux of a JRPG IS The story. Without that the game falls flat. A game with mediocre mechanics and gameplay can be carried by a top tier story. Just look at Xenogears.