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both were apparently well received, what's the issue?
Heard invisible was pretty good. That furry game seems ok from that art but ive seen 0 gameplay
Gameplay trailer sold it well for me, looks fun, but reviews tell me its biggest flaw is unskippable cutscenes and dialogue, due to the die-and-retry nature of the game it can get really annoying apparently
I wonder what the extent of that is
Invisible is basically what if modern xcom was an actually good game, I recommend it
Small note, Internationale is a crutch and not as good as she seems
For some reason everyone's prediction was some launch title like Knack or Killzone
Stories was shit, a fairly undernourished hack and slash type of game that gets way too repetitive too fast and too linear. I played about 5 hours before dropping it because I was hoping that it would eventually get away from "move in this one direction and mash attack", but it didn't.
Invisible is a good XCOM clone, but I don't think it's something that plays well on a controller. I kinda wish it was a better looking game though because I think the in-game graphics that they went with is ugly shit.
I plat'd Stories and it's just... mediocre. It shows that the game was hastily put out and a lot of it is unfinished (not to mention unexplainable FPS spikes).
For example there are no weapon drops and instead you get gems that are the only customization in the game and one of them increases enemy "drop rates" - what drop rates? Nothing. People asked about this on Steam forums and the developer just danced around the question and said "it's working as intended".
To plat you also need to redo the story like 20 times or so because there's no variation and all but the true ending are "You died. Fuck you"
If this is real I'm glad for Invisible anyway.
what this guy said. Played it on PC a while back, fun game.
probably fake, hopefully.
Over a video game? Aren't we hardcore.
Missed that completely. Still, no doubt Stories will be on PS+ soon enough.
How about ps3?
the furry shit looks interesting
Couldn't even give us a proper game for Christmas? For shame Sony.
That actually seems pretty decent
Bought a three month card on the 2nd, four months ago. Last month's games changed on the 1st. Collected five months worth of games.
>reynardo is a fox
>lapino is a rabbit
the artsyle is nice but softer colours would have done it better
but I may pick it up on steam, I'm a sucker for floating island settings
See Also in terms of customisation there's no real point beyond 3 different gems to choose from - crit, shield break and faster attacks. (you'll also end up unlocking a few swords but the "ultimate" weapon is bugged and you'll just end up using starter sword because of heals)
What the fuck happened to PS+?
When I first got it years ago, I got Battlefield 3, Dragon's Dogma DR, Tomb Raider, BioShock Infinite, Metro: Last Light
Didn't have it for awhile but renewed it when I got a PS4, and all I got that's noteworthy was Gat Out of Hell and Resident Evil what the fuck
You just want to remember the highlights. I urge you to look at the history of it and notice there's been plenty of literally who indie and PS1 classics in there.
you mean rented
Over what? Furries?
I hate to tell you this but /fur/ is going to be as mainstream acceptable as gay marriage pretty soon desu senpai
PS1 games are better than the shit they have been shoving out for years now.
> and PS1 classics in there.
That's a bad thing?
All the time people whine about MUH VALUE HOW THE FUCK CAN I JUSTIFY PAYING 4 BUX A MONTH FOR ONLY 40 BUX+ WORTH OF GAMES yet people are somehow ok with games that are regularly priced at 5 bux?
I really don't get it. I mean people whine about everything indie right now without even trying them. I understand if walking simulator is a turn off but whining about everything indie is ridiculous.
Even then those literally who indie games have been included in PS+ but people just want to remember highlights and pretend it was so much better.
If PCucks didnt exist we would have never gotten indie games and AA games would still be a thing. Prove me wrong.
You mean they still haven't fixed that fucking bug that's been in there since launch day?
Same shit is happening to xbox live
I played through it in late August and there was no patches back then at least. I don't know if they've done something about it since I deleted it once I plat'd it.
AA didn't disappear because of indies, they disappeared because consolefags are so stupid most of them won't buy good games unless they have muh Hollywood production quality and a larger marketing budget than what was used for development. AA devs didn't have enough money to compete with the marketing machine of the big boys who made shit-to-mediocre games but advertised them to the point where mouthbreathing console owners and normalfags bought them by the millions.
>consolefags are so stupid
Here we go again
I'm confused. What are some AA games?
>What the fuck happened to PS+?
One of two things:
1) Since PS+ is mandatory to be able to play PS4 games online or at least almost all of them, I think there's a handful of PS4 games that don't actually need PS+ for online play, Sony can now cut back on the effort they put into the PS+ monthly games as it is no longer the main incentive for the subscription. If people are buying PS+ for online play, then they would most likely not be affected by a significant dip in quality when it comes to the "free" games
2) PS4 has no games, and thus PS+ has no games to offer for PS4 owners
Nintendo games that aren't mainline Mario or Zelda games
>PS4 has no games
yet they increased the price by 20%
All those games were on PS+ years ago, m8
All of those 4 have been on PS+ already.
The remastered version of sleeping dogs wasn't
>Paying for PS+
I have a PS4 too but why the fuck would you pay to rent games you'll never be able to own?
It's now the same as Live Gold.
It's not as stable or fast as gold
So they complain about getting good indies, instead of launch trash?
>Invisible is a good XCOM clone
It's not even slightly an XCOM clone. It is barely in the same genre as XCOM.
Aaru's Awakening
Arkham Asylum
A good month finally after the last two have been shit. Killer Instinct was still the winner this year
Who cares? M$ started the paid online trend and now Sony is following to a T because they have a huge lead in the market so they have nothing to worry.
Either way you can still get 12 months at 40 bux at which it's still really good value.
Because as I've said before, PS+ is mandatory to play PS4 games online or at least almost all of them, I think there's a handful of PS4 games that don't actually need PS+ for online play and because Sony is the sole entity selling the subscription they can control the rates for it as they please. If you don't pay their prices, then you are locked out entirely. It's like if Comcast is the only ISP available in your area, you either let them ream you in the ass or you get no internet at all whatsoever.
Its still the same game, senpai
PS4 is always shitso who cares?
What am I getting on PS3 and Vita?
Invisible Inc won't appeal to everyone but it is fucking 10/10 at what it does. I urge anyone who likes challenging turn-based games to give it a try. So many times I would be like "this is fucking impossible" halfway through a level and then survive by the skin of my teeth.
>Who cares if Sony's hiking the price up? Microsoft did it!
Just because Microsoft is a piece of shit jewery company doesn't mean Sony should be excused for following suit.
I got 12 months of Gold for $30. Sonyggers cucked again
Funnily enough people only got upset about price hike like a year after they hiked the price up in Europe. Not that it affects 12 month subscriptions in the least, only the 1/3 subs, really.
>doesn't mean Sony should be excused for following suit.
Maybe not, but that's that's the reason they're doing it.
Because yuropoors and their monopoly money don't fucking matter.
So better than expected?
I actually heard some good things about Stories.
Regardless indie games were a mistake.
Remember how indie devleopers adis they were going to save vidya by making the games AAA studios don't want to, but now they're just digital shovelware that ends us on PS+, XBLGWG, Steam Sales, and Humble Bundles?
whats the point of ps plus """"'free"""""""""' games when you dont even get to keep them?
>Americans don't care about the prices for things in Europe
It's because PS+ is required for PS4 online multiplayer, so there's no reason to give out good games now that everyone is probably going to get it anyways.
More like
>Murricans babyrage over things that already affect other places and are upset it comes to affect them as well
Good indie games are 1 in a million but AAA games are either movies or MLG 420 how do you do fellow kids?
They do on ps3 occasionally though. It's wonder if it's just to be spiteful.
Unless something is negatively affecting an American it literally does not matter.
more trash, oh joy glad I'm letting my ps+ run out
Pretty sure you keep them in your account's library and can access them to play or download as long as your subscription is up. Even if you resubscribe later, you have the same games you could access during your earlier subscriptions periods.
Invisible Inc is better than any AAA game Sony could give you.
It looks pretty neat.
PS3 gets actual games, if you don't buy games...