>There are people here
>Right now
>In this exact moment
>That will defend this
There are people here
too bad flamestrike or lightning storm isnt a random effect XD
Can it make your own minion hit your other own minion?
Things like this, does it choose a random side of the board?
>defending a crappy MtG clone in the first place
Even MtG went to shit over 20 years ago. Why do people keep trying to make fucking CCGs a thing again?
how does this work
does it affect minion attacks?
does it affect battlecries?
does it affect non-symmetrical AoEs?
>random a random random XD so great game design
Good thing he will never see play. 5/4 for 9 is incredibly weak, you might rarely see him get drawn from another random effect or stuffed in your deck if you run Malchezzar.
Inexcusable to design a garbage legendary like this.
>play this with a full board on both sides
>he gets perfect RNG and you lose the game
this can't be a real card
this is a joke right?
No. At most I'd imagine it does a bit of a Mogor effect, if it effects attacking at all.
No. Those specifically say enemy minions,not 'a minion' or 'target minion'.
Milking money. Simple.
With the new buff cards, him seeing play is much more likely in Warrior/Paladin/Hunter decks. Druids MIGHT run him in Jade Golem decks to try and protect bigger Golems. No othr class is likely to touch it though.
It's a flavor card, Noggenfogger in WoW always sold potions that did random effects. It's just pretty shit because it had to be neutral. You can pretty much bet that it won't see much play.
is real, blade flurry died for this
It's real.
So is
It's a shout-out to WoW lore.
Heartstone is a game of skills.
oh hey that will be a great addition to my rager
>Inexcusable to design a garbage legendary like this.
But if all the cards were good Bli$$ard would make less money
>not playing Forgotten Lore RIGHT NOW
Post yfw you get him in your first pack out of 50 and no other legendaries
>it's a rogue gets shit cards yet again episode
Dude we get it, Miracle Rogue was bad but you killed that shit way before Naxx even came out. Come on Blizz, just let go of the grudge.
It's completely unplayable
Who fucking cares
>there are people who STILL play Hearthstone
I'd like to see a South Park-style parody on how Blizzard makes casual games but markets them as hardcore.
Something like "The Blizzard Olympics" and it's rigged in such a way where Usain Bolt gets beaten by a regular person in a 100 meter dash due to "random chance" events where Usain kept getting blocked by walls and the regular dude didn't and even had the conveyor belt floor that accelerated him further ahead and then afterwards they really rub it in Usain Bolt's face that he's shit at running despite losing entirely due to RNG.
>Implying Rogue isn't just the cumdump of every other class now
>it has to survive one turn
It has to last a turn, and then you need to decide if a random 6 drop is better than trading for board.
>attacks a hero
can i attack my own face?
>becomes a 2/3
Why is this a thing? Might as well add a legendary that has armor piercing to go through Warrior
yeee have fun running that a week after the expansion
This card has no fucking information on it, I have no idea how it works or what the duration of the effect is.
It can even become a 1/1 user
Are you retarded? Even MtG doesn't explain things that much.
Don't worry guys, Rogue can still get some minions!
As long as the card is in play. Which can be literally forever if your opponent gets lucky
I assume anything that targets directly, like minion A attacking minion B or direct damage spells like Fireball, upon use will just go somewhere else or RNG go the place where you want it to go. Duration is obviously as long as that hard is in play without being Silenced.
The duration is as long as it lives. Targets affect from target spells to even where do your minions trade.
People still play Hearthstone when Shadowverse is free and has phone-computer crossplay and is a better game?
New worst card in the game, nice
i know nothing about WoW lore but it looks exactly like what a fan would make in order to whine about the game having to many random effect as a parody
do you realize how fucking hilarious it's when reality beat actual parody?
Nobody wants your shilling here, weeb.
Jokes on you, I dropped this shit game after Purple Tentacles the expansion.
evolve shaman is going to destroy EVERYONE
this and that 5 mana 2/2 that summons 2 copies of itself with evolve
The upside is, at least it's inefficiently costed.
Four months ago Blizzard would have made this cost 3 mana and it would be in every deck.
Is this made to fuck over Sylvanas expressly?
Also, reminder that Hearthstone is an "eSport" in the year of our lord 2016.
No its just ripped off from shadowverse
Are you retarded?
Worse.. he's a shill.
>1/1 summons 6/6
>1/1 summons 6/6
No, that's bomb squad. The card designed solely to counter sylvanas
>every game of Hearthstone is Momir Basic
You know "Hearthstone" exists in Magic Online and it's pretty much a joke format, right?
> 2 years of hearthstone
> STILL no mention of wrath of the lich king type expansion
But thank God we have fucking karazan and pandas as cards.
user, Naxx was literally the first fucking Adventure.
Why are you such a fag?
Naxx was Vanilla, by WOTLK he means Icecrown Citadel. We also got TGT aka Argent Tournament which was the patch right before ICC
Like, how do they even continue breathing? I can see them doing Battle of Mount Hyjal first at this rate
Well, there was no Panda expansion and Kara comes chronologically before Wrath.
This shit is why I jumped ship to Shadowverse.
>Bend over
Pandas were brewmasters from WC, user.
Lorewalker Cho did not exist until MoP
>This shit is why I jumped ship to Shadowverse.
have you considered jumping to an actually good card game instead of another trash one
>Game entirely about card art waifus
>Hearthstone still has better girls
I'm so sorry.
No, I just wanted something similar to Hearthstone without all the RNG bullshit.
Also imo SV had better gimmicks, I prefer the evolve mechanic over unique class abilities.
>I prefer the evolve mechanic over unique class abilities.
shadowverse also has unique class abilities though
This game is fucking shit, I don't know why people bother anymore. Did you fellas sink too much money or time in your cards and that's why you keep eating Ben Brode's shit?
Thanks for the hearty chuckle senpai.
Well I suppose that's technically true now that I think about it, though I'd call them class mechanics over class abilities.
>board clears for both sides with damage over 4
>turn 9
>people triggered by this
It's either this or no card game to play at all, i'm not playing that shit weeb game I haven't degraded that much yet
literally getting cucked by a ghost orc
>tfw Hearthstone threads are some of the best on Sup Forums
Meta is being discussed,along with opinions,tips and strategies. All of which comes from people that explains it in a informative and easy to understand way.
How did this end up happening
Why are falseflaggers always so fucking obvious.
idk dude, the thing about card games it that they all go to shit because of power creep and shit card ideas, that's why I abandoned that ship. Just look at Hearthstone, these niggas haven't released not even half of Warcraft's most memorable characters and they already ran off ideas. Can you tell me what is good of this new expansion?
>I prefer the free +2 damage to face mechanic over unique class abilities
This is why SV will never have a non-aggro/midrange meta.
>This is why SV will never have a non-aggro/midrange meta.
but it has havencraft, aka the "nice game mechanics you have there sure would be nice if i shit all over them" leader
From what I can gather Hearhstone seems to avoid the power creep rather well
hearthstone took it's own path and "left" wow characters behind or at least devs wants to do it with new cards you can still see that they took characters out of wow so idk what they are talking about that hs is taking its own path
>Ghost orc
user she's giving him a tattoo.
Not to mention Elves are notorious for fucking almost anything, so you'd have to he an idiot to love one that much.
>he didn't watch the reveal stream
Say hello to your new best friend
Well it's certainly no Yugioh or Pokemon levels here but there certainly is a bit. Overall the average card has gained like one or two stats since release, so not too bad.
Dies to Equality+Consecrate
>complaining about this
>not jade idol
But that's wrong.
>1/1 summons 6/6 IF COMBO'D AFTER 2 OTHER CARDS
>1/1 summons 6/6
>work really hard in college to get a major in some kind of engineering
>end up loving vidya and want to become a developer
>get chosen by blizzard for their hot new game
>forced to work for the lead game designer ben brode who got in blizzard by selling pizzas
>all of the hard work and preparation has led to making meme cards in spaghetti code
>the memes are not even funny
The deck it's in beats control like 99% of the time. Each Golem has 1/1 more than the last one and druid got this spell
True, but it's worth pointing out that the Druid in that case got perfect curve, and had Fandral AND Brann out for two turns. The Paladin would have likely won if he had a Comsecrate with the Equalities.
The thing is that all the promo decks they show off are bad and being played by bad players, but the fact that druid can flood the board with giants multiple turns in a row is gonna break the game.
oh no you have to play two more 1 cost 1/1s that your hand should be filled with anyway, or even 0 cost 1/1s
forestcraft's """""""combos""""""""" are just arbitrary ways of saying "this card costs x mana less than it normally would, so play a few other cards to make up the cost"
I'm a casual at the game and usually only play tavern brawl.
What is the current meta?
>9 cost 5/4
Its actual garbage, whats the problem?
In hearthstone the bullshit random cards are good though, OPs card is trash
As of the 1st, likely;
>Top Tier:
>Jade Druid
>Good Tier
>Taunt Goon Warrior
>Evolve Shaman
>Reno Mage
>Reno Priest
>Dragon Priest
>Face Hunter
>Decent Tier
>Miracle Rogue
>Totem Shaman
>Bad Tier
>Any other Rogue deck
Everytbing else is Solid Tier, but expect lots of Druids, Warriors, Priests, and maybe Shaman.
watch the match on twitch. It goes something like this
>jade golem, jade golem, jade golem, jade golem
>board clear
>jade golem, jade golem, jade golem, jade golem
>clutch top deck equality for clear
>jade golem, jade golem, 0 mana 7/7, jade golem, jade golem
fun and interactive. I know I'm going to fucking hate playing against this shit
thanks mate-o
This shit isn't viable and running it makes your deck a joke deck, who cares how ridiculous it is
Doesn't this card mean you will pretty much never die to fatigue?
Yes, it means you can't mill druid anymore and druid can mill anyone
Yup, you won't die until turn 50.
People need to make the jump to Eternal and forget about Hearthstone.