ITT: games that actually look like fun, but Sup Forums would never admit it
ITT: games that actually look like fun, but Sup Forums would never admit it
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i wish they made those robots look like not zoids
>female hunter
They haven't shown it enough to make that judgement yet. Haven't seen them battle alot of robots, or fight humans yet
They took Killzone Shadow Fall and made animals.
games with that kind of color scheme makes me want to throw up my left-liver because fuck that liver
Wow look it's Far Cry Primal
I'll be having actual fun playing the other exclusive that's coming out.
Its going to be shit
Holy shit, that game looks awe-
>sony exclusive
no, it's going to be shit.
>killzone devs
>open world
>le stonk exposition talk wmyn
Perfectly summed up Sup Forums in one post.
I admit it looks fun, but so did XV in this trailer from March this year and look how inaccurate that was.
I want it to be fun.
Just looks like third person Far cry primal to me though.
I hated that game.
if she shuts the fuck up for most of the game it could be fun
Game looks visually stunning.
But looks aren't everything.
The gameplay comes off as a monotonous circle.
Kill dino's for parts to make Ammo. Not new weapons and armor. Just ammo.
The ammo you use to kill more dinos.
I would understand this recycling method if it was in a linear game but in a open world game it just makes me was to kill until I'm maxed up on ammo and then just fuck off to the objectives. No incentive to explore besides wanting to look at shit.
he actually did
It's clearly pre-rendered bullshit advertising anyway. Pretty standard for AAA devs to be deceitful cunts nowadays.
Could be fun, could be terrible
I'm mostly concerned about an empty open world and the controls, they look like they might be a tad... janky from what I've seen, hopefully I'm wrong about that
>Game looks visually stunning.
>But looks aren't everything.
t.mustard commenting on exclusive game
>The gameplay comes off as a monotonous circle.
We don't really know what you can craft or in general how the RPG elements play.
Again one of those things you have to try in order to judge.
>I would understand this recycling method if it was in a linear game but in a open world game it just makes me was to kill until I'm maxed up on ammo and then just fuck off to the objectives. No incentive to explore besides wanting to look at shit.
I love how you are saying this when you literally don't know anything about the crafting system.
We know there are different clothing, we know there are different weapons that you can craft.
Who is to say there isn't some rare resource somewhere in the corner of the map?
Nah man. I just bought the parts for my first hand made computer earlier today.
I mostly play on the 3ds and Ps4.
This thing I'm posting on is some old ass hand me down Toshiba laptop.
True. but until then I have little to no interest in the game.
All I and you know about the crafting system is what they have shown and what they have shown is not interesting.
First impressions are the greatest and I was not impressed.
This might be the first WRPG with a great combat system. Im hyped.
Scripted and boring
Smelly dingleberry dreads
Won't shut the hell up
stop shitposting or inform yourself because all three points are nonsense
>This might be the first WRPG with a great combat system
>I never played Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
This is game is going to be ubisoft tier open world garbage, mark my words
I played it and first person combat has too many limitations and I would consider it as only good.
nope try again and she only talked like that in the e3 video
nice meme
Can't wait for this game to bomb like the string of AAA trash lately.
>guerilla games
Nope. They're actually somewhat better then naughtydog when it comes to maxing playstations. Also, they have stellar art design and that goes a long way in making graphics look better than they actually are.
things Sup Forums thinks