Doom sucks >IT'S SO FAST DUDE too bad most maps are so fucking cramped they discourage fast movement >IT WAS SO HARDCORE
the game is pitifuly fucking easy because majority of the time you fight Imps, Sergeants (both of which die from one shotgun blast) and pinkies who are not a real threat in fact the only dangerous enemies - Revenants and Chaingunners were introduced in the sequel not to mention the game is filled with RNG which people conviniently forget (shotgun spread, rockets can deal between 20 to 160 damage, bullets deal between 5 to 15). People should take off their nostalgia goggles and actually replay the fucking thing.
Neat. It's fast as you don't wait for cutscenes, stories or friendly AI progression. You just boot the game and go. The guns are nice and it's a fun deviation from modern FPS. Also gameplay mods and map packs if vanilla isn't good enough for you.
Samuel Cooper
Shit thread but play Scythe. Vanilla Doom levels are way too easy nowadays. Memento Mori is also cool.
Leo Phillips
No shit. That's what brutal doom fixes.
Grayson Gutierrez
>gameplay mods
like ebin Demonsteele right? The most popular Doom mods are the ones that change Doom into completly different game. I wonder why.
>map packs
oh yeah like the classic Alien Vendetta or Hell Revealed with it's genius ''get trapped in a square room with 60 Revenants'' level design
Noah Stewart
>it's a millennial talks about videogames thread
kek. kill yourself.
Chase Anderson
Its pretty good for a game thats older than you are user Personally enjoyed brutal doom more than original, havent really played around with the wads tho
Camden Wood
lel play it on ultra violence kid you will learn to not gobble up all the ammo and health like its the COCKS you love so much
Brody Peterson
But will you admit that the new DOOM isn't actually very similar to it?