What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Character design, art direction, story
Conan o'fucking Brian happened
They removed Nomura and Stella.
I wish Sup Forums would stop shilling this faglord, even jokingly
>getting this butthurt by based Conan
>people think 86 is a bad review score
>finding that normalfag "comedian" entertaining
Why is Nomura so fucking important?
he's a hack
86 is a B at best on a grading scale.... Ouch.
This game been in development for ten years... and it's a B-grade game. Yikes...
because FF7 and KH. He has great ideas but someone should co-op so he doesn't go full on his way
>86 is bad
Why do americans use letters instead of numbers for grading? A 0-10 system is much better
>Sup Forums is so buttblasted that they might be wrong that they'll pretend that the game is doing bad just because they say so
>Using a score they intentionally dropped by """raiding"""" meta critic
You guys are fucking pathetic, holy shit.
>he's a hack
He made the best JRPG of all time and the trailers for Versus were consistently incredible until he got booted off the project
Jun Akiyama and the rest of the Versus staff were going to craft the best story in the series until they got booted along with him
It's a damn shame.
Friendly reminder to all the morons that Fallout 4 got the same rating. Do you think that's a great game aswell?
I knew it was gunna flop.
Sup Forums will cling to absolutely any reason to shitpost on every popular game, their lives lost meaning so they can't enjoy games anymore and the best they can do is hate something else to forget for a minute their hate for themselves
There's your awnser
So we can call idiots failures
>because FF7
he was the art designer, he did not make the game
If you want a real answer, the origin comes from universities. The students would be placed into four/five/however many different "classes" based on their performance in the course, and the lowest-graded "class" would fail the course. This is a typical percentile based system that forces a high level of discourse by failing the worst-performing group of students in the course, even if those students still performed better than the average person would.
Nowadays though, the grades are applied the other way around. The grades aren't of a fixed size, so any number of people can get an A or an F. So they're mostly just used to gauge performance in a general range.
The shitpost answer is because Americans can actually read unlike yuropoors, so we use letters instead of listening to how many bongs Big Ben assigns us on our report card and counting on our fingers.
They're just trying to make it into the new 8.8.
>He made the best JRPG of all time
el oh el.
And considering he couldn't shit out a finished product after seven fucking years, he deserved to get booted.
Yeah, from a gameplay perspective it's the best JRPG of all time. And the FF14 fiasco stalling development has nothing to do with him
I trusted him
An 84 score for a AAA game in 2016 is fucking laughably bad. For one, you can guarantee there are paid reviews to help the score. For two, there are a bunch of literally who reviewers to help bump the score or outlets who will give it a good score automatically because it's (basically) a PS4 exclusive. For three, this shit took a literal decade to make, so it should be much higher quality than games that take a few years. Do you not remember 8.8? And that was years ago when reviews were quite as skewed as they are today.
>what went wrong
you went to a game review site
if you have to rely on other people's feelings about a game to know how you feel about a game, you are a shit person and should feel like shit. if you have played the game and dislike it, then you have the right to that opinion, if not, you don't. WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND YOU FUCKING AUTISTS.
I'm not pleased at all with how attack tracking works, and how unbalanced the mechanics are like warp strike, link actions, and parries are. I've just grown numb to encounters to the point that I'm exploiting these things more and more as I play the game when I would rather be doing cool stuff like weapon switch combos and what not if they actually had any practical application outside of the most simple setups.
What reason is there not to just keep spamming warp points into big damage warp strikes when it's both the best damaging strategy and best way to stay completely safe and keep MP full. Terribly unbalanced game design.
SE has done great action combat with KH2 and Lightning Returns, but this game...this game is not even remotely on either of those games level.
Seriously convinced every good thing that SE has ever done is a huge fluke because they can never even come close to recreating it.
I think he's implying that the critics didn't give it a bad score and that somehow means the game isn't bad.
>Even at 86, it's overrated.
I don't want Eidos to sink with Square Enix.
Sterile Fantasy XV
But it's 84, user.
>And that was years ago when reviews were quite as skewed as they are today.
it was always as bad as it is now
86 is terrible when you consider XIII got: metacritic.com
That means the game is just marginally better than that awful mess, which considering the length of development is abyssmal.
Not to mention that the main complaint I'm seeing is that the story is shit. Final Fantasy is no stranger to absurd plots and werid ass final bosses but the general stories have always been decent (Bar 13 in my opinion) and that's a bad sign.
anything above 9 is a paid review
anything below 9 is shit lmoa ecks dee
So games that score 9.0 are the best?
Nah, now it's 84.
T... This can't be true... Based Conan told me it was shit... HE. FUCKING LIED TO US Sup ForumsROS!!!
Lmao weaboos on suicide watch!
Ratings don't matter, except when they do. That's how online video game culture works.
Ultimately, they just want the same games they played when they were 10, but Better.
So it's literally good?
Shit it must be great given how butt flustered Sup Forums is getting. Just remember actually shit games that get 1s and 0s aren't even mentioned here.
He ended up being right
s there anyone playing the game today that can give me a honest impression of the game? I don't mind playing an ok FF game, most of them are just OK. I really don't know what to expect going through these threads.
Sup Forums happened.
You faggots are so autistic with your tortanic meme, no one is going to forget you actually raided metacritic review scores.
It's good.
Sup Forums is just doubling down because once again they tried to meme a great game into being bad.
Say it with me
GOTY 2016
Call of duty consistently gets high scores
Nothing. It's perfect.
Started playing it 4 hours ago and I'm already at the final chapter.
>10 years of wasted resources for an average score
>All these 10s because they think the game is being raided for bad scores
It's pretty mediocre. If you were hyped about it you're going to be disappointed. If you go into it expecting shit then you'll be pleasantly surprised.
It's not worth full price desu
16 hours on chapter 6 here.
Feels like a psp game. MGS V all over again in the sense that both of these games made me question the quality of the entire series and truly wonder if these games are even good.
Even my wife laughs at how gay this game is. Its like playing a vita version of ff xiv but instead of real people youre playing with an extremely homosexual j rock band.
The combat is just, really bad. Worse than the duscae demo. Huge open world filled with retarded objectives like find a tomato and take selfies. Then they all take naps together. So many damn naps. if you want to see a cool part look up the areana highwind boss fight. After almost twenty hours that was by far the coolest part and best music.
Jesus, fanboys sure are delusional. Giving out 10s and all they say is
>also quite funny
And then blaming "trolls" when some of them are just disappointed fans
>tfw they are also "raiding" with 10's
Like holy shit irony is a bitch.
>online massage site
>Even my wife laughs at how gay this game is
what about her son
>The shitpost answer is because Americans can actually read unlike yuropoors, so we use letters instead of
must be why you're also using completely arbitrary units of measurement like fucking feet and inches instead of a scale based on the numerical system
In other words, Nomura?
>Using anything other than "Went to the moon" measurements
Only the boy band design, story and character got rewrite from the ground up.
they should stop doing... whatever you can call that and make fucking final fantasy again
>last real ff was X fucking 15 years ago
for fucks sake
>FFX gets better after 20 hours
>FFXV ends after 20 hours
It's almost like those 7 years weren't the result of Square fucking about and moving Nomura between projects...
I love seeing fans of an overrated as fuck series get their panties in a knot when their games get less than a 9/10
>Even my wife laughs at how gay this game is.
It's funny to me how the story tries to paint Prompto as some kind of pussy hound, when he's very clearly a flamboyant twinky homo. His hair, his obsession with taking pictures of the guys all the time, and how he says shit like "Woo hoo! Bath time!".
If this is the way masculinity works in Japan, then no wonder their population is going extinct.
Yeah but besides horii, who can they trust on a lot of these big budget titles?
And horii only does what he fucking feels like.
>XV couldn't even get an 8.8
Yeah but that review was complete bullshit and everybody knows it.
It keeps going up lads.
Everyone knows he was being generous too.
>"""expertly designed gameplay"""
>It's closer to 90 than it is 80
I hate this meme too
spot the crossposter
Well, XV is a movie so I guess it's whatever
That's not bullshit
Twilight Princess has it's legit problems
and 8.8 is literally extremely close to 9, they are saying the game is fucking good
A real complete bullshit review is a faggot whose entire criticism is a lying sack of shit because he only played the first world
Gamespot's Tropical Freeze Review will never stop making me mad
Says the guy who lives in a country where the most popular dudes are people like Justin Bieber.
It's no use, user. You're on a board of normies. You know how normal people don't really care about movie directors, and would probably say Spielberg or nowadays J.J. if asked who their favorite was?
Sup Forums can't comprehend that Inafune, Nomura and Miyamoto have never made a game in their lives. They don't even come close to game "planners" like Kojima, but neo-Sup Forums thinks they're the tits.
neo-Sup Forums thinks they're cool for liking FFXII, yet don't know who Yasumi Matsuno is.
You're in Hell, user.
They didn't actually do that, did they? Why would he only play the first world?
Was the guy fired? Because he fucking should be.
>He made the best JRPG of all time
I'll never understand how people can take a game with Micky, Donald Duck and fucking Goofy in it so seriously.
Is KH that good at suspension of disbelief?
To be fair, it's legitimate to judge a film on how engaging it is.
If Tropical Freeze wasn't engaging enough to continue, then whatever. Although Gamespot does have a history of putting the wrong reviewers on the wrong genres.
Take Twilight Princess for example. I dropped it 3 dungeons in when the gameplay didn't improve and the story was nonexistent/the same bullshit.
It wasn't engaging. In fact, it was a piece of shit. One of the worst games I've played that wasn't broken or needed to be fixed, it was a technically proficient game, it just wasn't fun or interesting, and was borderline annoying half the time.
The gameplay for the time was very different than a lot of RPGs that were available at the time. While games like morrowind had action combat, it was slower and dice based.
KH is more devil may cry and it has a lot of fanservice for both audiences it clashed together.
I just submitted my user score for the game. What do you guys think of it?
seems better than 13
I really hope this is satire.
They use 'normie' not 'normalfag' you inbred retard.
>mfw Cody aka "Pretendo" gave the game a 0
>he recommended Paper Mario: color Splash
i felt like he made sense until you popped up
Yeah, that was even worse. But gamespot and IGN lost their credibility years ago.
Daily reminder
I don't take the story seriously, but the game has very good aesthetics/design and atmosphere.
Conan was right, it is a japanese shit
I despise you people
>neo-Sup Forums
Old Sup Forums were more eager to suck the cock of a cult of personality in the gaming industry than nu-Sup Forums is.
reviewers only matter when they help my shitposting!
japanese shit, deserves 2/10
it just came out and hardly anybody has finished it and bots are spamming the ending in every chat