Are you going to buy Fate/Extella?
Are you going to buy Fate/Extella?
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Yes, I can't wait to play with my waifu.
If it ever gets released in the PAL regions, sure.
'If' being the operative word.
I like drills.
Maybe? Wish it had a demo, though. Especially since I was thinking about the Vita version.
What happened in this scene?
Gonna buy Tamamo's game!!
No Luvia no buy.
Don't, it's inferior to the PS4 versio.
>Further funding that Nasu hack by buying Fateshit.
You are the reason why we'll never get that Tsukihime remake or any other chapters of Mahoyo.
I'll think about it.
Are we getting Rin servant there too?
Sorry Luvia, but she pleasing gods right now
I've been like 3/4 mast since they announced it, so...
Also recommended me a doctor because my erection has been ongoing for months now and I'm scared
>Fate in 2016
Anything for my Emperor
Luvia will win Rinbowl
Where the fuck do you even begin with fate? I finished fate/zero yesterday and I'm so fucking lost.
I know. But I'm not interested in buying a PS4. The question is if it's too bad of a port for me. I guess I could download whatever Dynasty Warriors demo is on PSS, since it's the same genre.
You fucked up. Still, read the VN. After that, the whole world is open and you can choose to tackle the series in any way you want.
Remember that they're all fighting over a dumb grail that's not what they think it is
Watch it for the waifus, the plot device is convoluted as fuck and the other plots are just as crazy
Forget everything you just watched and back out. Or play/ read the VN, and then watch the DEEN anime for the character designs only. Its very worth it.
The game in this thread is part of a side series that is not connected to the main story line.
Well there's your issue.
Read the original VN.
Eventually but it ain't priority
Read the VN, then re-watch Fate/Zero. If you want more Fate, play Extra o read Hollow Ataraxia. I suggest looking into the rest of Nasuverse, read Tsukihime and watch the KnK movies.
When you finish at least FNS and Tsukihime, watch best Type-Moon: Carnival Phantasm
>watch the KnK movies
And then read the novels. That way you'll heal the wound called "Oblivion Recording". Seriously, fuck that movie.
>Seriously, fuck that movie.
Fuck Mirua*
>best bitches
I'm not sure if I love Luvia or hate her. Maybe both.
I'm sure Rin is just as confused as you are
Why does Luvia like Shirou? Just because she wants to steal him from Rin?
Also, did this start in Prisma Illya? If I remember correctly Luvia is first introduced in Hollow Ataraxia, yet she doesn't interact with Shirou at all. Or maybe I missed it
Love/Hate is one of the strongest emotion a human can feel toward another human
What do you take me for?
What's this? I don't remember this scene.
Hahah yeah now Rin Tosaka is Ishtar or better said Ishtar borrow her figure. So now you can have your own Rin in your room as servant.
When will they fuck ? The sexual tension between them is through the roof
Watch the FSN anime, and then the UBW anime.
Ignore the VN.
I probably will, I'm a Typemoonfag that hasn't had a decent release in a long time. Musous typically are meh at best to play tho
It's fun to read about the new servants in F/GO, but holy shit, mobage + gacha = mass produced shekel generating cancer