I know I'm late to the party Sup Forums, but I just bought this.
What am I in for, any tips for a newfag?
I know I'm late to the party Sup Forums, but I just bought this
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second this, just bought the game. Never played a witcher game before.
Tried to play 1, combat fucking sucks and I dropped it. Even though I wanted to know more about the lore.
Shitty fucking combat that makes the game a chore.
>m-muh story
Playing a game for the story is like eating alphabet soup for the spoon.
Make sure you read the Bestiary if you want to defeat enemies.
Make sure you fuck only one girl or else at the end of the game you get the bad ending.
Make sure you read up on how to get the best ending on dealing with a specific missing person.
Shitty compared to...?
Shitty compared to the PS2 LOTR games which it obviously stole its combat from.
If you want to cheese it, this alchemy build is OP as fuck
here we go boys
if you are a completionist and enjoy doing every sidequest/contract as you get it then you will be overlevelled for the primary often. so keep a note of that
combat is better than this cunt makes it out to be. lets be real. no other open world RPG can match the witcher in both story and gameplay.
dont be afraid of the alchemy skill tree
who're you trying to kid? youre going to do newgame+ anyway so have a blast with the first playthrough.
buy all maps and gwent cards as you come across them.
play on blood and broken bones first playthrough. put sharpening on medium.
if you find yourself staring at the compass too often and not enjoying the scenery then get friendly hud mod.
STLM for good measure too.
Pick Triss.
no other open world RPG can match the witcher in both story and gameplay.
Morrowind exists. Combat is shite, but gameplay mechanics are very in depth. Story is great too. If Bethesda makes you butthurt then Gothic 2.
I just got into it a few days ago.
Play on the hardest difficulty, makes the combat a lot more fun, although its a pain in the ass at first before you know the controls. Maybe bump up the difficulty once you finish the first region.
The temerian armor set that you can buy from the merchant you save from the Griffin is with the shekels, looks good and has good stats.
Gather all loot, most of your early income will come from selling an inventory worth of trash loot.
Go to the question marks on the map to make money and find loot.
i would consider combat as a part of gameplay but im willing to hear you out user. i only ever hear good things about morrowind even if it is dated.
bought FFXV day one and playing it just wants me to go back and replay witcher 3 on new game +, nothing can compare
Harder difficulties are an absolute pain at the beginning but it gets much easier once you get some better gear and get used to the controls and enemy attack patterns.
Pretty much any ability tree can become OP if you invest enough points in it. I focused on Quen spamming and was basically unkillable by the end of the game. Other people claim to have had just as much success with alchemy or light attack spamming.
Just jump in and enjoy it.
I have 6 hours left on my pending refund and I'm buying it then. You're not alone OP, from everything I read it's epic so I'm getting the DLC version
There are two kinds of dodges, a backstep and a roll. In most cases the backstep is preferred. Also you'll only think the combat is bad if you are literally looking for problems.
>you will never look like Geralt
>i would consider combat as a part of gameplay
It is, but it's only a factor. The way the world is laid out heavily encourages and rewards exploration, branching quest design with multiple outcomes, one of the best PC centric UI's to ever exist, a slew of stats that provide meaningful bonuses to your characters playstyle and his interaction with the world/other characters. I could go on.
Morrowind really is a product of its time, which sadly means it might be hard to get into if you've never played anything like. If you can get past the dice roll-ish combat there's very much depth to be seen.
Also Morrowind was instrumental in drawing out the pinnacle of human creativity. The incredible and outrageous user generated content that can be found in Morrowind will probably never be seen again.
Play the games in fucking release order. This applies to any series ever made.
What mods do you lot recommend?
>purposely ruining the developers vision and how it should be experienced
Back to your trash containment game.
Make use of everything you have, especially if you play on higher difficulties.
If you play on lower difficulties, take advantage of meditating as it refills your potions and heals you for free completely
Ignore the shitters that shitpost about the combat
missing person?
I finished the game
A wild guess, but I think he's talking about Letho
>tfw I killed Letho in TW2 so I never saw anything to do with him in TW3
What did I miss out on?
This game's world and storytelling are the most engrossing I have ever experienced. 10/10 one of the best games ever made. Raise the difficulty above normal if you care about a challenge, though. It's too easy on default difficulty.
Before I respeced @ lv 15 my igni did over 1,000 a tick with me total invested into the magic tree. Made every encounter a faceroll.
Now I went complete light armor/light attacks....which is far more fun.
am i a fag if i skip the first game
Don't read up on endings and don't change how you play in order to get a different ending. That's retarded. Play the game how you want to play it, save metagaming and internet research for postgame/second playthrough.
My tip: Get the DLC and try to start it when you can. I think it would be cool to be progressing through the DLC content at the same time as the other content in the main game. Haven't had a chance to try it yet but I will if I do another playthrough.
I didn't play it and I'm not a fag. You probably are, though.
>Play the game how you want to play it
Fucking this.
A short addition to a sidequest and the ability to recruit him to fight with you at Kaer Mohren. He doesn't say, do or affect barely anything because they probably assumed most people killed him.
What kind of retard would play 3 before 1 and 2?
Also read the first 2 books before starting 1, dont bother with ciri saga its awful quality.
Funny to see this thread, I just bought the game too for the ps4
I started on blood and broken bones difficulty and holy FUCK are some of the combat segments annoying. I kept getting anal ravaged by wolves over and over again when I was like level 2. After that moment I started paying more attention to using my signs and trying to counter and dodge more often.
I just got done talking to the bloody baron and playing as ciri for the first time. Honestly I'm having a fucking BLAST with this game and I'm only level 3 right now.
Read the books and play the other two first.
Ps4 Im sorry for your loss
Wolves are the 1 enemy you should avoid at low levels, at higher difficulties I found them borderline impossible.
Change the voice acting language to polish whenever theres ciri sequences, her english va is worst part of the game.
I suddenly want to reply this. It's the first game I played on my PS4 when I bought it, and Skyrim Special Edition is getting boring.
lol fuck you this only applies to Tomb Raider (2013) and Rise of the Tomb Raider
Every good WRPG is about how many chicks you can bang and get away with it.
Witcher 2 combat was a fuck ton worse. Story isn't bad though if you can plow through it. I'm the type to play on the hardest setting first, but Witcher 2 was a joke and a half. Just completely ruined gameplay. Now I have to miss content all because the programmers thought it would be a "challenge" to get one shot by enemies who take 5-5000 hits.
Is the english VA good for everyone else?
you can have sex with anyone as long as you don't try to bang both triss and yen
Loot as much junk as possible and sell it. When it comes time for you to craft armors, you will actually be able to afford everything.
wolves hunt in packs
Strider are the best monster climbers
Don't fight the monsters from the well
Goblins are weak to fire
the real question is, redhead or raven haired girl?
Dragons dogma?
This. I only fucked one other sorceress, I forget her name, but she was a slut... Anyway it had no negative consequences. How many others can you fuck?
I mean it when I say anyone.
If they're fuckable then go for it. Pick either Triss or Yen and then go have fun with Kiera, hookers, whatsername in Skellige and so on
Kiera, yeah that's the one I'm thinking of. I felt like I was being thorough in that game but it's so fucking huge, I missed a lot.
Great game in my opinion. I know a few people who HATE it, and I believe they have valid complaints, I just don't think it matters in front of how great the game feels to me.
I hope you have fun.