Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?
Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?
I never played it and have no clue what it's about but I hate it because Sup Forums told me to and because Sup Forums said it has something to do with tumblr.
I just got it, it's pretty cute so far.
It's made for girls.
SJW Tumblrinas really really really love it, that's basically it.
Hype and faggy fanbase. Game itself is too easy, the brand of humor might be offputting and Alphys fucking sucks.
Pretty sure it's mostly the hype and fanbase though.
It's the Homestuck of video game and is a creative patchwork of other's ideas. It's just icing on the cake that it's a Hot Topic flavor of the month.
>the Homestuck of video game
Undertale is short and not very complex. I don't see the similarities beyond sort of the same humor and Earthbound inspiration.
Sup Forums got mad at a good, cheap, creative RPG. Because it had furrys and gays despite Sup Forums being full of furrys and gays
got popular
tumblr latched onto it
Why is there two threads asking the same thing?
Wow, tumblrtale shill is in full force all of a sudden. He must practically be the only sperg who still cares about this game
for the most part its the hype generated by the tremendous faggots that claim its the second coming of christ, the game itself is alright, the fan following it has is rectal cancer.
that thread is asking about gays, this one is asking about why people hate the game.
it stole most of its content from everywhere else, and the spritework is shit other then that its actualy done realy well
It's dramatically overrated and its fanbase has an autistic obsession with it. The actual game itself isn't a bad experience, albeit lacking in content and difficulty. The soundtrack is the best part.
>Sup Forums has an /lgbt/ board
>tumblr has white supremacist blogs
really makes you think
I wonder how a lot of older games would be viewed here if their fanbases were instantly connected and allowed to cultivate so quicky as modern games are able to.
i really like it; it was fun discussing the game for about one day before it got too popular and then everyone started hating it on principle.
now every thread is just degenerate furries posting porn and people getting buttblasted over SJWs or some shit
Teach me your ways
I would have enjoyed the game 10x more if Alphys was taken out and replaced with something less fucking cringy.
>two bosses
>memorize attacks to win
It's a bullet hell without the hell.
This, the creators of both wanting it to die down can't be a coincidence
It's boring and gay.
contrarians, mostly
any legitimate hate is drowned out by contrarian shitposting
People like you making these exact goddamned threads constantly. It's like a dude who keeps flicking your ear, and going "Why do you guys hate us ear flickers?"
There's plenty of other threads to look at, why would you go into a thread you know you'll hate? Retard.
Because you're a fucking faggot shitting up my board!
Neck yourself.
the demo promised a completely different tone.
It basically looked like a sad creepy game. Then, right after the demo ends, it turns into a gay comedy with le funny characters. And yeah I know you have the option of killing them all but the general mood is extremely light hearted unless you go out of your way and not at all what was promised.
I liked the laboratory though
Because of people like these
The reason most of Sup Forums favorite games were released before Sup Forums got big or even existed might be exactly this.
No cancerous fanbases, no praise from "the enemy" aka tumblr/reddit/gaia/ebaumsworld/other boards/v, no month long shitposting and shilling before the games release, and no memes that get beaten to death within a day. Back then we all just played the games and saw them for what they were, instead of listening to the opinion of thousands of raging idiots and kids beforehand.
It's super easy except for on a genocide run, and even then it's only mildly difficult for 2 bosses. It's more of a picture book than a game.
i liked it. It was short, sweet and simple. The problem lies in the fucked fanbase that came after. It was a 6 hour game yet the amount of degeneracy it produced was astounding.
Highly overrated game with a cancerous fanbase. It's a web-comic in game form with homestuck tier writing where everything that happens is a dumb joke of some kind. A neat one-person project but not something worth spending your money on.
It's praised as a 11/10 GOTYAY GAME OF THE CSNTURY SO AMAZING game when in reality it's a 7/10
It ripped off every game Sup Forums loved, repackaged them for Tumblr, and told gamers they were shit. It was the opening volley of SJWism into Japanese indie games. Pretty much the SJWs saying nothing is sacred, we're coming for it all, we won't stop until we have it all.