I'm so fucking shocked.
I'm so fucking shocked
Fuck marvel it's fucking trash.
A new capcom vs snk would be the fucking best
Well heres some good news.
I've got an in at Marvel, it is happening and it is being announced next week.
Licensing isnt a problem, apparently all the shit with the mutants is fine as the royalties and shit are gunna be paid.
Its happening
Didn't SNK and Capcom fall out after SNK claimed they'd been fucked on the royalty distribution deal?
top kek
Does this mean Capcom really is working on SFV?
My dad is Walt Disney and he told me at lunch that it's getting rebranded as Disney presents: Disney vs Capcom and all characters aside from Goofy and Ken will be DLC.
>not Max
Shit game, preorder cancelled.
Joke all you want, I'm serious.
Couple years back I was the guy who leaked Spiderman 700 and wolverines death early.
LeakBro has been dead for years, he got murdered at his LCS.
You can't fool me.
Im not leakbro but feel free to screencap.
Sup Forums threw the biggest shitfit at 700
Wait that was meant to be a MvC4 logo? I thought it was hinting towards a terrible Fantastic Four game.
Yeah also, y'know SNK being gutted by the foreign investors that took them over shortly thereafter.
Stephen this is Kevin Feige. Don't bother coming in tomorrow.
people thought that was real?
>SNK claimed they'd been fucked on the royalty distribution deal?
this is the first i've heard of this
Come saturnday the tears of people who think MvC4 is a thing will be so delicious, I can't wait.
>people thought that was real?
you dont gasp how retard and gullible normal fags are specially sony fags if you even mention something might be exclusive to em
>Come saturnday
Why that day in specific senpai?
because most people seem to think it'll be announced at PSX, which is happening on saturnday
I see, totally forgot about that.
Don't believe a fucking thing until Capcom shows a trailer with gameplay. Nothing else.
Post your face when it's Capcom vs Nintendo that gets announced
Gutted? Most of their talent left either before or right after XIII. A lot of them actually came back for XIV, and SNKPlaymore game division is now back to just "SNK", and they're clearly making an attempt to return to the game market and they've abandoned the cancerous pachinko market.
I hope not
I'm still waiting to BTFO all of them on PSX day when MvC4 does not happen and they are like THAT'S IT?!?!?!?!?1/1/?!?1/11
I'm even adopting a temporary trip for this one