Are we hype?
Tales of Berseria
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This will be my first Tale game sind Graces,
>Are we hype?
For visual novels without gameplay?
Sup Forums please!
I'll probably pick it up when it hits Steam. Hell, looks more interesting than FF15.
i guess they were hoping to get that post-new years hangover audience by releasing it in january?
>Tales game
>no gameplay
At least shitpost accurately.
Not really interested in the ecchi waifu simulator 3000 aspect of it...
>Hell, looks more interesting than FF15.
That doesn't take a whole lot.
I'm hype for the DLC. All of the females (and Eizen) will be dressed like sluts.
It's okay.
Never played a Tales game before. If I just want to watch slutty girls do combos which is the best for me?
I'm not "hype" since the game is already confirmed pretty good. It's more like just tired of waiting long periods for English releases.
Make Mystic Arts great again.
I've not played weebshit for 8 years, and have never played a Tales game. What are these games about? Will I be lost if I haven't played the others?
Atleast has a better cumbucket than Zestiria. i regret ever buying that homo fest.
>homo fest
Why? It has the best girl
How many costumes are in the base game? I hate how they are all DLC since after Vesperia. I skipped Xillia, 2 and Zesteria.
Going to get this on PC, make jrpgs great again by coming to the master race.
I like that Rose's anime yddish name in ToZ translates to Rose is Rose a nod to famous american comic strip that has never been funny once in 30+ years.
blast gauge is the worst mechanic implemented in a video game
Hyped but I skipped Zesteria.
Where would Zesteria be ranked in the Tales franchise?
>What are these games about
Different every game but the church is usually evil and there is usually a traitor. People tend to like them for the heavy character focus and real time battle system which also changes depending on the title.
>Will I be lost if I haven't played the others?
No but for this game you might miss some of the jabs at Zestria
Top 5
please tell me berseria doesn't have the same equipment system as zesty?
Is this the greatest Tales yet?
Vesperia is the best meme will never end
Is there any good Crowe porn?
More than any Tales game is years but still less than Vesperia.
One of the worst games.
No it's closer to Vesperia
played the jap demo
combat feels as bad as zestiria but with artes that hit more then twice
skill system is a bit better, but equipment and skill drops are random and weird like zestiria
Which Tales game has the best girls?
Impressions sound great. I'm ready.
Same, if you don't count my 2 hours of zesty.
That's a hard question.
Isn't it not out in the US til next year?
That's why OP is asking if we're hyped for it.
Jan 26th
The Tales games are fucking boring
In about two months, yeah.
No question in my mind. None at all.
Quick question
But did they lock half your team like they did in Zesteria?
I don't really get hyped for games til about a week before
what the hell? why the fuck did I read this as
>"Which Tales girl has the best hips?"
It's probably Tear or Alisha
>Tales of
None of them. Everyone is oblivious of sex.
I am so hype for a watered down berserk
>Jan 26th
Oh really? That's earlier than I expected. I thought we were getting it in February like Persona before the delay
At least ToB has an ending.
Actually it's the 24th I just checked and the game was released in Japan in August.
They wouldn't be dumb enough to release this game alongside Persona 5.
Atleast berserk is good
Was good.
Probably Vesperia
>that drop in art quality when he switched to digital
No it's releasing on the same day as kingdom hearts 2.8.
Not hype, but will get it, probably enjoy it for what it is and be glad i didn't got FF15
>Didn't listen to Conan
>Bought FFXV
>Finished it last night
>Worse than XIII
I have no pity for people like you. The game was clearly shit and that has been obvious for a long time.
Eh. There is a point in Berzerk where the series starts to go nowhere - and that really doesn't help when the artist releases 2 chapters every year at best.
Hearts/Hearts R was all about the power of friendship and romance.
Is there a world map and interesting dungeons or is it go from A to B with cutscenes?
Everyone on plebbit said it was the best since VII. Why did l listen....
>that autistic pose
>that outfit...or whatever is left of what you can call an outfit
Completely and utterly rui-
Tales of Autism is a shit series and it has only produced 2 good games: Symphonia and Abyss. Doomed franchise that went to shit because of Bamco.
Berseria has both the best girls and the best boys
I hate the Xillia/Zesteria/Berseria artstyle, so nah, unless the story is great, which I doubt it is.
No, you can change freely whenever you want.
All the characters are worth maining
my nigga
Berseria has the best story in a Tales easily.
Honestly I doubt anyone who has played it could disagree
After Zestiria and Xillia 1/2? Absolutely not.
Who is this slut?
After the shit show that was Zestiria? Not really user
Based Velvet Crowe.
Easily? Better than Symphonia? Eternia? Rebirth? Abyss?
>Abyss story
Come on user.
The story is pretty good it's just that the characters are retarded.
When was it they started making Tales characters look like sloots?
I've been out of the loop for a while and saw this thread pop up and decided to take a peek.
I put it last in the chain for a reason
Though I don't think the story of Symphonia is good, the only Tales with remarkable stories are Phantasia (at least for a SNES game it's really ambitious), Eternia (mostly thank to the great script of Natori, actually story isn't anything great), Abyss (thank to the actual setting and ambitious story, the script isn't anything great) and Rebirth (great script with a lot of ambitious thematic elements, the writer of Rebirth is actually one of the writer who worked on Berseria by the way)
Berseria has both the best script in the series and the story and cast to carry it.
It's really much better than whatever the series tried to do in the last 10 years in term of writing
They realized that they forgot how to make a good game so they decided to have people's dicks buy the game.
And it worked, I already have it preordered.
Not that user, but Symphonia holds something of personal value to me, so it'll always kinda be good, weather it's the best or not.
Dunno. Kinda just clicked with me a bit.
Which game is she from?
>good story
The OP.
They're all shit and boring.
Does the game actually have any /ss/ pandering?
Oh sweet jesus it's Crowe.
If you want to see it you can easily see it
I was hyped until amazon canceled my CE pre-order for whatever reason. Anyone else receive the same treatment?
It's there if you want to see it that way.
It's already released.
Can't say I have. Then again I didn't preoder.
I can't read Nipongo.
Who gets NTR'd, the Shota or the Con?
Would you like some making fuck, Berseria?