PC Build

I've finally decided to give PC a shot since I'm getting a bit bored with console gaming. Started throwing together parts that seem to be compatible with each other but the motherboard I'd chosen is hard to come by apperantly. Switched to this one but I don't know how I feel getting something with ''Gaming" in its name.

Suggestions? Did I fuck up terribly?

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Looks pretty good op I'd get a overclockable cpu though. Not sure if that specific mb will support it though

Well this would be my first build so I wasn't planning on overclocking anything.

>120 GB SSD

do yourself a favor and spend an extra $55 to get 4x the memory


Hmm will you be playing in 1080p only?

Id probably go with an 8gb 480 over the 1060 and you'll certainly want more memory. Aside from that good build op

That does make sense..

Should I be aiming higher for my first build?

That was my first choice. The 1060 was a recommendation.

Spending imaginary money building an imaginary pc is so fun. It beats gaming by far.


Get at least 250 GB for your SSD.

The rest looks fine, though I'd personally go for a 1070 or AMD equivalent. I haven't checked 1060 benchmarks so it may be ok.