
I want top hear from the autistic retards here (not all of you, but there are some truly retarded people in here) why a game can't be great simply by being fun.

We all know of pic related, but what's scary is that there are people who actually believe this.

To me, that's like saying a meal can't be delicious if it tastes good, it doesn't make any sense.

We all enjoy video games because we're having fun playing them, so why can't "it's fun" just be a good enough reason to justify it being great?

Sure, fun is subjective but if a lot of people find something fun that should tell something.

As long as the game isn't narrative-riven, all I care about is "is the game fun to play or not?".

Fun is not indicative of quality by any means

Look at recent Bethesda openworld products. People go nuts over them and find them incredibly fun, but they're fucking awful in terms of their quality. I'm not going to call Fallout 4 a good game because tons of people find it fun, they're just enjoying a bad game.

Fun is a derivative from other things.
If you are unable to desribe what things cause "fun" to happen you're most likely a retard with piss poor communication skills.

>Fun is not indicative of quality by any means

In the end we are all playing video games to get our fill for the fun-o-meter. If a game manages to meet that criteria, the game is great. End of story.

You are the guy who spouts that a 8 dollar steak can't be great because next door they serve a 200 dollar steak, despite everyone around you telling you it tastes fantastic, right?

>food analogy

you're a fucking moron

here's your you

No, it's actually a perfect analogy.

Presentation is a big deal regarding food, but for a lot of people it being yummy is all that counts. Same with games, presentation can be important, but to a lot of people it simply being fun is enough.

There nothing wrong with that second comment.

Being immersed and being entertained with something are two different experiences.

You could be immersed in something that's totally depressing or something that provokes serious thought, for example.

>provokes thought
Ah so not video games then

I think the issue is more that saying "this is fun" doesn't produce any sort of meaningful discussion.

What makes it fun? *Why* is it fun?
