There's no way that this situation could be made worse.
There's no way that this situation could be made worse.
Other urls found in this thread:
Just don't play games that do this shit. It's awful level design.
Forced save after crossing point of no return
You got some treasure, what's the problem?
Random encounters every few steps, and no indication that's the point of no return. So once you figure that's the real path and want to go back for the treasure, you can't and have to fight a fuckload of enemies.
>all of the enemies have shitty status moves
>no heal for the boss
>out of items.
Much worse.
If you're too savvy for your own good, you'll try to go down the side path first and miss the treasure entirely.
>reach fork in the level design
>take the route you think leads to the secret/optional area for some goods
>end up taking the main route instead
>fight boss
>after boss battle you are forced to continue to the next area and can't go back to get the secret you missed
shadow warrior?
both routes are under water
Hate this shit
>There's no way that this situation could be made worse.
i have improved matters
I usually associate this with RPGs for some reason, but a game I recently played where this happened a lot was Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.
I've seen this meme for so long, what games even do this? I am assuming some shit JRPG's?
It's talked about so often in bad game design threads but I've never actually played a game that did it.
why does every Sup Forums graphic look like ass?
Do all you faggots do is shitpost FFXV and suck cock at MS paint?
I haven't played a JRPG in like 11 years (unless you count Dark Souls) and I remember experiencing this
Can't think of a good example though
How long have you been gaming? This shit is common as fuck.
I don't play JRPGs, btw.
>There's no way that this situation could be made worse.
You lack imagination.
About 20 years though I've gone back and played games from before I started. I've played hundreds of video games to completion.
I don't think I can remember a single moment like this in a game. Though I do remember games having points of no return, I always thought that was shit. Maybe my memory is just faulty.
FF10 did
>This shit is common as fuck.
>can't name a game
>mfw actually was about to play this soon
Will keep this in mind. So I just always should take the main path first in every situation or is it random?
>find two doors
>one is locked the other is not
>locked door always has treasure
thanks, skyrim
It's one specific temple that does this
ill bite
Literally any questline in an RPG where you only get to visit the area once.
>Fallout 3 Operation Anchorage/Mothership Zeta questlines
>Mass Effect 1 Save Ashley/Kaiden
>Oblivion Sewers/Inner mage guild
>Bioshock Andrew Ryans office/The bar
I can also think of a few non rpg style games that pull this with collectibles.
>Gears of War
>Halo 5
>The Force Unleashed.
>point of no return
And that's where I refund the game.
Well aside from Halo 5 and Oblivion I've played all of those games.
I guess if you count small worthless collectables I remember a few levels having to reload of redo a level to get something I missed before, but never nothing major like a whole secret area and new item or something. Maybe I am just misunderstanding the OP image or something.
Am I the only one that enjoyed O:A? I know the shooting elements suck but it felt cool experiencing the major turn of the war.
>Just don't play games that do this shit.
They don't usually warn about it.
Also Max Payne 3 brought me to the brink of suicide. I can't remember about any other game in recent memory that had so many doors that lock after you passed them. And so many shootouts after which you're left without ammo and an empty gun, with plenty dank weapons and ammo lying on the ground, but no there's cutscene taking you somewhere else.
And after that cutscene, you're surrounded, and you need to defend yourself with that handgun with a single bullet in it.
Jesus Christ this. Fuck that game is so fucked up in regards to pacing and level design. Gets better towards the end but the beginning is atrocious.
Fuck people who think the gameplay in this is comparable to the classics.
That's an anal toy right?
It was similar in Alien Isolation for me.
>sneak up on a guy with a gun
>kill him
>you can't pick up his gun
Dropped the game right then and there desu.
>tfw you end up alternately venturing down each path, going a little bit further each time and you end up wasting 5 minutes taking it in turns going down each path because you're so nervous about missing any treasure
Fuckin A right
Every goddamn level
I can make this worse, add several other paths that ALL go into point of no return, making even knowing this shit beforehand impossible to get all the treasure.
My child, you've got a lot to learn.
And to tuned this to 11, randomize the location of each treasure on every playthrough.
Fucking FF12
Don't forget to add some annoying as fuck enemies and have them and only them have a small chance of dropping a unique item.
Nah, somehow grinding turned into a ""skill"" that some people somehow have, no matter how shitty the mobs are.
The true way to piss people off is to make several annoying enemies and only one of the types randomly has the good unique item, all other items yield nothing. Tune droprate to liking.
>Having to grind 200 mobs to be even remotely sure if this type drops the item this playthrough
You can add several layers of pissing people off by just abstracting the items further, for example each playthrough could have randomized stats on the unique item, so on one playthroughs, even if you somehow grind through all the enemies to get the item, you could just be on the playthrough where the item is shit.
I'm still fucking mad at this.
this is because level design is made for children who follow main paths because they are too stupid to do anyting, and when the realize the main path is blocked they look for another path.
stop playing vidya you man child
>restart game to figure out what the treasure was
>its a shit common item
I know Dragon Age Origins did it.
Don't forget having the stats randomized for the item as soon as you started that play through so if you want the same item but with better stats you have to start anew.
Didn't DA:O have treasures in the dwarf area that you had to open in a specific order just to get the last secret treasure which was worthless?
That's what I was trying to say
It's a decent amount of extra hours in the game for what it is. It's absolutely necessary for doing an energy weapons playthrough though
>Power armour that doesn't need the main story to use
>Gauss Rifle
>Chinese Stealth suit.
You did and I'm dumb.
You get the gun within minutes of meeting the first people with guns and from that point onwards they all drop bullets for you.
Add a waterfall right after the drop point at B that only opens the first time you approach it.
If you reload your save to explore the other area, the waterfall closes.
>The treasure you sacrificed your save file, your time, is just an average item that can be bought with chickenfeed
>reach a fork
>go down the path you think is the optional one
>hesitate a bit in if you are actually on the main path
>go back and try the other path
>hesitate again a bit into the path unsure again
>go back to the first path
No joke, this is what made me miss ALL the health upgrades in Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. To the point that I didn't even know there were health upgrades at all anymore. This shit made a couple bosses way harder than they needed to be, but I prevailed.
The most fucking criminal thing is that when the game was released a bunch of shitheads decided that there was a secret ending for getting all the upgrades. I remember having to correct and attempt to remove all this bullshit misinformation by using a similar graph to OPs image as proof that you get the same ending anyway.
In the games defense, I think you could easily reload your save by resetting the game instead of loading last checkpoint or whatever, but at the time I think I wasn't really aware of it.
>tfw chicken feed
Don't forget that the game sometimes fucking triggers a FUCKING FAILURE for sticking in one room too long just to get some ammo, and then forces you to do the previous encounter AGAIN. Piece of shit game.
So how do we avoid situations like this without making the game linear as fuck?
Remove point of no returns. Simple.
I feel like I've experienced this in FF13 alot, and its made worse by that game being a hallway so you can't even clear then redo the whole dungeon for that 1 chest
The worst is when you manage to find that one side area and it's just shitty mats instead of something useful like the aegisol/deceptisol/fortisol prebuff items.
But then you still get the situation where you might have walked down the main path for a couple of minutes, realized it's the main path, then backtrack to go check out the other path.
It's pretty boring to backtrack down an area you've already done and then go down the same path again after getting the treasure.
I've been getting into shitty hentai RPG maker games and I'm absolutely cemented in my opinion turn based RPGs are shit. I get it's not the cream of the turn based rpg gameplay world but fundamentally this shit is so dull.
you mean turn based jrpgs
Well that just killed some of my faith in humanity.
12 god damned hours into the game I decided to start using the guide so I didn't miss anything important.
I just stopped playing because there is a limit to the bullshit I am willing to tolerate.
I was having fun too, but my anger just surpassed it too much.
>teenage fags RPing
Pretty much the same as Sup Forums
This is where datamining is needed.
>Doom 2016
i'd be willing to bet that no less than every single one of these people is either an undercover FBI agent or some idiot roleplaying
Some o' dis shit.
The board will try to make out like you just don't get it and that really turn based games are super tacticool and comfy despite being inferior in every way. Expect some irrelevant analogy to Chess as well.
what the fuck man
>Oddworld: Abes Oddyssee
>about to escape rupture farms
>sign says "If you escape now, all 28 workers on this floor will die!"
>thought I saved them all
>next playable screen
>Casualties: 1
Oddyssee and Exoddus are my two favorite games of all time, but fuck that first part in Oddyssee. Save system sucks, I could never figure out which Mudokons I forgot and I always had to restart from scratch if I missed one.
Fuck. This.
I didn't realise how many I missed the first time until I checked a playthough.
I actually really liked that moment and how the game spoke to you through signs which were also canonical to the game. Like a thread that the Glukkons put up that if any Mudokons escape, the rest of the worker crew are killed to make the escapee feel guilty.
Fucking god tier games.
>tfw I played through all of Exoddus trying to save every Mudokon I could
>saved 299 out of 300
I wasn't mad since the game was great anyways, but fuck so close. No idea where the last cunt was.
>choose hidden side path
>10 minutes in and you still keep going
>"oh, it must be the main one"
>backtrack, go the super-obvious road
>10 minutes in and you still keep going
>anxiety kicks in
>the path forks again
>choose the hidden one
>10 minutes in and you keep going
>backtrack, go the other way
>it's leads into the first hidden one you've tried
I developed an obsession for not missing any piece of content. Replaying Deus Ex: HR this year was a torture, I spent 15 more hours on it than I did in 2011 because I kept checking every single room over and over.
That's too much, even by this website's standards
I'm kinda the same, I enjoy the exploration though I do get really autistic about it like you.
Also feel the stress when coming to a fork. But usually it depends on the game. If the game lets you know that you can always go back and the level design is open, fork's in the road are stress free, especially if you also have multiple manual saves.
It's games that have a precedent of having surprise cutscenes and points of no return, or cutscenes that teleport you around and move you forwards automatically that cause exploration in those situations to be stressing. Especially in console games where saving and loading is much more limited/takes longer to do.
Fucking SAME on Exoddus. That one was hard. I've never been able to break the 299 mark.
I also like how the games spoke to you through signs. Oddyssee and Exoddus were GOAT, I lost count of how many playthroughd I had on those two games. I was irredeemably disappointed the Oddworld quintology didn't continue on along the Oddyssee and Exoddus storylines. Munch was so fucking gay, and I never played strangers looked kind of interesting but never really hooked me.
Tfw New n Tasty relied too much on 3D graphics and failed to capture the same feel as the original. Still enjoyable for me, but wasn't the same. I'm not holding out much hope the Exoddus remake will be much better but I'm still gonna buy it.
I remember having to restart that one, because someone told me it was important to clear them entirely for the end game. And there was no way to know you were getting to the end before the cutscene too.
I like FF but they're always full of this kind of shit
FF10 was great but yeah it annoyed the fuck out of me with stuff like that.
More annoying was the Dark Aeons that showed up later, some of which blocked you from getting stuff needed for ultimate weapons. Which you needed to beat the Dark Aeons.
Christ are you me. I also thought Munch was a huge letdown and never got around to playing Strangers Wrath (though I admit it actually looks good, I've got it on my backlog but my backlogs fucking huge).
I remember reading the manual for Oddysee and Exoddus as a kid and seeing the advertisements for the quintology and being so exited. Such a shame what happened, but I think it was always meants to be different characters and genre's just in the same world. One of the cancelled games was meant to be an RTS even. I think Exoddus was just a bonus game they made purely because Oddysee was so succesful. Just wish they'd spent more time making Munch not a piece of shit.
I haven't tried New n Tasty yet desu.
> white people
Yes, brother, I am you.
New n Tasty is...okay. I enjoy it because it reminds me of a simpler time. The only real improvement it made over the original is that it has a quicksave function. Other than that, it doesn't really add much of anything that wasn't there in the first one. Level design/art is great, but in some ways it actually suffers, the character animation and sound/voice being the biggest culprits.
I would say only buy it if you're a diehard Oddyssee/Exoddus fan and want to throw money to support Oddworld Inhabitants.
They should have added new areas and done stuff they couldn't do the first time around instead of being 100% faithful. Unless they did get everything in.
I liked how the Resident Evil Remake added like a whole thirds worth of new content. Would have been great to see that world expanded even more.
I will probably pick it up next time I do an Oddworld playthrough. I will replay Oddysee, Exoddus and try Strangers Wrath for the first time then try New n Tasty. Not gonna try Munch's again though.
When did Halo 5 do this?
>theres a hidden wall button that you need to press to access the main path
fucking legend of grimrock